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Shadow Yoshi's Ultimate Sprite Emporium! ~ Shop is closed. Mods, please lock.

Archbaron Larry

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In the workers poilicy tab, I thought I put "We have enough workers on there."


[spoiler=My Final Statement]

This thread has been my most sucsessful thread ever with over 300 Posts.


But sadly, it must end...


8th Grade is beginning to get harsh, and if you know me from when I first joined, I usually am only active in the summers. Well, the same thing is happenning this year, and I won't have the time to manage this thread or maybe even visit YCM at all. What sucks is usually when I return, a bunch of new members comeand take over YCM and the ones I have come to be friends with are gone. If you ordered just recently and it hasn't been done yet, I will fill it in and PM it directly to you. Make sure you read the spoiler below.


So anyway, please lock this thread, mods... :(


[spoiler=But Wait....]

When the school year ends for me (at the beginning of June), I will visit YCM again. I will re-open this shop, and it will be called the same thing, so you shouldn't have trouble finding it. I will PM all of my workers and people who ordered a lot to visit the new shop. Until now, goodbye. BUT ILLA BEH BACK!!! ;D





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Aww... *blushes like hell* Thnx guyz! You keep me here.

Here General:

But i made 2 versions. I know you asked for Blastoise's tail, but I couldn't find a good place for it so I made a tailed one, and one with no tail. And yes I'm workin' on Zextra's order. Yay, no confusion!

No-tails Jinchuuriki:


Shukaku in Poke-Splice form:


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