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Banners, Dark Synchros, AND Member Cards!


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I'm makin' Dark Synchros. Yeah, I'll make banners.

[spoiler= An example of my Banners and Dark Synchros.]

http://img842.imageshack.us/i/blueeyeswhitedragonbydy.jpg/ I swear, even tho thats a very old card, it's still one of the best Dragons of all time!

http://img685.imageshack.us/i/darkheartdragon.jpg/That's my NOT Inverted Dark Synchro. So let this Shop OPEN!!!



[spoiler= Order Forms]

Order Form 4 Dark Synchro:




NOTE: You can avoid all this by just bringing a Card, and I'll make it a Dark Synchro.

another note:All Dark synchros cost 10 points.


Order form 4 Banners:

A picture:

and a NAME!

Cost= Depends on how Hard it is.(Usually around 10 points)



[spoiler= [color=#FFFF00]NEW[/color] type of card]


Do not give me the compliments for this, give them to Dranzer123, his thread on Tutorials forum,

Btw, i cannot make monsters with more than 5 stars yet..... KEYWORD: YET...

I am having them rendered so i can make more and more and more. :D


Price: 6 points.

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Here is your banner, the price for this banner was 9 points. Dark synchro 4.

[spoiler= dARK ARMOR'S Banner!]


If you do not like it I will remake it.



[spoiler= DARK ARMOR'S Dark Synchro]




oh, and if you DO want ur member card, here it is.

[spoiler= Dark Armor's mem card]





Heres my card, i would like a Dark Synchro plz. Should i pay now or after i get my order.


And i would also like a banner

A picture:deemon.jpg

Text: Dragonove Emporium

Size: I would like it a bit Smaller


After order



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I like your work a lot man seriously it´s very because a friend of mine showed to me what you´ve did and it´s............FANTASTIC kepp up the GGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD Job!!!!!

Awesome, No reps, please, unless u wanna get rid of them


Can you make this a dark Sychro? Ill give you the points once you reply.


Yeah shur no problem, also Ill fix the OCG errors


Check it out!

[spoiler= Awesome's Dark Synchro]




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