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Unknown Mutation. An rp based on Superpowers. [Started/Always Accepting in OOC/Pg-16]


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It was at this time that Horus once again appeared. He calmly levitated up to the window through which Jinhro had broken into the hospital. As he levitated, he was rubbing what appeared to be a wet cloth along the blade of his black scythe, the crystal of which it was composed showing through were still more paint had flecked off. The others just might catch that he was wiping blood off of the blade, but then again they might not. After a moment, he simply slipped the scythe back into the strap upon his back which held it in place. He looked at the group emotionlessly through the black lenses of his sunglasses. He gestured over his shoulder with his head towards the city. There were already various cries of terror and pain as those the virus had taken hold of began going on a rampage.


"Well, if we're going to handle the people that this 'virus' is affecting, we had better move fast."

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"We head east. That's where the Virus is most serious. The Virus can be cured. That much is known. It is similar to the common cold but the atomic structure of the viral pathogen is similar to a mix of water and salt. Very similar. But that is not important. The Virus can be cured, but it hasn't been made yet. BUT it can be beaten out of its victims. Literally. The people infected with this Virus turn into creatures that look like those from that stupid movie Where the Wild Things are. Except they are sentient, appear from Dusk to Dawn, and the victims cannot be found. They are painfully plague and diseased and if they do survive, they become the creatures growing large. What is worse, the people who have the virus always instinctively kill those who knew about the virus and any snoopy family. At night they look like any other person, cringing in fear from the people who have been infected. They also have the ability to control plants whole the virus is active and some can do more, deadly things. The virus has overrun beautiful Spain and is now spreading in Morocco, Belize and India. Its unknown why it has this pattern, but we were tipped & begged by an anonymous source to stop these people. There are few things, like the monsters have camouflage,but that's it. Also they are blaming the Unknown's having powers for this one, so after we defeat the virus, we kill whoever said that s***. Finally, though you may not think it, the virus drives its hosts to kil. It preys on a survival instict, using prejudice against other effected but slaughtering those who aren't. So far the disease is contained, but We have to go. Now you ready to go?"

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[spoiler=OOC] Ryeden.. remember to update the first post's info. in the OOC and Here.. you haven't added Lord of Chaos to the Members spoiler in the OOC, i havent checked in here yet.. and the reason my response is sol late was my internetz ran out and went slow ^^'



Kazuya then sat on a nearby chair watching the group, his shadow walking over and tapping Jason on the shoulder lightly to get his attention. "Judging from what I just saw between you and Jinhro I would guess you would dislike him leading you.. correct?". Kazuya then stood as his shadow returned to its normal position while Kazuya watches Jason, then turning to Kyko "Brother.. if you don't mind, since Jinhro has said the Virus can be beaten out of the victims may I see how well Jason can deal with them, since it would help keep him and Jinhro concentrated more on the situation if they weren't near another to start another rivalry within us.. and brother you wont need to worry about it just being me and him.. if they get too much i could always fly me and him out" I said as my shadow grew wings, the legs of my shadow connecting to the back of my feet as wings grew on my back out side of my clothing yet fully operation, made out of Shadows from the nearby area which myn pulled in.

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Jinhro chuckled a bit. "I have no qualms with Jason. If he wishes to do what you said though he may. Now, to those of you who cannot fly, grab on to me. The first place we are set to go is India. The virus is said to be centered around a small town and every night growling can be heard from the cave. Also another thing, the creatures can put up a rather good fight and they out number us, at least 5 to 1. That being said, make sure you have a partner with you at all times." Jinhro's body began to hover in the air as he began to take the others to the base. He lead them down a corridor and into the Ship Bay. "There's our ride, for those of you who can't fly. The coordinates are set in the GPS so it'll guide you to the meeting place. Everyone else--" the doors to the bay opened allowing the room for take off. "Let's go." With a sonic boom Jinhro took off into the sky.

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Kyko remembering a tool Unknown had brought it with him.

"Guys i created a machine that duplicate urself, but it has the same properties of double team (pokemon reference).

We should use it to confuse the monsters and destroy them quicker."

Kyko then summoned slifer and caught up to them.

"Let's go kick ASS!"

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the shadow then grabs Jason around his waist holding him floating above Kazuya as he flew out through the window with his wings of shadow, pulling out his GPS to see where the First location is before he started going faster. Kazuya then puts his GPS away as the shadow holding Jason lower him over so he was at equal height a few feet to the left of Kazuya, "Now we don't want to fall behind them do we?" he asks calmly as they move through the air, Slifer only just in sight to their left. "so Jason, can you fly on your own or does the shadow have to hold you the whole way?" he asks lightly as he pulls out a book, starting to sketch something into it while they move through the air, flying without watching ahead.

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Jason looked at Kazuya

"I control earth, so i could try levitating a boulder under me, but I have never tried, so it may not work."

