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The Contest Roulette - Are you ready to play?


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My entry:

[spoiler=Rider of the Lightning Storm]123416m.jpg

If another monster attacks this card while you have a Continuous Spell Card activated on your field, you can destroy the Continuous Spell Card to switch the attack to another Level 4 monster on your field. If that monster is not destroyed by the attack, you can increase this monster's ATK and DEF by half of the ATK your opponent's monster.



From my new Lightning Storm Set. Image from Jazin Kay's Archive


UPDATE: Due to Griffin pointing out that both ATK and DEF have to be included, I have changed the Written Lore, but not the card, so please refer to only the written Lore for effect judging.

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here iz my card


[spoiler=my card] 245354pq.jpg


This card cannot be destroyed by battle as long as there is at least 1 monster in either players' Graveyard (damage calculation is applied). Once per turn, During your Standby Phase, select 1 random monster from your Graveyard. The ATK and DEF of this card become equal to the selected monster's until your End Phase. During your Opponent's Standby Phase, select 1 random monster from your opponent's Graveyard. The ATK and DEF of this card become equal to the selected monster's until your opponent's End Phase. During each of the End Phases, send the selected monster to the bottom of its owner's Deck. If there are no monsters in either players' Graveyard, destroy this card, and inflict damage to both players equal to the number of monsters selected by this effect x 100.


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[spoiler=my card]96732c.jpg

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned unless there are at least 3 of 1 Type of monster on the field. During your Stand-by Phase, declare a monster Type. The ATK/DEF of all monsters of the declared Type become 0 until the End Phase. When this monster attacks a monster of the selected Type, your opponent Draws 1 card.



yeah he's powerful, but the atk/def reset for your opponents turn, and they get a card only if HE attacks one of there monsters. so he's balanced.

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Image credit goes to... damn, where did I get this from? Father Wolf? Grml, have to look it up... is it Jazin Kay? I should mention them all, just in case: Father Wolf, Jazin Kay, HP Doom, Wanderley... that's all possible sources... I'm terribly sorry :(


Well, that image is found in my Archive^^




I'll post my card in due time...

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Done! Didn't understand that well what you said about the card can't having an effect like ____, so if I didn't write down my effect properly, any help with how to re-word it to fit the requirements would be greatly appreciated.


[spoiler=Angelic Statue of Frozen Chaos]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 monsters in your hand with 0 ATK or DEF. During each of your Standby Phases, halve the ATK and DEF of all other monsters on the field for every card in your hand. Any monsters that had their ATK or DEF reduced to 1000 or less by this effect are removed from play. Monsters with more than 2000 ATK cannot declare an attack, and monsters with less than 2000 ATK can attack directly.. During each of your End Phases, both players take 200 damage for every monster in their removed from play zone.


Image Credit To: Jazin Kay



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[spoiler=The Swaping Slot]128884j.jpg

When this card is Summoned (excluding Special Summon), you can have all Machine-Type monsters gain 500 DEF. When this card attacks, flip a coin. Activate the appropriate effect based on the result:

Heads- Switch the original ATK and DEF of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.

Tails- Switch the original ATK and DEF of this card.

When this card is destroyed, switch the original ATK and DEF of all monsters on the field that have a DEF higher than their ATK.



I spent a good amount of time on this. I don't think it is my best though.

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Create a card that alters ATK & DEF, but not by raising/lowering it by X amount. (i.e., I don't want to see "Increase/decrease...ATK/DEF by X000.")


Well, here's my card:


[spoiler=Sword of the Sacred Phoenix]102180.jpg

Image Credit to Jazin Kay



Equip only to a Warrior-Type monster. Once per turn you can select 1 monster your opponent controls and change the equipped monster's ATK and DEF to the selected monster's ATK and DEF but the equipped monster cannot attack during this turn. During your Standby Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard, you can remove from play 3 Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard to add this card to your hand.

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My card has the altering of ATK and DEF, but monsters get destroyed when only their ATK or DEF gets reduced to 0, so would that still meet the criteria?


Too lazy to check, but if it changes ATK by a not-set amount, and changes DEF by a not set amount, 's good in my books.

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*sigh*, a constant means you always increase or decrease by a fixed amount. such as: increase atk by 400.


so, decreasing to 0 doesn't count since monsters have different atk and def

/fail question. So would my card meet the criteria for a constant? Sorry, just not use to the word 'constant' on or off of YGO D:

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Create a card that alters ATK & DEF, but not by raising/lowering it by X amount. (i.e., I don't want to see "Increase/decrease...ATK/DEF by X000.")


so anything that says "increase/decrease by x000" or " increase atk by the number of cards x 1000" or anything similar does not meet criteria


which means anbu's card currently does not meet criteria due to the "by 400" part

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My Entry:


[spoiler=Exey-23, The Numerologist]




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

While on the field or in your Extra Deck, you can treat this card's Level as 4, 8, or 12. When this card is Synchro Summoned, its ATK becomes its Level, divided by 4, x1400. Once per turn, you can discard a card to roll a six-sided die. If any other card on the field can have its original ATK or DEF divided by the result and produce a number ending in two zeroes, that card's ATK and/or DEF becomes that number. If the ATK or DEF of a card is equal to 2300, it cannot be destroyed by card effects that do not target.




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