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The Green Day Club

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Hello, and welcome to The Green Day Club!


Here we discuss Green Day and their epicness. We can also discuss music in general.


[spoiler=Club Rules]

All YCM Rules Apply

No Spamming

No Flaming

No Foul Language

Broken Rules Result in a Warning. 3 Warning = Banned From Club. If you post when you are banned you will be reported to a mod. Warned/Banned Members are in the Wall of Shane Below.



[spoiler=Wall of Shame]




[spoiler=Member App]


Favorite Green Day Album:

5 Favorite Green Day Songs:

Is Green Day Your Favorite Band?

If No, What Is? (Leave Blank if you selected Yes for the above question)





Shadow Yoshi



El Make



Dark Link 401

Niashi Inumaki

21 Guns


Zimiri of the Muse

mjs best









There are three rankings: Manager, Staff, and Members.

I am the only manager, and I have full priority to this club.


Staff members can fill in for me while I'm offline. To become staff, you must reach 50 posts in this thread or be the second member to join. There will only be 5 Staff Members.


Members are just ordinary people...



[spoiler=Top 5 Songs]

This part of the club is the Top 5 Songs. Post your 5 favorite Green Day songs in your application and the ones with the top amount of votes go in the top 5.


1. 21 Guns ~ 4 Votes

2. American Idiot ~ 4 Votes

3. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) ~ 2 Votes

4. Boulevard of Broken Dreams ~ 2 Votes

5. Jesus of Suburbia ~ 2 Votes



[spoiler=Green Day Rock Band Friend Codes]












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Username: El Make

Favorite Green Day Album: 21st Century Breakdown

Favorite Green Day Song: BOBD (Boulavard of Broken Dreams)

Is Green Day Your Favorite Band: Yes


Funny... my friend and I were considering making a Green Day club... meh, might as well join.

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Username: Dark Link 401

Favorite Green Day Album: American Idiot

Favorite Green Day Song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams or 21 Guns

Is Green Day Your Favorite Band? No

If No, What Is? (Leave Blank if you selected Yes for the above question) Kids Alive (but Green Day is my 2d favorite American band)

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Username: Niashi Inumaki, der

Favorite Green Day Album: American Idiot

Favorite Green Day Song: Good Riddance(Time of Your Life)

Is Green Day Your Favorite Band? YES


Finally, a club that has my 3rd favorite color, 24 hours, my favorite band, and a club-based thread, all in one.

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You all are accepted.


EDIT: We should try to start a topic. I'm gonna create a part of the club where all the members vote on their 3 Favorite Songs and albums, and I post the top 5 with the most votes. What do you think?


EDIT2: *Trying to find info about new Green Day album*


Nothing. If they do make a new album, I'm buying it for sure.

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You skipped out on a Green Day concert?




Thwn I converted you to liking them. >:3

Yes, and I thank you sincerely for that~


If you hadn't told me BOBD was made by them, I swear, I wouldn't have died satisfied, I used to love that song, when I had only heard it once~

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