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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Can you guys test something for me? Check if you have a really old thread. Thanks.



on my GOTA2 thread the original is posted there....


yes, so add that BT has a warning, Fusion.


And, did you add my banner(s)?



ha ha... DL you double posted... so it isnt just me XD

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Will try Hito.


Just posted my app on hidden base.Aldo I realy don't get whats going on and my RP skills have probably died,but hey....



Also for some reason I can't see the banner :\



what benner... my new one...


ATTENTION!!!: guys they changed the links of all the threads.... so the old links dont exist.... >.>

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Oh, ok Ben, though it would still be easier if I could go to My Contents and see my set there. Also, Fusion mind pming me that giant Akatsuki pic.


The contents only go 1 year back.... I cant find anything...


Actually, I second Ninjew's idea.


fine.... I'll stop shortposting.... Dark Link.....


Ok fusion.... write me up

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