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Yugioh! Duel academy a new beginning(started/accepting)


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"Well, this is a surprise, its six against three! We can win this one!" said Isabella as Isabella, Ryan, Sara, and the three Slifers got ready.


"Oh can you though as long as Im here!" said Mr. Phoenix. "Who will go up against me?" asked the three as the Slifers took on the three minions of his. His new Wicked God card would send them plumming into Darkness. "I have already defeated Isabella here, so maybe three vs one would be nice? You all will be gone and I will have you in the Darkness and for Master! With my Secret Weapon of course..." said Mr. Phoenix. "You may make the first move"said Mr. Phoenix to Sara, Ryan, and Isabella and waited for there duel. He activated his Duel Disk.

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"Don't mind if I do!" Sara bellowed, "I summon Marauding Captain to the field in attack mode! Now I can summon another level 4 or below warrior and I choose Marauding Captain." Two warriors wearing glimmering silver armour appeared on the field and began shielding each other from harm. "While Marauding Captain is on the field, no warrior type monster can be selected as an attack target. I set two cards. Isabella, Ryan you're up."


Hand: 2

LP: 4000

Field: Marauding Captain x2

Spells/Traps: Face Down x2

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"Oh, dear brother, you aren't dueling without me, are you?" Zodia appeared out of thin air right next to Phoenix. "Come on, I want to have a little fun, too." Zodia activated his duel disk. "And don't try running away, kiddies. You can't escape. We will send you into the depths of the Darkness! Master will be so pleased!" He then noticed Ryan. "Ryan, my friend, where's your partner, Nathan? Did he get caught up in the explosion when I detonated the Slifer Dorms?! A pity, really. He would have been great on the side of the Darkness. Now enough of my rambling, I may have said too much. Let's on with the game!"

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"Hold that thought, jackass!" Sara yelled, "I reveal DNA surgery! Now all monsters on the field are warriors so with my Marauding Captains still in play our field is untouchable by straight up attacks."


OoC: I activate this straight after who ever goes next draws. Just thought I'd get it in.


LP: 4000

Hand: 2

Field: Marauding Captain x2

Spell/Trap: Face Down, DNA Surgery

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Suddenly Yami Blood felt a surge of darkness close by "huh intresting the are others who use my power, I wonder if they call upon the shadow realm... I must check this out," Yami Blood's body became surrounded in darkness and when the shadows left he was gone as well. "Who are they?" Yami Blood stared at 3 kids dueling 2 adults and frowned, "who are these fools that mess with the power of the shadows!" Yami Blood glared at the to adults and then smirked, "well if they wish to use the power of the shadows then as the Ruler of the Shadow Realm I will grant them complete acess!" Yami Blood opened his hand and released the limiters that were imediatly placed on all shadow-users.

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"Brother? Your with him??? All Right then, if you want to lose, draw, and nice Sara!! I summon Giant Rat(1400/1450)t in Attack Mode! Now I set this card facedown and end my turn!" said Ryan, who was angered a little by Zodia.


"My Turn, Draw!" I summon Silent Magician LV4 (1000/1000) in attack mode! Now I set this card facedown and end my turn." said Isabella.


Field: Two Marauding Captains, Silent Magician LV4, Giant Rat, four facedowns

Hand: 4 (Isabella), 4 (Ryan)


"Alright, draw! I can special summon Knight of the Shadows from my hand in defense (1600/2100) and now I can special summon the other two knights of mine in Defense! And since I havent special summoned, I sacrifice them to Summon THE WICKED AVATAR!!!" said Mr. Phoenix. A Ball appeared."Since Giant Rat has the most ATK, His Attack will be 1500! I end with a facedown. Your move brother." said Mr. Phoenix.


