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The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and Others Discussion


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I'd say 'Twilight' but the Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, despite being a side book of the series, is the most awesomest ever, and the most touching by far. Hell, it even gave me a headache when I finished it. It only takes an hour or so to finish so....yeah. Download link here.


But anyway, the overall topic is the 'Twilight Series'. I know you people are going to say stuff, and I admit that, as King said, Stephenie Meyer is a crappy author. But you can appreciate at least she has a wide imagination....and something like that. The current books in the series are 'Twilight', 'New Moon', 'Eclipse', 'Breaking Dawn', 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner', and another coming soon called....'Dark High Noon'.

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