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The Fake Type Knights


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Yes cause it's not like different issues such as losing there job and being incapable of paying the mortage without it, having to pay for an expensive operation with bad medical insurence or anything of the sort ever happens.


No, instead you just loose a house cause you smoked a toke in highschool.





Wait, WTF DOES THAT HAVE TO WITH RACISM? And stop jabroniin bout the president, you claimed to be a f***ing vampire over a thousand years old. f***ing run yourself.


You can't, why?


Cause you know you'll do a worse job.


Everyone does, that's the tricky thing. Deep down people are actually smart enough to have a glimpse as how ball achingly painful it is to be the president. That and even reaching it. It's the bomb at the end of the rainbow.

But people still hate the fact they reached it, that's why everyone always b****es isn't it? Everyone must complaing about each and every flaw so that they seem less cool and you can fee better about them still being cooler than you. Suddenly the world makes sense.


Honestly even bush did a good job, he had a shitty hand and he could have played it worse than he did. At least he tried. Allot of leaders don't.


And he fought nazis.

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Bush was actually a decent president, everyone liked him until the last few months where everyone is like "Why are we at war?". They don't realize that they ASKED for war. They blame Bush for their own mistakes, I support our men and women abroad, and I'm a Republican so I stand by Bush as well. If your going to be an a** about the President doing something for what MOST of the PEOPLE wanted then at least have something to back your story up.


As for Obama, all I've seen so far is a lolNancy puppet, not a president. When he actually starts doing his job then maybe I'll like him.


I'm Republican bishes, and if you can't stand that then to effing bad.



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