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I'm an Okami nut. xD


I'm hoping that Okamiden can live up to it's predecessor, but it probably won't, in terms of music, and beautiful artwork that is. Then again, I might be completely wrong.


Okami on the go is a dream to me. ^^

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@Flame Dragon: You should rent the first game (Okami) if you're unsure you'll like it. Okami is based on Japanese culture/mythology, and it's core gameplay is similar to Zelda's, but it's different at the same time. If you don't like either of those, you should still give Okami a try. You can find the Wii version of the game at Gamestop if you want to buy it, but the PS2 version (the original version) is a lot harder to find.


@TAG: I know it will be good :P from the way the game looks, it present's itself quite nicely.


@Clair: It might not since the DS is less powerful then the PS2/Wii, but the game still looks great :) as for the music it might be just as good. We will find out once the game finally comes out. Also I'm a Okami nut too xD after only playing 10 minutes of the game, it became very addicting >_<.

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