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Yugioh! Duel academy a new beginning(started/accepting)


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"Just give me any spare copies of Second Coin Toss you have and we're gold. I know you run an Arcana Force deck," Sara said simply, "I can support myself against two opponents and I'll leave some support for you as well." Sara could see the identical grins that the boys were wearing. Her plan had worked like a charm. "Believe me..." Sara whispered, "I am a lot stronger than my grades, or this outfit," she motioned to her skimpy gymwear, "make me out to be."

The two pairs walked up to the arena and switched on their duel disks. "DUEL!"

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Nicole went first. "DRAW!" I summon Arcana force 6 the lovers so now a coin is flipped. HEADS! Now all arcana force monsters are worth 2 tributes. Then i set 2 cards and end my turn"Nicole looked at Sara with a grin then a wink.



F:arcana force 6 the lovers Def(1600) 2 facedowns


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"An ideal opening hand," Sara thought with a smile. "I place a card face down and activate Second Coin Toss. Now all gamble effects involving a coin flip are allowed a second attempt. Next I summon my Marauding Captain in attack mode. And due to his special ability I can summon another level 4 or below warrior type monster. So I summon another Marauding Captain. Now, you're in an unfortunate dilemma as when Marauding Captain is on the field no other warrior monster can be targeted. Since there are two my monsters are completely protected. I end my turn there."


LP: 8000

F: Arcana Force VI The Lovers (DEF 1600), 2 x Marauding Captain (ATK 1200), Second Coin Toss, 3 face downs

Hand: 2

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"My move! I activate Soul Exchange! Now I tribute your Marauding Captain to Tribute Summon my Heiracosphinx! Then I set a monster in defense mode that you cant attack due to my Sphinxs special effect! Good try though!" said Ryan as he finished his turn.



Field: Sabersaurus (2200/800), a set monster and Hierasphinx (2400/ 1200)and two facedowns

Ryans Hand: 3

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OOC: Pretend that what happened after i used Soul Exvhanged never happened.


"Alright then, I set this card in defense mode. Then I activate Double Summon so I can set this card in Defense. to Thats all..." said Ryan, who had became a little nervous.



Field: Sabersaurus (2200/800), 2 set monster and two facedowns

Ryans Hand:3

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Nicole drew. "My move and a nasty one too." I summon Arcana force 4 - The emporer. Coin flip HEADS! now they both gain 500 ATK then i activate Sword of ace. Tails?! Then i use double coin flip. Heads thats more like it. Your Sabersuarus is destroyed and you take damage equel to its ATK.(8000--->5800) Now quadruple direct attack! Mauading captain 1 (5800--->4600) Lovers (4600--->2500) Maruading captain 2 (2500---1300) And emporer(1300--->0) Nicole grinned 8000 down to 0 this tournament will be fun i cant wait for that prize!"

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"Sorry, Mirror Force just when you attack! All Attack position monsters of yours are destroyed!" said Nathen. Ryan had been scarded to death, so he saved him the match. "Thanks Nathan!" said Ryan. "No sweat, we coudnt lose THAT easily" said Nathan. However, his insides had frozen to. He had just remembered the Mirror Force trap card he had used. Luckily, they had survived and they were wide open. "great job to you to" said Nathan to Ryan, who was now getting over the shock of almost losing.

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"All right then My move. YES! I drew your demise! I activate Graceful Charity so I draw three cards and ditch two, my Hydrogeddon and Hyper Hammerhead. Now I activate Survival Instinct so now I remove the three dinos in my Grave so i get 1200 Life Points! Now I activate Heavy Storm, Destroying your face down cards! Now I use Pot of Greed to draw two cards! And I activate Big Evolution Pill so now I can summon my Ultimate Tyranno in Attack mode!Now I equip him with Megamorph, doubling his Attack points! Now I Direct Attack you (14400-->8600)" said Nathan, Obviously making a good move.



