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Bloody Darkness: A Hogwarts RP [[Pg-13/Accepting in OOC/Started]]


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Finishing the Butterbeer and stumbling through the door to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, Elena tripped over her own feet and landed flat on her face. "Ow.." she muttered as she climbed to her feet, rubbing her forehead. Moving over to the shelves that were half-full of Skiving Snackboxes, Elena picked up a box of Fever Fudge, Nosebleed Nougat and Puking Pastilles. Picking up a handful of Dungbombs and a couple of Pygmy Puffs and wandering over to the counter where Virgil and Selene were, Elena dumped her items onto the counter and said to Virgil, handing over the Dungbombs, "Want these? Don't eat them though, or you'll need more than Butterbeer to... erm... yeah..." turning to the assistant at the counter, she continued, "I want this, this, this, this and this." Frowning and sliding one of the Pygmy Puffs over to the other end of the counter she muttered, "But I don't want him. He said I was drunk. I'm not drunk... I'm in... ee... briated. Wait. Here's money." Emptying a few galleons onto the counter, Elena lost her balance and fell to her knees, grabbing Virgil's arm to stop herself falling flat on her face again. "Owee..."

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Selene smirked as she had a basket ful of items. "Okay, here's what I want," she said completely soberly, and paid out the money. She looked at Hunter. "Anything you wanna get? You paid for the butterbeer, I can help you out here." she said kindly, and with a broad smile.


The man nodded to Selene but looked a little strangely at Elena. "Uhm, miss, you owe one more galleon to the counter for that stuff...and...hey, Alexa!" he called over another employee at the shop. "Take back the pygmy puff, please..." he gestured to Elena's discarded pygmy puff.

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"More? More?" Elena rose and glared at the man behind the counter. Reaching beneath her robes, she said quietly, "Well there's only one thing to do about that isn't there?" Quickly a galleon from her robes, she slammed it against the counter with a thud. "I'll have to pay won't I? But, if you don't mind I'd like to sit down for a while I'm a little light-headed and there's a lot of boxes with my name on them." Elena paused and gave a look of extreme and pained concentration. "Though they used to have Bertie's name on them but I scribbled my name over because Bertie was being rude and calling me names. And with that I bid you adieu". Sliding to the floor, with her back against the counter, Elena looked up to her friends and said dreamily, "This is soooo comfortable. Sit down. Please?"

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Valarie watched Virgil acting very drunk a bit uncomfortably. He wasn't acting, of course, he was really drunk, because of all the butterber. She had to admit that it was a bit funny, watching him act like that. Valarie had never been drunk before. She had seen her father once though, and her Mother had highly dissaproved of the "Improper example for a 13 year old child". Her Mother was just uptight like that. Valarie walked out of the THree Broomsticks, roaming the streets, bored. There was really nothing to do, so she just walke around with a dull expression on her face.

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Hunter had followed Selene. He held a basket of his own, including a wide range of items Possibly his favorite was the Paruvian Instant Darkness Powder he'd found. He'd found so many uses for the stuff it wasn't funny. As he unloaded his purchases to pay, and produced his money. As the shop assistant priced up thier items seperately Hunter smiled, waiting for Selene's answer. He thought for a moment, if he was to follow up on the way he'd felt for years now and ask her out, where would be a good place to do it, when would there be a good time? Was there somewhere in Hogsmead the pair could go for a good date? "Thanks, but I've got this, Selene." He said a little late, allowing himself to get distracted in thought.

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Selene grinned and nodded and waited for him to pay. Ooh, she had forgotten the Peruvian Instant Darkness powder! But she DID have some left, so there was no use going back to get it if she had already paid.

"We still ahve about an hour of time to kill before we get called back, so where do you wanna go? Coffee?" she offered to Hunter.

She looked at Elena and Virgil. "And are you two planning to come with us?" she asked, wondering what they would look like if they walked down the main street drunk.

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Virgil giggled and said, "I'm not too drunk anymore, kinda drunk, my vision is blurry, but other than that my metabolism is helping, alot." He stuttered abit with his walking, but kept going, "We should go to, ummm, anywhere but Three Broomsticks," Virgil told her getting more sober by the second, "We should go to, the forbidden forest, just kidding," he giggled again, but not before walking over to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and came out holding some puke pastilles. "I'm ready let's go, somewhere else."

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Looking up at Selene, Elena answered with a rather distant voice. "Ah! I shall have to decline your polite offer, dear lady, for I must head off into the sunset on my mighty steed. Allegedly. In truth," Elena hiccuped and dropped a box of Every Flavour Beans., "Bloody Bertie. Anyway, I think I'll follow. At least for a while. I may or may not experience some light-headedness but that is merely a side effect of your medication." Frowning, confused over her lack of relevance and general idiocy, Elena closed her mouth and thought. Opening her mouth again, she continued, "I'll tag along, as long someone points out any lack of... erm... consciousness to me... Loudly..." Climbing to her feet, Elena was ready to leave and, perhaps, even fall asleep.

