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~ Bullet Master


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So, me and X-L are trying to make a fan fic, and this is the boss monsters of the Set he will be using. Bullet Monsters!  

Bullet Master




ATK 3200 / DEF 2400


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing a Level 4 or higher "Bullet" monster with Bullet Counters equal to its Level. When Tributing the monster, you can remove other "Bullet" monsters you control to increase or decrease that monsters Level. When this card is Summoned, it gains Bullet Counters equal to the Level of the Tributed monster. Once per turn, place 1 Bullet Counter on this card. You can remove 2 Bullet Counters to select and destroy 1 card. You can remove 1 more Bullet Counter to prevent this effect from being negated and negate the selected cards effects. This card can only attack by removing 1 Bullet Counter from it.





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Bullet can have as many Counter as they want.


It looks godlier on this template...Awesome...


@Galadrien: Probably the only mistake on there. Suppose to be by 1. So you have two Bullet monsters, 1 is Level 4, but you only have 3 Bullet Counters this turn. You want this card, so you put all 3 Bullet Counters on the Level 4, remove the other Bullet Monster to decrease its Level by 1, making it Level 3 which = the Bullet Counters. Then you can Summon this card.


He's suppose to be Summonable in tight spots when you're about to lose.


Great card. 11/10...owait. xD

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Thanks arch.


And it's up in my thread as 050. I have also edited a part of the effect (For the description below), the part with the when Tributing, you can decrease/increase, I added "by 1." to the end of that sentence.


And now that I have more than 40, time to make an FF.

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Well that explains a lot about the naming.


Actually, the reason why I made this set, was because my friend didn't like yugioh cause nothing good had guns to do with them. Pretty much anything that went to TCG was edited so they wouldn't have guns (Don Zaloog for ex).


So I made this Archtype.


I just realized: He's labeled Warrior.



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