Field: Jurrasic World, Ultimate Tyranno equipped with Megamorph(6600/5000) and two set monsters and Big Evolution Pill


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"It's my turn. I draw!" Sara looked down at her three remaining cards, there was only one strategy to win. "I activate my own copy of Pot of Greed which let's me draw two new cards from my deck. Now I place three face down so that I can activate the ability of Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight in my hand. I can now Normal Summon him to the field without a sacrifice. Pay attention class, because this is where it get's complicated. I reveal Necromancer's Curse..."


Necromancer's Curse

Spell Card

For every Monster Card destroyed and sent to the graveyard, during your previous turn, as a result of a card effect your opponent controlled, Special Summon one Necromancer's Token (Zombie-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) to the field in face up defence position. The Tokens cannot change their battle position. The Tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon.



"...now I get four Necromancer's Tokens. Finally I reveal my other two face downs Big Bang Shot and United We Stand. This raises Gaia's attack points by a grand total of 4400! Gaia, ATTACK! Spiral Spear!"

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Gaia had Destroyed Ultimate Tyranno and lost 100. "NO!" said Nathan as the Tyranno was destroyed. "Dont worrry, I got this. I draw! I activate Monster Reborn to get Ultimate Tyranno back to the field in Defense mode!Now I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. I sacrifice my facedown Earth Effigy which counts as two tributes, for Exxod, Master of the Guard in Defense mode! Now I use Card Rotator!By discarding a card, Now your Gaia is in Defense. Now go Shield and Sword! Now Exxod has 4000 Attack! Now I use my other Megamorph on Exxod, Giving him 8000 ATK. Attack Gaia Exxod! Now Tyranno can attack all those tokens. I set this card facedown and end my turn.



Field: Exxod (4000/0), Tyranno (2800/3300) and one facedown


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Sachiko was on her way, rushing to the duel arena. She had heard the announcement, but forgot it anyway. On the way, she bumped into another student. Both of them fell to the floor.

"Oh! I- I'm terribly sorry! Oh, how clumsy of me..." The boy stood up and helped Sachiko to her feet.

"Oh, it's alright, really. I'm Jean-Luc."

"I'm Sachiko," she said, blushing, "Are you headed to the duel arena, too?"

"Of course! Everyone wants to see the tag duels! Come on, I'll walk with you." They began to walk towards the duel arena.

"The Chancellor said he wants me to participate. He thinks I've got a lot of potential."

"I'll bet you do." Jean-Luc opened the door for her. "After you."

Sachiko smiled. "Thank you." She began to head towards the waiting area.

Jean-Luc called after her. "Sachiko! Good luck..." She soon ran out of sight.

"You're going to need it..." he said to himself as he looked at his deck.

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Nicole picked up a card. "I play cup of ace! heads so i draw 2 cards. First i play vallhalla hall of the fallen to summon Arcana force 21 the world! Heads! I will play Sword of ace! heads. I destroy Exxod which will destroy him and 4000 of your life points.(7000---->3000) Now arcana force 21 the world Attack his Tyranno!(3000----2900) i end my turn.



field:AF 21


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" I Draw,and save Ultimate Tyranno with Time Machine, and use my last Pot of Greed to draw two new cards! Due to my new Big Evolution Pill im using right now, I can summon Super Conductor Tyranno! Due to Jurassic World, the get 300 ATK and DEF! Now I use the Graceful Charity spell to draw three cards and ditch two. Fabled Lurrie can special summon herself when she is discarded and i put her in Attack. Now I play my facedown card Creature swap so I get your Arcana Force. Acana Force The World, Attack Fabled Lurrie! (8400-->5500). Now Super Conductor Tyranno, Attack! (5500-->1900) I set two card sface down and end my turn." said Nathan who knew that he may have saved Ryan. But these opponents were very good...