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"Ah...er...okay..." she said, unsure. "Any ideas? I usually stick around Wizard Wheezes, but you two are still drunk and I don't want you knocking off eeverything off the shelves."

She looked around. "We could go to a coffee shop, or...hey, I see Jecht in the window of the ice cream parlor, let's go there..." she offered, waving at the figure of Jecht in the window.

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Hunter kind of hoped to steal some private time with Selene. "Coffee sounds good, but first." He pointed to a large group of Slyverine students visible outside the window. He smiled to Selene "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He said as his smile turned to a smirk briefly. He was ready with instant darkness powder and dungbombs. "We sneak around a bit, suround them, hit them with the darkness powder, then dungbomb them from all directions, they won't even know what's going on!" Hunter was probably being a little cruel, but it was all in fun, and he knew Selene liked pranking Slytherines, so maybe this'd be a thing for bonding between them. "What do you guys think?" He said asking everyone present.

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Selene laughed. "Oh, I like your thinking! You have the darkness powder, and I have the dungbombs... well, you have both, I have the dungbombs, but I have dungpellets too. So lets do this!" she laughed again.

"You guys wanna join in?" she asked dubiously as she turned to Virgil and Elena, wondering if their drunkenness would ruin the moment. She looked at them curiously. They seemed to be getting soberer by the minute.

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((Hope this is okay...))

Valarie strolled around a bit more on the streets of Hogsmead. She drifted from people to people, including a group of Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, and a mixed group. She hung out with a couple of Slytherins for a bit too. At first some of them noly sneered at her for being in Gryffindor, but then when they realized her parentage, they welcomed her quite warmly. She chatted with them a bit, speaking words that she wouldn't remember the next day simple small talk, though she tended to avoid topics about Gryffindor students.

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Regulus had gone to the library. There he picked up some books. Books that seemed interesting to him and ones that talked about the schools history. He speed read threw them trying to find anything that talked about mishaps and evil things that went on in Hogwarts. But unfortunately he found nothing of the sort. Only information about the headmasters and their backgrounds along with achievements the school has reached and things along that nature. He wanted to go into the restricted section but the library was to busy for him to even try to sneak into it. He wasn't going to get caught and cost his house points. He never lost his house any points and he did not want to start now. "Maybe I could trick someone into sneaking into the restricted section for me and retrieve such a book." He thought to himself. But how? Regulus picked out a book about ghosts that seemed to give a lot of information about them. "I'll give this to Sarah. She may enjoy it. If not I'll just read it myself." Regulus said. He checked the book out then returned to the Raven claw common room. There he set the book and looked around. He could not find Sarah. He shrugged she was probably out. Then he decided to walk to Hogsmeade. When he arrived he saw Virgil walking out of the gag shop. "Hey Virgil! I forgot to ask you. When and where are we meeting tonight?" He asked.

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As Jecht watched the multitude of people, as he enjoyed his ice cream, in Hogsmead he saw Selene waving at him. He raised his hand to wave back but she had already turned back to the weasel guy. He lowered his hand and sucked on the fingers of his other hand of the messy ice cream. He continued to sit in the cold shop as he watched out the window. Jecht saw the girl from earlier talking with a group of Slytherins. It was uncommon but not unheard of. Frankly Jecht didn't care. He sat in the shop for a another minute or two before finally getting up and exiting. He was bored and needed something to do.

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Selene saw jecht come out. "So what do you say? are you ready?" she asked Hunter, before turning to Jecht. "Hey, Jecht...we were just going to wreak a plan of malicious intent upon those Slytherins." she said breezily, looking back at the group of Slytherins. It was a group mostly made up of boys, and they were talking amongst themselves about Quidditch.

Quidditch! She knew that it was an enjoyable game, but she didn't understand why boys were so darn OBSESSED with the game!

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Despite the fact that Jecht was shallow, single minded, and frankly a little dim, he didn't understand pranking people you didn't know. He didn't have anything against the Slytherins as a whole, a few individules, of course. "No. I think I'll . . ." He didn't have anything particular in mind to do actually. Maybe something would just pop up. "do something . . . else." He didn't wait for a response from Selene before walking away, looking in the various shop windows, looking at the merchendise.

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Selene watched Jecht go with slight regret, and shrugged, at a loss for what to do.

She turned back to Elena and Virilg. "You guys in?" she askd, curious.




"no. NOO." the ghost whispered/hissed. "Why are there ROPES binding the entrance? magical ropes?"

Sarah, being possessed, was at a loss for what to do.


I relinquish my hold upon you,

May there be blood splattered upon you,

You lay there, prostate, upon the ground

Until somebody finds you and has you come 'round."


Sarah fell down.

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Volpiquer watched the group go, smiling slightly at the drunken antics of Virgil and Elene. Once they had gone and the sound of their passage had passed away into the bustling streets of Hogsmeade, Volpiquer turned back to his date and grinned.

"Let's keep it to one, shall we?" he said, gesturing to their shared bottle and letting loose a single bark of laughter.


