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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Probably like the atom, but stretched into the shape of Itachi's, or something along those lines

Why did you withdraw from the contest?

And Hito, go the GFX center, it should be under DL's stuff



could be... [spoiler=I think either]












BT withdrew

And yeah try not shortposting anymore, or I'll have to give a warning :/

Also, I don't really know what the banner business is about either >.>

And Daybreak, your post in HB completely disregards mine...mind editing it?


Hito wants the render of the banner DL made...

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Hito my man, do me a favor brah?

Try not to shortpost

Shortpost=5 words or less

Don't worry about it though, cause I know you're the type of guy who immediately stops that when told

Course Daybreak is offline...

EDIT: Ninjew, you have a problem with that too, try lengthening them

I know you're capable of long ones :/

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Daybreak, one more shortpost and I warn you.


Hito, you're off the hook, even though you shortpost a lot, your post are actually really on topic, for the most part.


@BT - You'll get the warning removed in a week if you don't shortpost again during said time.

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