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Its illegal but


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Just saying we could go into a facebook like chat box whereas only friends can join chat im mean with this forum looking somewhat like facebook we could do it right? Or we could do a whole YCM community chat using this: skysa chat just pointing it out I won't be surprised if this gets locked.

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It's been suggested before many times.


Why not get your friends messenger/ yahoo etc.


If they're allowed such things then that's fine.


If their not then the chat box shouldn't be allowed for members too young or immature for it.

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Tbh, why would we want a little box where noobs can go "Al reight!@ Chatz!" "Yo guyz, wast up?"


While sensible members try to talk.... that's what clubs are for. ;D

private chat where only friends can join (facebook style)


We now have private conversations instead PM's

Try it out, you can even invite people.

yea the new conversation thing is nice pms dont keep saying RE: RE: etc.

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