When they had finished their Butterbeer, Volpiquer got up and said, "I'm a bit worried about those two, maybe we should go check if they're alright." His date nodded her agreement, saying, "let's go. I hope they haven't gotten into too much trouble," she giggled and walked around the table. Taking her hand, Volpiquer walked out the door.


As they walked out, they saw selene and the others outside the joke shop. The two drunks seemed to have recovered somewhat, though not completely. Walking over to them, his hand not being held was raised in welcome.


"Hi, how was the shopping? Any good buys?" Volpiquer asked the group at large. To the two worse-for-wear members of the gathering he said "a combination of a stone, a goat and a summoning charm would fix your... ahem, condition. Um, I mean a bezoar, by the way."


His date giggled and put her free hand to her mouth, fingers to lips, "you have the funniest turn of phrase sometime Voly," she said, beaming. He smiled at her, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.

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Selene turned and grinned at Volpiquer. "yeah, just some additions to my pranking supplies." she saw that Volpiquer had a Slytherin girlfriend so she felt that it would be not as prudent to include the fact that they were about to prank a group of Slytherins.

"So...erm...where are you two off to?" she asked, hoping to steer the subject away from pranking.


They only had about 45 minutes left, so they should be hurrying...

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Hunter felt a little awkward, but he also saw an oppertunity to get them free of the awkwardness, he offered a sly wink, which he hoped wouldn't be detected. "Anyway guys, it was great to see you, but I was just about to take Selene here to go get some icecream. First date y'know, gotta end it on a good note. You ready to go honey?" He knew this wasn't a date, and that as far as Selene went he'd probably never land one, but the probability wasn't going to hold him back, he'd still try anything he could if there was a chance it would get him closer to the girl. Hunter smiled and put his arm around Selene's shoulders for the sake of being convincing. He liked the feel of her neck against his arm, it was something he could get used to.

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Turning back to selene, Volpiquer replied, "I don't know. Some shopping and then the shreaking shack?" He looked at his date for confirmation and recieved a happy nod. "Then maybe, after we return to Hogwarts, I'll try making some more potions..." he trailed off, unsure if he should continue. After a moment of thought, he said, with a gleam in his eye, "I think I'll try to make one that's the opposite of the draught of sleeping death. I'll call it the elixer of everlasting dawn..." He began to wonder off, lost in thought.


"Sorry, looks like we're going now," said his date, beaming at the others, "He tends to get distracted while he's thinking. It is SO cute when he does that. My scatterbrained Ravenclaw," she paused looking after Volpiquer dreamily, then continued, "anyway, see you in class tomorrow, Selene." And with that she began to follow him towards the door of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, formally Zonko's joke shop.

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"oh yeah....er...see you," Selene had stupidly forgotten to ask what the Slytherin girl's name was, with the distraction of Hunter's arm around her. She wondered whether he was serious or whether it was just a ploy to get them away.

A warm flush crept across her complexion. She hoped he didn't notice.

As soon as they were gone, she turned back to Hunter. "So what's our course of action, cap'n?" she asked with a dash of light sarcasm, and with a light wink.

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"Well... We go get icecream." he said with a smirk. "I'm serious... I mean, if you want to." He closed his eyes briefly, almost praying that she'd say yes. He looked the girl up and down, his arm hadn't left her shoulders, before he suddenly blushed and dropped it, realising that while it was originally an apt distraction the arm around the girl was, by this time nothing more than comming on a little strong. He hoped really liked this girl and he'd have loved for this to be a date, not that he thought he stood half a chance in hell of that. He saw the blush, but he assumed it was her being embarased that he'd just lied about dating her and that that may have embaraced her slightly. "Sorry..." He said oblivious to her true reason for blushing.

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"Well, I guess I'll be leaving," Virgil said, virtually undrunk other than the fact he stumbles after about ten steps, "sheesh, I'll never make it there like this," he said before he appairated away to where ever, most likely a shop, the castle, or to get more butterbeer, but since he didn't have clear thinking, eh ended up in the middle of the forbidden forest, "what am I doing here?" he said, "meh I'll think clearly later, when I'm not drunk, just relax." after 5 minutes he then said, "Urgh, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He then appairated to the Hogsmeade's general area and suceeded at landing before his friends, then he abruptly said, "I'm back!"

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"Hush Virgil. Du bist nicht sehr gut mit entstehung. Wait... that's German. I mean," Elena cleared her throat, "You're not too good with apparition. You've left a shoe behind." Elena pointed to Virgil's left foot, which had a large piece missing from it. "I never knew you could leave clothes behind, only thought it was body parts." Shaking her head, as though a particularly annoying fly had flown close to her ear, she added, "I don't feel so good. Could someone help me walk back, I... something about balance..." Elena fell backwards and landed flatly on her back. Cursing loudly, she lifted herself back to her feet and hobbled slowly away from the group. "I'm going back now. See you later." And swaying slightly, Elena increased her paced and muttered quietly to herself, "I think I'll practice my German.", and spoke silently in, slightly accurate but slow, German on her way back to the castle.

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