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Mind Control Deck (Edited) (Now with holos and a booster pack!)

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Hooray for my first post in Finish Sets :D

Anyway, here's a deck that I made the past few days that focuses on stealing your opponents monster an using them against your opponents, sometimes by reducing their ATKs, sometimes stealing the monsters, etc. Anyway, here we go. Enjoy :D


[spoiler=Booster Pack]





(picture credit goes to JazinKay on photobucket)
















[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated when the only monster on your field is selected as an attack target. Special Summon 4 "Mind Control Tokens" (ATK: 500 DEF:500) in face-down defense position. Flip the monster that was selected as an attack target into face-down defense position. Rearrange the monsters in any order. Your opponent then selects an attack target. If the target is a "Mind Control Token," the attacking monster is destroyed. If the target is a "Mind Control" monster, all cards on your field are sent to the Graveyard and your opponents monster can attack again.










[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Ritual Summoned by activating the card "Mastery of Mind Control" and removing from play 2 "Mind Control" monsters. Once per turn, you can remove from play up to 5 "Mind Control" monsters on your field or in your Graveyard. For every card removed from play, this card gains 1 Mind Control Counter (Max. 10). Mind Control Counters cannot be removed the same turn they are added to this card. Once per turn, your can remove up to 10 Mind Control Counters from this card to take control of 1 monster on your opponents field. For every counter removed, you have that monster for 1 turn. If you remove 10 counters, you don't lose control of that card.



[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "Mind Control Guardian." When this card is successfully Special Summoned, send up to 4 "Mind Control" monsters on your field to the Graveyard. For every monster sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 monster in your opponents Graveyard to your field.





(Pronounced- Mor-shus)


(His name is a combination of Morcius, Narra, and Xeeskan ;D)

[spoiler=Lore]"Mind Control Warrior Xeeskan" + "Mind Control Warrior Narra" + "Mind Control Warrior Morcius"

This card gains 1 of the following effects for every "Mind Control" monster in your Graveyard:

-1+ Take control of 1 monster on your opponents field until the End Phase.

-3+ Pay 800 Life Points to take control of 1 monster on your opponents field.

-7+ Any monster on your field that was taken control of by the effect of a "Mind Control" monster gains 700 ATK and DEF

-15+ This card can take control of up to 3 monsters on your opponents field until the End Phase.



[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "Mind Control" monster. If this cards ATK is lower than the ATK of every monster on your opponents field, Special Summon 1 monster on your opponents field to your field until the End Phase.



(Pronounced- Zee- skan)

[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned, sent up to 4 monsters on your field to the Graveyard. For every monster sent to the Graveyard, add 1 Mind Control Counter (Max. 4) to this card. Once per turn, you can remove up to 4 Mind Control Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 monster on your opponents field. You control your opponents monster 1 turn for every Mind Control Counter removed.







A Somewhat Fair Trade x2

Animated Armor x2

Blessed Blade of Mind Control x2

Cursed Blade of Mind Control x2

Mastery of Mind Control x1

Mesmerizing Shrine x1

Null and Void x1

The Joining of Minds x1

Living Soul x2



Increased Consequences x2

Mind Control Barrage x2

Mind Control Confusion x2

Portal of Mind Control x2



Mind Control Archer x2

Mind Control Guardian x2

Mind Control King x1

Mind Control Knight x3

Mind Control Master x1

Mind Control Queen x1

Mind Control Swordsman x2

Mind Control Templar x3

Mind Control Warrior Morcius x1

Mind Control Warrior Morraskan x1

Mind Control Warrior Narra x1

Mind Control Warrior Xeeskan x1

Mind Control Sledger x3

Ancient Mind Control Guardian x2


TOTAL: 46 Cards.


If you want me to post the lore of any other cards, just say so.

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Wow you actually made what looks like a playable Deck too?


You actually printing these or something?


Cos it looks like you put a lot of work into these.


I don't really want to criticise cos you've done the set and stuff.


Love Morcius' pic.




I want a "Mind Control Templar" in my Deck plz.