Field: The Wicked Avatar (1500/1500), a facedown

Hand: 2

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"Draw! I summon Starsign - Cancer the Crab (ATK 2300). Then I activate Stargazing. I send Leo from my hand to the Graveyard to add Aries in its place. Then I activate Supernova! I destroy Cancer to destroy 2 of your cards. I destroy the facedowns under the control of you two (Sara and Ryan). Cancer's effect activates, Summoning Leo from my Graveyard! Then I activate the field spell Zodiac Wheel! I use Leo's effect! I can destroy a monster whose ATK is less than his. I destroy one of your Marauding Captains. Now I equip Red Giant to Leo. It gains 2000 ATK. (Leo ATK 4400). His effect is negated, so I can attack with him now. Since you can't use anything to protect yourself, I'll knock you out first! Go! Leo! Destroy the other Captain!" The Lion pounced, landing on the armor-clad man. (LP 12000 --> 8800) "It's your turn, girlie."




Avelino took one of the rental D-Wheels from the Academy's track.

"Ryan's dueling Zodia! I have to stop him. I want to be the one to defeat Ryan!"

He sped towards Ryan's location.

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Josh was crouching and panting because he had just sprinted from the Slifer Dorm faster that he ever had in his life or had been willing to run in his life before. He saw three students dueling against two adults who were covered with a shadowy mist. Josh contemplated on his ambivalent feelings for helping them but decided against it because he trusted in his schoolmates and because he was just plain lazy. He decided to give them moral support if they needed it.

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" I got your back Sara. I activated Fossils Rage at the beginning of your turn Zodia and now nothing you did in your turn matters, sinse Fossil Dyna Pachycephalos in my hand, i ended your turn during your Standby Phase. and its not affected by Avatars ability! Now you can go Sara." said Ryan, who showed one of his prized cards to everyone. Lucky he had it, but probably not enough, a Wicked God was still out, and no matter how many monsters summned, it will grow stronger...


Isabella had her plan all worked out. Sara protected them with Marauding Captain, She would level up her Silent Magician, and Ryan would deal with Avatar using Defense! Defense was the answer to stop Avatar!




"Where you going Avelino? Grown out of your truce? You will have to get past me first!" he said in his duel runner.

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"Yeah go Ryan, Sara, and Isabella! You can do it!" yelled Josh that should leave me some time to sleep before this game is over, he thought. He went to sleep knowing that the students were setting up a plan but guessing that the adults had more in store for them than just that.

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Yami Blood frowned as his power didn't seem to effect the two adults, "what's going on are they not using the power of the shadows? But what else is there to use...unless..." Yami Blood stood and opened his deck case ton pull out a single card. "Baha...is this really... the Wicked Gods? But how did mere humans acess their power..." Yami Blood looked at the card waiting for an answer, "I see so they are not humans then...they are immortals but that's ridiculus why would two immortals waste their time with this school what could they possibly be looking for?" Yami Blood looked back at the card and then slipped it back into his deck. "Very well but as Ruler of the Shadows i cannot simply allow others to walk upon my territory without permission!"

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"I draw," Sara said silently thanking Isabella for saving her ass back there. That Wicked Avatar was one of the most annoying monsters she had met in her travels. "I summon my Command Knight in attack mode. Not only does this powerful warrior boost all other warrior's attacks' by 400, it cannot be destroyed by battle with another warrior on the field. I set another card. Your up Izzy!" Spells and Traps were now back open for business.


Hand: 1

LP: 12000

Monsters: Marauding Captain x2, Command Knight, Giant Rat, Silent Magician LV4

Spell/Trap: DNA Surgery, 3x Face Downs

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Josh was going to sleep but then he realized that his schoolmates might not be prepared to fight all three wicked gods, especially if they had the legendary card of... "Ryan, Sara, Izzy are you guys sure you guys can handle this alone?" Josh shouted to them "Because I have a feeling they have alot more in store for you guys." (srry guys im new so i just got here so yeah my char profile is on the ooc topic)

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"My Turn, draw! Giant Rat, attack Wicked Avatar with 2000 ATK! (12000-->11900) and now come out Criosphinx! And as I havent summoned yet, I sacrifice my Sphinx to summon Exxod, Master of the Guard! As he has 400 ATK, your Avatar cant get any power! I set this card facedown and end my turn!


