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Soul Calibur 4 Arthas

Ninjazombie 117

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Hey guys. I've scoured the internet for a good character build for Arthas (Lich King version) but frankly all the ones I've seen so far SUCK!!! In my opinion, Gram fails as a Frostmourne. Just because it has the runes doesn't make it resemble Frostmourne any more than the others. I need a helmet. A lot of the builds I've seen don't have helmets. Also, it doesn't have to have good stats, just bear the strongest resemblance to Arthas (Lich King) as possible. I've built one myself and I have 2 questions for you all today.


The Epuipment has each name first, then the Color Code.


Waepon - Soucalibur 2p


Head - Demonic Kabuto; 0: 38, 25 / 4: 01, 18

Face - None

Neck - Dark Knight's Cloak; 0: 38, 25

Shoulders - Lusca Spaulders; 0: 38, 25 / 6: 01, 23

Undergarments - Chain Mail; 0: 02, 32 / 5: 01, 32

Chest - Death's Cuirass; 0: 36, 29 / 0: 35, 11 / 0: 34, 29 / 0: 35, 23

Gauntlets - Gaurdian's Gauntlets; 0: 01, 32 / 0: 44, 32

Belt - Hero's Belt; 0: 02, 32 / 0: 35, 23 / 0: 35, 23 / 0: 01, 20

Feet - Bandages; 0: 01, 06

Boots - Warthog Boots; 0: 36,23 / 0: 02, 33



HP Drain B

Skill Ability Up

Nullify Ring Out C

Auto Counter C


Physical Traits:

Physique: -50 Muscularity: +50

Male Voice: 6 Pitch: -50

Hair: Long Straight

Male Face 10

Hair Color: 7: 01, 01

Facial Hair Color: 3: 01, 01

Eye Color: 9: 34, 09

Skin Color: 2: 52, 09




One: Is mine any good?


Two: Do any of you have a better one that most closely resembles Arthas (Lich King)?

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