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  On 7/31/2010 at 3:13 PM, LiAM said:

Wow you actually made what looks like a playable Deck too?


You actually printing these or something?


Cos it looks like you put a lot of work into these.


I don't really want to criticise cos you've done the set and stuff.


Love Morcius' pic.




I want a "Mind Control Templar" in my Deck plz.


I'm not sure if I'm printing them or not. I might. Anyway, rating is helpful, I don't care if it's a bit harsh of a rating, I've learned to find the positive in a negative review. And you can use a Mind Control Templar :)

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I have no clue. The name just seemed to fit what I was going for. I've never really bought too many actual cards other than some booster packs and structure decks, so if Null and Void is a real card, I definitely haven't heard it.

Rating the rest of the set would be appreciated :D


I have no clue. The name just seemed to fit what I was going for. I've never really bought too many actual cards other than some booster packs and structure decks, so if Null and Void is a real card, I definitely haven't heard it.

Rating the rest of the set would be appreciated :D

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This is a good Archetype however a few flaws (7.10)

- The idea of "Mind Control" sounds dull ... i would say just leave it to "Mind" like, Mind Guardian but that would sound stupid. Also, some of these cards are way OP..

I'm willing to test this deck however the OP cards seemed that they should be forbidden. Such cards are:

- "Animated Armor" Is it a continuous spell? Even so, i feel that it should be a trap continuous (like a call of the haunted)

-Mesmerizing Shrine seems to have lots of typos

-Null of Void is confusing so is "mind Control Confusion"

- i find it impossible to summon "mind control king" if the only tuner is a level 4

well, you still need to add cards, dont you? ... welll good luck :D

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  On 8/1/2010 at 2:22 AM, shadowuchiha08 said:

This is a guy Archetype however a few flaws (7.10)

- The idea of "Mind Control" sounds dull ... i would say just leave it to "Mind" like, Mind Guardian but that would sound stupid. Also, some of these cards are way OP..

I'm willing to test this deck however the OP cards seemed that they should be forbidden. Such cards are:

- "Animated Armor" Is it a continuous spell? Even so, i feel that it should be a trap continuous (like a call of the haunted)

-Mesmerizing Shrine seems to have lots of typos

-Null of Void is confusing so is "mind Control Confusion"

- i find it impossible to summon "mind control king" if the only tuner is a level 4

well, you still need to add cards, dont you? ... welll good luck :D


Actually this is the entire set. You know, that's kinda why I posted the "full deck" thing at the bottom. I'm actually going to change the Tuner to a Level 2 monster to make it easier to use. Null and Void makes it so Portal of Mind Control is less painful to you.

Animated armor: no it's not a continuous spell. Think of it like Monster Reborn, but with more of an effect. The maximum ATK it can get with this specific is 5400, and while that is way OP'd, that would mean literally EVERY monster in this deck except for the selected is in the Graveyard, which is insanely unlikely.

Mesmerizing Shrine: the only typo is that I forgot to say cannot.

Mind Control Confusion: you have 1 monster on your field. It's selected as an attack target. You flip it face down and summon 4 tokens. You then arrange the cards in any order you want. Your opponents monster attacks. It hits a token, your opponents monster is destroyed. If it hits the original monster, every card on your field is destroyed and your opponents monster gets to attack again. Your opponent has a 1/5 change, but if they hit the right card, it's devastating to you, which kind of balances it out.


I don't see how any of these cards are OP, as they have a lengthly process of use, some effects require a lot of work, and others are just a 1-turn thing.

Also, there's a lot of risk. A lot of effects involve getting rid of monsters, which could potentially get rid of all of your monsters in a few turns, and that's why I have cards like Animated Armor.


I appreciate the review, but I simply don't see your point. And be rest assured, this is the ENTIRE set.

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  On 8/1/2010 at 2:45 AM, Random Dude said:

I could see these actually being printed as official cards.


Thanks :D


  On 8/1/2010 at 2:45 AM, Galadrien said:

HOLY "BLEEP", you actually made an entire playable deck, a really good one too. i definitely saw some ocg errors in there. but good work. + rep. i might use this deck, though i tend to rely on traps like mirror force a lot.


rating: 8.5/10


Go on ahead, use it all you want!

