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BLEACH~ The Perfect World

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Oh, and Final Fantasy Revolution, you claim you edited it, but all you did was put "Female" where it originally said "Male." Also, I honestly don't think Shigai, being female, would have spiky gray hair (I think she would look like Rukia or a feminized Byakuya). Plus, Shigai has been very cheerful, so that should be updated, too. So, yeh. I'd update those.

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Oh, and Final Fantasy Revolution, you claim you edited it, but all you did was put "Female" where it originally said "Male." Also, I honestly don't think Shigai, being female, would have spiky gray hair (I think she would look like Rukia or a feminized Byakuya). Plus, Shigai has been very cheerful, so that should be updated, too. So, yeh. I'd update those.


Shigai can get strict very easily if FFR chooses to make her that way so :3


Ohh and @Blu, who knocked you unconscious?

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Well, if she gets killed by the Sokyoku, he was gonna jump in the way and attempt to block it with his Zanpakuto, Sokyoku Shard, and body. If anything else, he commits hara-kiri after confessing to the murders of SoiFon and Momo Hinamori (Yeh, that's why he asked Toshiro about "Bed-Wetter Momo" and hid the smile at SoiFon's death). Also, just to let you know, the other dimension can absorb reishi, as would be determined by Kagehashi's abilities.

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Well, if she gets killed by the Sokyoku, he was gonna jump in the way and attempt to block it with his Zanpakuto, Sokyoku Shard, and body. If anything else, he commits hara-kiri after confessing to the murders of SoiFon and Momo Hinamori (Yeh, that's why he asked Toshiro about "Bed-Wetter Momo" and hid the smile at SoiFon's death). Also, just to let you know, the other dimension can absorb reishi, as would be determined by Kagehashi's abilities.


I'll PM you about this actually :3

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Which vice captains can I be? Or is squad 4 not the un-combatible squad and they haz good skillz here? or they still healerz.


Any vice captain except the 9th and 13th


And as for squad 4, yes they are still healer, but the captain can be a fighter too. if you want :3

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@TwiggityTwang: When I did the original edit I changed her to female, lengthened her bio, and give descriptions of her bankai and shikai. I did change how she looks after i realized I didn't do that the first time though. However, she is my character now and as my character her personality is as I choose it, I plan to make her cheerful at times but my first post was a serious matter.


Edit: I think I'm gonna change my second characters app to be the 4th Division Captain, since he's already defense based anyway. So I'll reserve that spot now and re-do it later

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Epic, I'll be the capt of sqaud 4.


Name: Kyer Kierryn


Rank: Capt. of Squad 4


Gender: Male


Zanpaktou (Name and Appearance Details) : Bureizudorōzu (Bure for short); Bure does not take the form of a katana so instead he takes the form of a long sword that is tinted slightly gold.


Shikai (Name and Appearance Details) : Blaze Bureizudorōzu! The blade turns into a blade with a hilt resembling a rose and has roses glowing on the blade and hilt while also glowing pink, and it creates rose thorns on the back of it that are on fire causing it to burn things it touches, The blade can also send off defensive rietsu to other soul reapers.


Bankai [if any?] (Name and Appearance Details) : Flame my opponents Bureizudorōzu! Bure turns into a green blade that is slightly curved with a rose hilt and a guard that goes over the hand that is covered in thorns and there are thorns all over the blade. At the words, Send fire from the great heavens, roses that are on fire come falling from around the captain and they burn all they touch except for the captain.


Description of Character: Mid long black hair with pruple tint, right eye pruple, left eye red, 6'11, slightly muscular build, wears mainly black accesories/clothes (other than his captains uniform), has slightly tanned but more to pale than tanned skin, has a cut over his left eye, wears slightly torn shirt because of his Bankai, but his captains uniform covers over it, he wears Fingerless gloves and has his squad painted in dark purple instead of black.


