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Shadow Yoshi's Ultimate Sprite Emporium! ~ Shop is closed. Mods, please lock.

Archbaron Larry

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I whould like a TwoFaced recolor. Sprite: http://http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/es.pokemon/images/2/25/Deoxys_RZ.png Left color: Blue. Right color: Red. Other:I whould like that in the side of Red,the Deoxys details are blue.In the Blue side the details are red,and that is =) PD:You got added to my friends succesfully.Good to see that you are another Yoshi fan!

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It turned out OK, but not the best.


Oh, sorry about the other thing by the way. I can give you your 6 Points back if you want them.


EDIT: I'm logging off now, so I probably won't be able to get any more orders in until tomorrow. You can order now, but they won't be finished until tomorrow.

Dont worry.Take the 6 points as a gift for your services :)

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