Jason was very uneasy as this was the first time he had ever been flying

"But I can move the earth under me at a modderat speed, I wouldn't be able to go over water, but over land i could get from place to place fairly fast."

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Kazuya flew over towards Kyko, Slifer's wing covered in shadow which acted as it's wing normally would allowing it to go at its normal speed as he lands on the back of it with Jason behind him, knowing from it's speed that it had injured it's wing that was covered.. "brother.. It's obvious Slifer got hurt.. why didn't you say anything about it.. you know his wing stays perfectly fine inside the shadow" Kazuya asked calmly looking back at Jason for a second. "okay.. Jason if you think you can catch yourself and move along the ground you can do so if you want and I'll pick you up at the next body of water, I have to talk to Kyko about Ryeden for a second" he says laying back slightly and looking over towards the head of Slifer a few feet away, where Kyko usually sat to steer the large creature. "Brother.. think you can leave Slifer to fly by himself and with my shadows help?" he asks slowly moving along Slifer's back, millions of tiny legs on his back made of shadow moving him forwards. as he pets Slifer slightly, hoping it would remember him and not try to eat him.

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"I didn't say anything bc i dont always want your help brother, i can do things on my own sometimes!"

Kyko sighed then stood up and raised his arm up to the sky

"Remember the first time we did that and became brothers? Man i do miss my mom so much.... Slifer fly by urself for a while ok."

Slifer let kyko and kazuya jump off his back and flew and watched over jason

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Jason was startaled hearing the voice then realized it was Slifer

"Im afraide of hights and have never been off the ground before."

Jason closed his eyes tight trying not to look around

"I apreiate you flying me an all, but flying for me is something I dont think Im ever going to get used to."

Jason resumed his mumbling trying to keep his mind off how high up they were

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Horus let out a long sigh as he followed after Jihnro, coming to the hangar where the airplane was kept. He shook his head, knowing that there wasn't anyone among them that actually knew how to fly such a vehicle. What he decided to do was something that the others would likely find bizarre. he brought his scythe down level with the ground, sat down on the haft, and levitated up into the air. He remained there in place for a few moments, and then he shot off into the sky after Jihnro, using his telekinetic powers to create a sort of bubble of unmoving air around his body, allowing him to fly through the air uninhibited by the difficulties that aerodynamics would have on a human flying.

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"Well don't worry, we're here you all. That's our location," Jinhro said as he nosedived into his descent. He knew that the time zone change was great but it was the middle of the night hen thy got there. They were all wide awake. They'd been flying for about two hours at high speeds so it was reasonable to think that they wanted to take a break. As Jinhro grew closer to the ground, he began spinning in his nosedive. It created a breif vacuum behind him dragging the others along with him. He was bored which is the only reason why he did it. Looking down, he haled his body as he landed a few feet above a field. Then the air behind him hit the ground with a large thud as he stood in the middle of the field. "First order of business, get some damn food I'm hungry as well a starved shark."

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Horus came to a landing a few feet from Jihnro, still levitating upon his scythe. As he leapt down, he began stretching his legs out to try and recover the feeling in his behind. After a few moments, he picked up his scythe from where it had remained levitating above the ground and placed it firmly in the straps holding it to the back of his trench coat. He removed his sunglasses so as to better see in the darkness, his eyes slightly reflecting the moonlight and becoming visible in their red color with the black cross pupils. The next thing he did was to make his way towards the jungle, having seen a river nearby while they were landing. He pushed his way easily through the underbrush, leaving a somewhat cleared path for the others to follow if they chose to.

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Jinrho looked at the bile...disgusted. The smell was profuse and Jinhro was very disturbed by it. "Calm down. It looks weird to them eating like that dude...and that's just nasty. Plus, your lucky you found a Ramen Shop; we're in India. I'm going to eat some Samosas & Curry." Jinrho was careful to step over Kyko's vomit and walked a few blocks away. He found a store and bought a buffet of food for $5 buck. "Gotta love the exchange system...I probably overpaid...it doesn't matter. He's an innocent. At least with the entire family running the restaurant, I'd suspect he was," Jinhro said as he sat down, ate and mused to himself quietly. A thought occurred to him so he played on it. "Excuse me kind sir, as I know it is night right now, what can you tell me about the creatures that come around during the day?" The man's face went pale as he went to the back. He reappeared with a beautiful young Indian woman. He made gestures for him to speak again and so Jinrho did. The girl was his daughter and they knew quite much about the going ons.

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Kyko had fainted after he threw up, when he awoke he saw a mysterious man infront of him

"Hello! Do you kno anything about the monsters appearing??"

"Monsters eh?"

The man began to grow and become a weird but fearful monster


the monster took a swipe at kyko but he jumped and dodged, in air he drew his sword and forced electricity around it.

"As Chris Brown said say bye bye!"

kyko stabbed him through the chest

"Heh easy enough."

As kyko was running away the monster put his hand through kykos chest

"Oh s***."

Kyko fell unconsious

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