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Me vs. the first person to post. You may choose all of the Card Requirements.


Card Requirements: Element Dragon, Any ATK and DEF, any Effect and cannot be a Synchro.


[spoiler=Lieutenant Renji's Card: Image Credit Goes to Wanderley]TundraDragon.jpg

Lore: You can remove 2 face-up Spell Cards you control from play to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. You can Tribute this card to return up to 3 face-up cards your opponent controls to their hand. This card gains 100 DEF for each face-up card you control. When this card is destroyed you lose 800 Life Points.



[spoiler= jad2342's Card]248172.jpg

Lore: When this card is summoned, you can summon 1 "Dragon of" any element, unless it is summoned by another "Dragon of" any element.



First to 3 votes wins. Winner gets 1 rep from the loser.


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