And Special and/or Unique Abilities: Can create shields around his arms that create a defensive rietsu that can be used for hitting very hard and rough objects without hurting his hands or arms.


Biography of character: Kyer lived in the Rukon district when young and watched Renji and his "gang" steal from others, however Kyer never dared anything like this because he never really needed to eat because he rarely used rietsu, the only time he needed to eat was after a fight because the local bullies would always beat him up and he used some rietsu to create a shield around his fists which he used for blocking then attacking, he then went to the Soul Reaper Academy at the same time Renji and Rukia did, he was hoping to become one of the Kuchki but when he saw that Rukia did he got less excited about everything in his life and so he became more emotionless, then when he applied for captain of squad 6 he was denied and saw that squad 4 was open so he went for it and made it.


Sorry that I couldn't finish then, I had to go to school so I needed to post that.

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alright then, fair enough, I'll follow up as the Vice Captain of Squad Four



Name: Basq (Bask) Sisco

Rank: 4th Squad Vice Captain

Gender: Male

Zanpaktou: Basq's zanpaktou's name is Mamori and takes the shape of a Dao sword with a golden blade and a blood red handle. The blade is moderately curved and single-edged, though there are a few inches of the back edge sharpened as well; the moderate curve allows Mamori to be reasonably effective in the thrust aspect of sword fighting. The hilt is canted, curving in the opposite direction as the blade which improves handling in some forms of cuts and thrusts. The wooden par of the handle is wrapped in brown leather cord that branches off at the end to make a lanyard that can be used to spin the blade for different offensive/defensive needs.

Shikai: Fortify, Mamori. A massive black stone doorway with turquoise iron gates rises from the ground quickly and is capable of blocking any sized attack but the limits of how much power it can defend against is unknown. The gate is strong and durable and is wrapped in chains of darkness. If one examines the doors and doorway closely one would see designs of all the squads flower symbols up and down it.

Bankai: Bankai, Total Defense Barricade. At first the same gate from Mamori's shikai is summoned from the ground, giving the illusion that Basq doesn't have a bankai and is trying to confuse the enemy. However, within an instant metal branches out from the gate creating an air tight sealed environment that can defend all members of Basq's party. Once the barrier is created, Basq can flow his own spirit energy over the outside of is barrier, making it more durable but taking up massive amounts of his reitsu. The door itself keeps the same features as when it shows up and Basq's shikai but the metal barrier only takes on the turquoise color of the gates and is adorned by four black dragons circling around the outside of the barrier, it is unknown whether or not these dragons ar just for decoration or not. (They can't do anything)

Description of Character: Basq wears the traditional shinigami's uniform, with his vice captains badge strapped to his left shoulder, which is strange since that is his non dominate arm. Basq always wears a pair of sunglasses that almost everyone hates in soul society but he just loves them and thinks their stylish. He has long black hair that he refuses to cut and keeps a very relaxed and unconcerned look on his face.

Special and/or Unique Abilities: Basq practices the use of kido abilities but doesn't see himself using them more then his swordsmanship and raw strength. He is the Squad 4 Vice Captain and therefore is very adapted to using healing spells.

Biography of character: Basq Sisco was born a shinigami as must other shinigami we're and lived a pretty average life. His parents were both shinigami as well and loved that he was going to become one. However when he started at his academy days his father and mother died in a battle against a massive group of hollows that were attacking the human world. He was devastated by the simultaneous loss of his parents but after a few months went on he learned to love life again. Basq went to the academy as almost every other shinigami did to learn his abilities and upon graduation he was eventually seated into the fifth squad as the fifth chair. Basq trained hard every day and really wanted to connect with the captain of Squad 5 but seeing as it was supposed to be Aizen it wasn't going to happen. So he went through his days with the fifth squad trying to make a good connection with everyone but nothing to solid came up, even when they got a newer captain Basq didn't feel like bonding anymore. He moved his way up to third chair quickly and mastered his bankai easily. All Mamori wanted to know from Basq was that he was willing to defend what he loved, and since he loves all of soul society the bond was clear for the two of them. Basq's personality is an uncaring and relaxed one, he prefers to be the last person to jump into battle and yet he always wants to help people; his different moods contradict themselves somehow but you can count on him in a tight spot. When Basq's abilities seemed to be more suited towards healing and defensive techniques he willingly left the fifth squad in favor for the Vice Captain position of the fourth squad, he now lives out his days there trying to heal as many people as he can and fight if it's ever needed.

