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Phantom Scourge Deck


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Suggestions on what to add and or drop? Thanks in advance! ^^


Monsters (20)

Dark Magician of Chaos x1

Gellenduo x3

Herald of Creation x1

Marshmellon x1

Mask of Darkness x1

Morphing Jar x1

Mystic Tomato x1

Phantom of Darkness x3

Sangan x1

Sky Scourge Enrise x1

Sky Scourge Norleras x2

Spirit Reaper x1

Demise, King of Armageddon x1

Ruin, Queen of Oblivion x1

Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands x1


Spells (14)

Brain Control x1

Foolish Burial x3

Heavy Storm x1

Lighten the Load x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

End of the World x2

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Trade-In x3


Traps (6)

Astral Barrier x1

Crush Card Virus x1

Deck Destruction Virus x1

Mirror Force x1

Spirit Barrier x2

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thought i told you to remove a spirit barrier...o well...i really like your approach at the phantom deck


Um, u didn't tell me to remove a spirit barrier, that was an Astra Barrier. I got some more help and I am gonna put up the edited version of the deck later tonight. Afterwards, I'll post my Cloudian deck! :3

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its not to bad


a lort of Phantom Decks have been popping up lately XD


I've noticed. The deck runs rather weird. Here's the revised version. I had some help with this:


Total (42)

Monsters (21)

LV 5+

Sky Scourge Enrise x2

Sky Scourge Norleras x2

Demise, King of Armageddon x2


LV 1+

Phantom of Darkness x3

Sangan x1

Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands x3

La Jin the Magical Genie x2

Dunames Dark Witch x2

Shining Abyss x2

Gilgarth x2


Spells (14)

Brain Control x1

Foolish Burial x3

Heavy Storm x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Advanced Ritual Art x3

Trade-In x3

A Feather of the Phenix x2

Dimension Fusion x1


Traps (6)

Crush Card Virus x1

Mirror Force x1

Sak Armor x2

Gravity Bindx1

Reckless Greedx1

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