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Over Powered Ninja's!

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Okay Peoples! This is my Over Powered Ninja contest! Each person who enters this contest must create a "Ninja" monster that has 10 stars.(no more, no less.)

I don't care if the monster has an effect but I favor monsters with effects bacause I think they are more interesting. NO DIVINE MONSTERS! Remember, the only reason I called this contest over powered ninja's was because they had to have 10 stars. NOT BECAUSE THEY SHOULD BE RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL CARDS! Remember the word BALANCE when making your card.


There is no entry fee


The prize would be 3 reps once I figure out how to give people reps on the edited sight.


I am the only Judge





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This card can be Summoned with 3 tributes. If this card is Tribute Summoned successfully with 3 tributes, flip a coin and call it. If you call it right, you can switch the ATK and DEF of 2 monsters on the field. During your Main Phase only, if this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play 1 FIRE and 1 WATER monster from your side of the field, to Special Summon this card in face-up Defense Position on your side of the field.


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Okay thanks, here's my really overpowered Ninja card;


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Increase this cards ATK by an amount equal to the number of non-Tuner monsters used to

Summon this card x1000. Once per turn, you can Special Summon

1 Warrior-Type monster from your hand. By Tributing 1 monster

you control you can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls.

All Battle Damage you take while this card is in Attack Position is halved.

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Count me in.







1 Aqua-Tuner+ 1 or more non- tuner monsters

This card is also a Warrior-Type. By paying 200 life points, add 1 "Dojo of Antarctica" to your hand. Pay 600 life points to Special Summon either an Aqua-Type monster or a monster with "Ninja" in its name from your deck (this effect can only be used once)



and here is a card that is in the effect, if you don't mind.



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This contest is finally over! I am disapointed that some of you did not read the intructions carefully enough. I said that I do not want the card to be too over powered. I just needed it to have 10 stars. And the winner is.............................................................. catman with his card "Thermal Ninja"! Congrats to the winner!

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