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Akatsuki of YCM: Rising Dawn

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Yes i'm going to teach him the Shinra Tensei(Almighty Push)


The one thing though is I have telekinesis, which can repel people if I can gain control over their mind >.>

So I don't know if I'd have a use for it, but any other technique (maybe something with lightning, I can only use Thunderhand right now) would be good

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Well, if you can use lightning and water together, surely you could use them separately? Like with Yamato's Wood Style, he can do Water and Earth

I could, but then there's also my kiai, which is like a less powerful version of Shinra Tensei

I just kinda think it'd be better if you taught me how to utilize lightning more, but do whatever works I guess (I saw your post, you could edit it if you decide to teach me lightning jutsu *wink wink*)

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Ah very good

And you know what, I'll jump the gun a little since I was planning to do this at the contest's end anyway

Hitokage, I'm promoting you to Anbu!

As such, you'll be getting a member card made by me when I have a moment alone to do so >.>

My one question is do you want Zekrom or the KH guy as your pic (If latter, is it Sora or Roxas, couldn't tell :P)

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