"Thanks Josh!" said Isabella, who knew him from school. "I activate my facedown card LV Mania and it isnt afffected by Spells and Traps and Effects! This card levels up My Magician, and by discarding a monster,I destroy one on the field so goodbye Avatar! Direct Attack Everyone (12000-->4900). Pretty sweet move-Huh!" she said.


"Foolish Girl, That Attack adds my Life points because of Rainbow Life! (12000-->19100). My Draw! I set this card facedown and end my turn." said Mr. Phoenix.

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Oh well thought Josh ill jump in if they really need me, but will my deck be able to take them? He started flipping through his deck to search for combos with his schoolmates deck Breaker? No Jinzo? No Shield Warrior? No so he looked at his side deck Gagagigo? No Gravi-Crush Dragon? Mabye but probably not Thats it!! he thought Special Hurricane!!! It would destroy all of the wicked gods they had summoned so that the students could attack directly!

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The shadow man looked devient now the wicked gods will come. "Come to me Wicked Eraser!" The eraser flew into his hand. "Wicked dreadroot!" The wicked dreadroot flew into his hand. "WICKED AVATAR!" the wicked avatar flew into his hand. "Now show me the destruction of SHINE!" A fusion cad flew in his hand. "Now the wicked Chimera will destroy them all!" The shadowman then announced. "I am the Wicked God himself!" Lightning struck and a duel runner appeared. He drove off and landed on the school turbo Duel track. "Now anybody worthy of Becoming a slave to the Wicked duel me now!"


Chancellor Shine gathered up his cards. "High time he loses, but the students will try to duel him! This isnt good!"



OOC:Feel free to duel Wicked god but note you must lose to show his supremacy.

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Yami Blood walked out into the open in order to stop the duel but stopped before he reached the duelists after he felt another presence coming near. "Hm, maybe I should stay out of this for now but I will remove these intuders from the equation...and Ryan will be my pawn!" Yami Blood smirked and then closed his eyes and began to search for the one thing he needed to complete his plan until, "There the Contract With Exodia!" Yami Blood dissapeared in a whirl of shadows to grab the Spell card need to summon Exodia Necros.

OOC: Josh post that stuff in the OOC forum please.

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He and Avelino were having a ground duel. His deck had been...to powerful. It easily overwhelmed his spare deck. He had lost his other deck, so he was using a deck that he wasnt really used to. He lost to Avelino and he got past him. "Well, they cant get rid of me that easily!" he said, getting on a duel runner nearby that had wings like Crows and drove backwards. He did a wheelie and the Duel Runner managed to get on the roof. "This is a quicker way" he said, riding on the roof of the Duel Academy headquarters. He drove on the roof. He saw Ryan with two girls dueling two men. Curious, he rode off the roof and opened the wings of the D-Wheel. It sort of Glided and he landed on the ground, now riding. He saw Avelino and rode in front of him. "Look whos in front now Avelino! Whos getting there first? Its me!" he said, Getting closer to the duel and in front of Avelino.


Isabella saw two duel runners coming. "Sara, Ryan, looks like we have more opponents..." said Isabella, pointing at the duel runners. One duel runner was ahead, with wings on the side and the wheels all dirty, and the other duel runner was behind the other. Both people looked strangely Familiar....

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Yami Blood had gotten the card he left to grab and now was waiting for the right moment to drop it off, "as soon this duel stops i'll send the to Ryan," Yami Blood sat in a tree branch waiting for someone the get Ryan out of the duel so he could let go of the card and send it flying through the wind straight to him. "I wonder when those two i sensed will get here cause im getting really bored...maybe i should try to rid my weaker half of it's stupid obsession again," Yami Blood began to meditate in order to put a stop to his human side 'love' for that Desparia monster.

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OOC: Nicole shall become a Steve!