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1 word: WOW!!!

You really outdid yourself this time! Though there are OCG errors, these are simply amazing! The pics are perfect, the names (except for Null and VOid, which is an already existing card... http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Null_and_Void ), and the effects are just perfectly fit!

As everyone above me said, these cards would make a really nice actual set!

(Also, I envy your patience; I would never be able to sit still making a set like these!!!)

10/10 and of course +1 rep...oh, make that 3! :D :D :D

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  On 8/1/2010 at 3:56 AM, Zextra said:

1 word: WOW!!!

You really outdid yourself this time! Though there are OCG errors, these are simply amazing! The pics are perfect, the names (except for Null and VOid, which is an already existing card... http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Null_and_Void ), and the effects are just perfectly fit!

As everyone above me said, these cards would make a really nice actual set!

(Also, I envy your patience; I would never be able to sit still making a set like these!!!)

10/10 and of course +1 rep...oh, make that 3! :D :D :D


Thanks so much! And yes, I've been attempting to figure out a new name for Null and Void.

And I have no patience whatsoever, but thanks!

And you get a rep for that great review :D

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  On 8/1/2010 at 2:37 AM, The_Deifiend said:

Actually this is the entire set. You know, that's kinda why I posted the "full deck" thing at the bottom. I'm actually going to change the Tuner to a Level 2 monster to make it easier to use. Null and Void makes it so Portal of Mind Control is less painful to you.

Animated armor: no it's not a continuous spell. Think of it like Monster Reborn, but with more of an effect. The maximum ATK it can get with this specific is 5400, and while that is way OP'd, that would mean literally EVERY monster in this deck except for the selected is in the Graveyard, which is insanely unlikely.

Mesmerizing Shrine: the only typo is that I forgot to say cannot.

Mind Control Confusion: you have 1 monster on your field. It's selected as an attack target. You flip it face down and summon 4 tokens. You then arrange the cards in any order you want. Your opponents monster attacks. It hits a token, your opponents monster is destroyed. If it hits the original monster, every card on your field is destroyed and your opponents monster gets to attack again. Your opponent has a 1/5 change, but if they hit the right card, it's devastating to you, which kind of balances it out.


I don't see how any of these cards are OP, as they have a lengthly process of use, some effects require a lot of work, and others are just a 1-turn thing.

Also, there's a lot of risk. A lot of effects involve getting rid of monsters, which could potentially get rid of all of your monsters in a few turns, and that's why I have cards like Animated Armor.


I appreciate the review, but I simply don't see your point. And be rest assured, this is the ENTIRE set.

Sorry, those cards i mentioned were just slightly OP. and some cards would be better off so that both players can use their effect (if they have a mind control monster) that would make it best. I will see if i can test it out. As for "Finish Set" i was just applying that you were not finish making this archtype seeing that you only have 1 tuner which was a 4 star. anyways, good luck... i have a finish set of my own but i dont know how to post them... care to pm about it?

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  On 8/2/2010 at 4:50 AM, shadowuchiha08 said:

Sorry, those cards i mentioned were just slightly OP. and some cards would be better off so that both players can use their effect (if they have a mind control monster) that would make it best. I will see if i can test it out. As for "Finish Set" i was just applying that you were not finish making this archtype seeing that you only have 1 tuner which was a 4 star. anyways, good luck... i have a finish set of my own but i dont know how to post them... care to pm about it?


Maybe. Based off of other reviews the only thing I really see absolutely to do is make Templar a level 2 and fix up some OCG/grammar. After I finish that, I'm going to print the deck and use it myself

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  On 8/2/2010 at 4:52 AM, The_Deifiend said:

Maybe. Based off of other reviews the only thing I really see absolutely to do is make Templar a level 2 and fix up some OCG/grammar. After I finish that, I'm going to print the deck and use it myself


Gurgle! You actually did ALOT BETTER than the rest of the people in this forum so i raise my vote to 10/10... ..

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