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The Points Being Deleted Will Very Soon Be A Problem In CC

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As we all know, there is currently a rule in CC that says you cannot give out more points then you already have. Bad news guys: Nobodies got more then about 10. So, what will those of us with contests currently running do? Most likely we will postpone the prizes until either our points are restored or we earn enough to pay the prizes. So, Huntar!, will you do anything to aid those of us unfortunate enough to have our points deleted when we need them to pay out a contest?

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IMO, reps give a comparatively stupid amount of points, and with no way to see who gives reps, giving them to yourself (Through an alt on a proxy to avoid IP checks) seems like the only reasonably fast way to collect points. The system needs serious rebalance.

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Guest JoshIcy

YCMaker and Falling Pizza ARE handling the Point System problems.


And I am working on a replacement system for Custom Cards. Can you wait a little longer? I saw this coming from Day 1 of the Update ._."

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