Nicole looked at the School garage and saw her Pink Duel runner. Nicole drove towards the track. "So uh, Wicked god I challenge you!


"Foolish Girl you wish to become my minion so be it!"


The wicked God drew 5 cards. "Go first after all you will be a minion for eternity!"


"We will see!" Nicole drew Six cards. "I summon Arcana force 6 the Lovers, Heads!So now all arcana force monsters count as 2 tributes! I set 2 cards and end my turn!

"I Summon Pyramid turtle in Attack mode now Attack!" Pyramid turtle Blew up. "Now i can summon Red eye Zombie Dragon! Now i play DNA surgery so all monsters are treated as Zombies! Now REZD attack!"(4000--->3200) The lovers appeared on The wicked gods side of the field in a Rotting way. "Now attack!" The lovers jumped at its former master in an attempt to hit her.(3200--->1600)


Nicole drew. "I activate Speed Spell - Sword of Ace! Tails?" Nothing happened. "I summon I summon Arcana force 4 - The emporer...Tails so now both the lovers and EMporer Lose 500 ATK.

"I summon Zombie master. Zombie master Attack. Now REZD Attack!"


Nicoles duel runner crashed and she flew She Walked out of the Flames with Giant eyes that didnt blink. She had become his minion.

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Avelino saw that Nathan had gotten ahead. "I won't let you win!" He pulled a bunch of small explosives out of his pocket and threw them all behind him. They went off and the force of the explosion propelled Avelino forward, past Nathan. "See you later!" He took some more explosives and threw them backwards at Nathan's duel runner.




"My turn. Draw! Since you cancelled my last turn, now I will perform your demise! I summon Starsign - Cancer the Crab (ATK 2300). Then I activate Stargazing. I send Leo from my hand to the Graveyard to add Aries in its place. Then I activate Supernova! I destroy Cancer to destroy 2 of your cards. I destroy [Ryan's] face-down and his Exxod. Cancer's effect activates, Summoning Leo from my Graveyard! Then I activate the field spell Zodiac Wheel! I use Leo's effect! I can destroy a monster whose ATK is less than his. I destroy Exxod. Now I equip Red Giant to Leo. It gains 2000 ATK. (Leo ATK 4400). His effect is negated, so I can attack with him now. Go, Leo! Destroy Ryan!"

"NOOOO!! I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT!!" Avelino landed right in the middle of the field. "I am the only one who should be able to defeat him! Ryan! Face me! I will not lose again!"

"How dare you interfere with this duel!" exclaimed Zodia, "I will not allow this!"

"This is my fight, not yours! I won't let Ryan lose to anyone else!"

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josh saw Nicole lose the duel and tried to go ver and help her snap out of it, nobody could be the shadow man's minion. But when he did he was pushed back by this dark energy. He tried to break through it agaiin and again but it wuldnt budge. He was all bruised and bleeding but he kept on trying. He realized that the energy wasnt getting any weaker like he was so he sat down and tried to nurse his wounds with the first aid kit he always carried around, but then he was so bruised and hurt that he was knocked out. OOC: yeah 4 lines ty read the ooc topic if u want to be a part in my storyline

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The smoke reached the three and they started coughing. Then he felt his shirt being pulled on and he was thrown back onto a Duel Runner. He could feel that they were driving to a nearby classroom. He fell off the duel runner and the driver left and brought back Sara and Isabella. He took of his helmet. It was Nathan. "Nathan! But you died!" said Ryan. "Who found my body then?" said Nathan. Ryan grinned. "Heres your deck back." said Ryan, tossing him his deck. "There are Duel Runners there, we can go to Shine." said Nathan. All four of them got into Duel Runners (OOC: If Sara cant ride a duel runner, she can ride with Isabella) and they sped off. Ryan saw a kid whos hands were bleeding. They stopped.


"Josh, what happened? Why is Nicole in the fire?" said Isabella, getting off the Duel Runner. "You wanna come wit us to find Shine?" said Isabella, Wondering why he was bruised.

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