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Bloody Darkness: A Hogwarts RP [[Accepting//started/ADV]]

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Mm... me and Compass have been planning a lot. so I'm going to give you guys a quick rundown on what we've planned.


  • After the heist, things will quiet down and I'll superspeed everything so that its the next weekend
  • then we will see that mysterious bloody ghost
  • and then we will run after it and we'll see that it goes into the broken girl's bathroom (yes, the bathroom AGAIN!)
  • and then we'll see what happens... *muwahahahaha*
  • I don't want all of our active characters to be victimized. So I'm going to stop victimizing people for now and have other mysterious things happen.
  • I'm going to PM Luna because I want to ask her something about her NPCs.
  • This list is finished but it's addicting to make lists


PS: What I mean about not waking up except jecht, is that I mean that he's going to like, completley DISAPPEAR. Like. entirely. COMPLETELY. Yes. Entirely. I mean, hes not going to be lying there unconscious next to them, he's not even going to be there.

yeah, I just remembered that even though i'm planning with Compass I need to let you gys know everything.

please add in ideas here if you want :)

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Despite Artemis's view on recaps, I find it hard to read through 11 pages.

So yeah.

Anyways, yeah, we're at Quidditch tryouts. Theres a mysterious new ghost flitting around with blood all over him, like the Bloody Baron but different. They never can really get to the ghost though.

And then Luke was possessy-imperiused and he wrote a prophecy on the wall of the out of order girl's bathroom on the third floor.

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