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Maliki vs Byakuya Kuchiki


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I want to have a 1 on 1 with someone


3 reps to winner

first to 5 votes wins






This monster can also be treated as an Insect-Type monster. This monster gains 600 ATK and DEF for every "Thunder Gnat" in your and your opponent's Graveyard. When your opponent destroys an Insect-Type monster by a Trap-Card, you can send this monster to the Graveyard instead. If this monster is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, your opponent must discard his/her hand to the Graveyard. If this card gets removed from play by an opponent's Monster Card Effect, draw cards equal to the level of your opponent's monster. This monster can not be destroyed by a Dinosaur-Type monster with more or equal to 1900 ATK.

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I shall enter!



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT attributed monster from your graveyard from play. Once per turn, you can return 1 monster on your side of the field back to your hand. If your opponent activates an effect that discards card(s) from both player's hands, Special Summon as many monsters from your hand to the field in face-up defense position. During the turn this card's effect was activated during the End Phase, destroy all monster cards on your side of the field and inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponent.

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