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YOU call the shots! #2 vote vote vote


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You will decide the card requirements, and the number of votes to win. The first to post the card requirements will be my opponent. The winner will receive 50 points!!

[spoiler=My card]235906.jpg

Each time a monster is sent to the Graveyard, put 1 "Scarab Counter" on this card. (max.3) You can remove 3 "Scarab Counters" from this card to destroy 1 monster on both sides of the field. Then you take damage equal to the ATK of your opponents destroyed monster and your opponent takes damage equal to the ATK of your destroyed monster.


[spoiler=TERMAS84's card]131538.jpg


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I vote for TERMAS84's card.


Its just frikkin hillarious to begin with. The OCG is good, and i think i might use it for some reason haha. I didnt vote for shields card because the effect is too complicated and it wouldnt stay on the field long enough to get 3 counters, and you have to destroy one of your own monsters AND take damage? Its really not worth it at all. Looks like simplicity won this time haha.

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