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well isnt someone a sore loser here u go :)

white lightning original effect

Only activate when a "Blue Eyes White Dragon" is sent from your side of the field to the Graveyard. You can pay half your Life Points to inflict 3000 damage to your opponent.fixedYou may only activate this card when one face up "Blue Eyes White Dragon" is sent from your side of the field to the Graveyard. You can pay half your Life Points to inflict 3000 damage to your opponents total life points.reverse transformation original effectThis card can only be activated while you control a face-up "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Pay half of your Life Points and select 1 Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. Destroy all face-up "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" you control and Special Summon the selected monster. The Special Summoned monster gains ATK equal to the total ATK of all your destroyed Blue-Eyes White Dragon" monsters until the End Phase. During the turn this card is activated, if the Special Summoned monster would be destroyed, you can remove this card from play to negate the activation of it and destroy it. If you remove this card from play by its own effect and you don't lower your opponent's Life Points to 0 During this turn, you Lose Life Points equal to the Special Summoned monster's ATK.



You may only activate this card while you control a face up "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". You can pay half your life points and destroy all face up "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" you control to select one dragon-type monster in your graveyard, special summon that monster in face up attack position to your side of the field. The selected monster gains ATK equal to the total ATK of the destroyed "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" until the end phase of your turn.During the turn this card is activated, if the Special Summoned monster would be destroyed, you can remove this card from play to negate the activation of the card and destroy it. if this card is removed from play by its own effect and you don't lower your opponent's Life Points to 0 During this turn, you Lose Life Points equal to the total ATK of the special summoned monster.HAPPY NOW :)


Sorry, but that fix isn't correct.


This card can only be activated while you control a face-up "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Pay half of your Life Points and select 1 Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. Destroy all face-up "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" monsters you control and Special Summon the selected monster. The Special Summoned monster gains ATK equal to the total ATK of all cards destroyed by this effect until the End Phase. During the turn this card is activated, if the Special Summoned monster would be destroyed, you can remove this card from play to negate the activation of that card and destroy it. If this card is removed from play by its own effect and you don't lower your opponent's Life Points to 0 during this turn, you lose Life Points equal to the Special Summoned monster's ATK.


Thats the correct fix.

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I am sorry but how was yours closer to Right than mine? You wrote almost all of the Starting Letters of the Words in Small Letters and almost all of them should be with Big Capitals and what Card have you seen Start with "You May"? None. So sorry but when you give me a Negative Rep for a Reason Like this this is what you get. I mean i just told you that yours isn't Correct either and you gave me a Neg Rep. Yeah, and i'm the Sore Loser.

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Wait i was Rude for saying and i Quote:


"You know you could all State the OCG Errors so that we know what we did wrong instead of being too lazy to Write them."




"Um i'm sorry but Coco the OCG you wrote is more wronger than our original Card's OCG. Maybe you're fixing it in the Old Yu-Gi-Oh OCG but the new one is correct. You can ask any of the more Popular members to come here and he will tell you that your OCG is wronger than our Original OCG. Just saying."


And you weren't Rude by calling me a Sore Loser 3 times in a Row. Yeah, and i was being Rude.

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