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Epic, I'll be the capt of sqaud 4.


Name: Kyer Kierryn

Rank: Capt. of Squad 4

Gender: Male

Zanpaktou (Name and Appearance Details) : Bureizudorōzu (Bure for short); Bure does not take the form of a katana so instead he takes the form of a long sword.

Shikai (Name and Appearance Details) : Blaze Bureizudorōzu! The blade turns into a blade with a hilt resembling a rose and has roses glowing on the blade and hilt while also glowing pink, and it creates rose thorns on the back of it that are on fire causing it to burn things it touches.

Bankai [if any?] (Name and Appearance Details) : Flame my opponents Bureizudorōzu! Bure turns into a green blade that is slightly curved with a rose hilt and a guard that goes over the hand that is covered in thorns and there are thorns all over the blade. At the words, Send fire from the great heavens, rose that are on fire come falling from around the captain and they burn all they touch except for the captain.

Description of Character: Mid long black hair with pruple tint, right eye pruple, left eye red, wears slightly torn shirt because of his Bankai, but his captains uniform covers over it, he wears Fingerless gloves and has his squad painted in dark purple instead of black.



And Special and/or Unique Abilities: Can pull rose thorns from air that have slight healing abilities.

Biography of character:


I have to do when I get back from school. Sorry bout it

Unaccepted until more information is aded. Go more in depth.


alright then, fair enough, I'll follow up as the Vice Captain of Squad Four



Name: Basq (Bask) Sisco

Rank: 4th Squad Vice Captain

Gender: Male

Zanpaktou: Basq's zanpaktou's name is Mamori and takes the shape of the standard shinigami straight edged katana

Shikai: Fortify, Mamori. A massive stone doorway with iron gates rises from the ground quickly and is capable of blocking any sized attack but the limits of how much power it can defend against is unknown.

Bankai: Bankai, Total Defense Barricade. At first the same gate from Mamori's shikai is summoned from the ground, giving the illusion that Basq doesn't have a bankai and is trying to confuse the enemy. However, within an instant metal branches out from the gate creating an air tight sealed environment that can defend all members of Basq's party. Once the barrier is created, Basq can flow his own spirit energy over the outside of is barrier, making it more durable but taking up massive amounts of his reitsu.

Description of Character: Basq wears the traditional shinigami's uniform, with his vice captains badge strapped to his left shoulder, which is strange since that is his non dominate arm. Basq always wears a pair of sunglasses that almost everyone hates in soul society but he just loves them and thinks their stylish. He has long black hair that he refuses to cut and keeps a very relaxed and unconcerned look on his face.

Special and/or Unique Abilities: Basq practices the use of kido abilities but doesn't see himself using them more then his swordsmanship and raw strength. He is the Squad 4 Vice Captain and therefore is very adapted to using healing spells.

Biography of character: Basq Sisco was born a shinigami as must other shinigami we're and lived a pretty average life. He went to the academy as almost all shinigami did to learn his abilities and was eventually seated into the fifth squad as the fifth chair. He moved his way up to third chair quickly and mastered his bankai easily. All Mamori wanted to know from Basq was that he was willing to defend what he loved. When Basq's abilities seemed to be more suited towards healing and defensive techniques he willingly left the fifth squad in favor for the Vice Captain position of the fourth squad.

Add a little more. There's barely anything about his personality and his bio's pretty short. Details details darling, it makes up the story :3

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