Field: Super Conductor Tyranno(3600/?2500?), Tyranno (3300/2800) and two facedowns


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Sara was in a tight spot. They had no cards on the field, she had no cards in her hand. She really needed a winner this turn. "I draw..." This was just what she needed. Was Nicole a lucky charm or something? "I remove two Marauding Captains and Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight from play to summon this! Queen Dragoon!" A seven foot tall warrior lady with purple armour and blue wings rose from the field (3200/3000). "Now by removing one of the monsters just removed from play back to my graveyard I'm allowed to add one equip spell from my deck to my hand. I choose Axe of Despair. Now equipping Axe of Despair means that I have the strongest monster on the field. Queen Dragoon, destroy Super Conductor Tyranno!"

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"I use Sakuretsu Armor, Destroying your monster!" said Nathan.


Meanwhile, Isabellas watching from a few feet away. Those kids were really good, but unless her eyes decieved her, but the Dragoon had been hit by the armor of Super Conductor Tyranno and was destroyed...But then she remembered something about her father talking about Tyranno Hassleberry. Was that his son??? Oh Well, she thought to herself. It seemed that the boys had won, but she hoped that the girls would make a comeback. She continued to watch the duel...


"Im Afraid I have to Finish this. I set this facedown card. Direct Attack Ultimate Tyranno!!!"(1900-->0. If you can do anything, then please post. Otherwise, I will continue.) Ryan said as the Dinosaur attacked Directly. He had won. But he couldnt have without Nathan. It was he who had gotten out two powerful monsters and stole an Arcana Force, but it had been Him who caused then to lose 4000 Life Points."Great Duel Girls! You really had me going there for a second, but you are probably the Best duelists i have ever dueled, besides Ryan." said Nathan. Ryan felt ashamed of himself of his dueling and how it was Nathan who did almost everything.

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Nicole got angry. "No more I activate the Ability of the lucky Maiden in My deck. Now come to the field my lucky Maiden(ATK 1900) Now i remove from play the emporer in my grave to destroy your Super conductor Tyranno!" "It wasnt my turn but thats just another of the maidens ability.



F: The lucky Maiden


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"Wrong again!" I take no battle damage from my maiden. So now its my turn. "Draw!" "I play Cup of Ace, Heads so i draw 2 cards." "This is my 3rd one this has to work or its all over. I set a card and activate Sword of Ace! Heads so i destroy your ultimate tyranno and you take damage equel to his Attack! As if you didnt know."(2900--->0) Nicole had her fingers crosse and her eyes closed. "cmon cmon cmon!" She kept repeating it in her head and aloud. "This has to be it!"

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Ryan smirked. "I figured you would pull something like that, so I activated Rainbow Life before that . Now we gain life points instead of lose! (2900 -->7000)" said Ryan. He had been to quick for that girl, but Nathen wasnot expecting a comeback. "Wow, we got so many Life points! How did you know!" said Nathan. "Easy. Her Strategy includes destroying monsters and we take damage, and i knew i would need this card. I kept it in my hand intil the right moment." said Ryan. "Your so amazing Ryan you know that." said Nathan. "I know..." said Ryan.

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Nicole grinned. "I thought so i activate my last facedown mystical space typhoon. bye bye rainbow life!"


Vio looked from the crowd. "When will this end it really has to stop so i can duel!"


Dioxyn hushed Vio.


"Calm down, thats what i hate about you slifers!"

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"Go my other facedown! Solem Judgement. Now i negate the activation of your spell card. Thats that girls, but i lose 3500 life points! (7000-->3500)" said Ryan. He had just pulled off a miracle. as that was spell speed 3! She coundnt counter! "Im guessing you end your turn?" said Ryan. "If so, then I draw! Perfect! Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo! I now use Rush Recklessly giving him 700 ATK! Now i use MST to destroy your facedown card! Direct Attacl!(1900-->0)" said Ryan. "That was a great duel!" said Ryan. "Yeah, you guys are great duelists!" said Nathan.

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