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2012? Really?


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No one knows - we can't tell. But we can't say it will happen nor it wont.

Have you heard about the Mayans? Have you heard about their prophecies?

Mayans predicted the:

1. The Rise of Hitler

2. The World War

3. The December 26, 2004 tsunami

4. The exact date of planetary allignment (It is where all planets line up straight which can cause gravitational pull problems)


The only things that they predicted but haven't come yet is the WORLD WAR III and the 2012. If it is true that the human expiration is in 2012 (same as my coco crunch cereals), WW3 will happen in 2010 0r 2011 0r early 2012 or maybe WW3 is the cause of our death on 2012 and or maybe this is all just a big mistakes which causes people lose their minds, going nuts enjoying the 2 years remaining of their lives. In my opinion, if WW3 is true, i think the cause will be Racism and Discrimination as this country im living on currently is full of racist stupid bastards..


Possible causes of 2012? (in my opinion only):

1. Yellowstone Eruption - Man, this volcano is a honker. WHen this explodes, the entire world will be covered in ash blocking the sunlight, making our planet very cold, and bang! ICE AGE 4!

2. Continental Shifting - As you know, plate boundaries are moving as fast as your nails grow per year....And dude,,stay away from San Francisco! The pacific plate and the north american plate is sliding past each other causing devastating earthquakes

3. ASTEROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Alien Invasion - Nah, im just joking but aliens do exist far away from us that's for sure




What about you? Share what you think

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Not exactly, there are new discoveries that much of what the Mayans "predicted" has been misinterpreted or put on the wrong date.


But the entire thing about 2012 is a mash-up of many "predictions" through a whole bunch of religions and even scientifical (but still contested) theories. What bugs me is that the media somehow twisted this thing into 2012 = end of the world. This is wrong, no one said that. They said a major cataclysm is going to occur and after that a new age of humanity will start but that's not the end of the world. Then again 2012 is based on mostly religious predictions and a few others so to each his interpretation...


But to "predict" a third World War, continental shifting and asteroids, that's not really hard. :lol:

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Mayans weren't properly with modern technology, but those must be coincidences. There is nothing to be worried about for now.


So 4 coincedences? I think it's much more of coincedence...I am not saying i strongly believe in 2012 though...What i beleive is the chance of possibilities...

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All I'm going to say is that it's better that we don't know when it's the end of the world.


Everyone would go crazy the day before the end of the world; there would be large mobs destroying stuff, people killing, and people having as much fun as they can. Then it turns out it isn't the end of the world.

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All I'm going to say is that it's better that we don't know when it's the end of the world.


Everyone would go crazy the day before the end of the world; there would be large mobs destroying stuff, people killing, and people having as much fun as they can. Then it turns out it isn't the end of the world.


LOL..well thought...Before the world come to an end,,im gonna get late,,f*** a lot of b****es,,and say "I love you everyone, goodbye my dear friends"..hahaha

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Again people, this is NOT about the end of the world. The Mayan calendar ends there and everything after it is a new age in the history of the world. That's all, no end of the world. They think that a major catastrophe is going to occur and a select few people will survive it. The earth will renew itself from all the pollution and strife going on and people are going to enter the new age of humanity.


Eh...if you believe into these religious predictions then yeah I'd really be scared by now. But considering that I don't belong to a Mayan or New Age religion I could care less.=D Eruptions and asteroids could show up anytime really.

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Again people, this is NOT about the end of the world. The Mayan calendar ends there and everything after it is a new age in the history of the world. That's all, no end of the world. They think that a major catastrophe is going to occur and a select few people will survive it. The earth will renew itself from all the pollution and strife going on and people are going to enter the new age of humanity.


Eh...if you believe into these religious predictions then yeah I'd really be scared by now. But considering that I don't belong to a Mayan or New Age religion I could care less.=D Eruptions and asteroids could show up anytime really.



OK..OK..new age of humanity huh...You mean like Stone age humans, Ice age humans...so what age are we humans now? and what do you call the age of humanity when 2012 comes?

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OK..OK..new age of humanity huh...You mean like Stone age humans, Ice age humans...so what age are we humans now? and what do you call the age of humanity when 2012 comes?


The 21st century.


I'm still wondering why this isn't locked like the other 2012 threads.

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The 21st century.


I'm still wondering why this isn't locked like the other 2012 threads.


21st century started last 2001....9 years ago...but according to the mayans,,it is 2012.......

Remember the 9/11 in 2001? - the beginning of the 21st century


And what is the point of locking this thread? This is a topic that everybody went loco about and needs to be discussed. A lot of superstitous people (especially Arabics...[no racism intention]) keeps on going on and on about this everytime they heard a disaster happening on some part of the world...they always say...."Repent...this is now the beginning", but look until now,,EARTH is still alive but being killed by too much emmsion of greenhouse gases


Really? I didn't know.

I have googled a bit, but still cannot find more than 2-5 lines about those.


Would you care to give me some information about them, please?


Well, according to the documentary i watch...Mayans have like diaries (but not technically a diary...more like a stone tablet) saying exactly when,what,who,which,how is those events are gonna happen...and it turns out that their prediction is right...


Also,,,the twin tower bombing, the 2004 tsunami, the world wars, are also in the bible....If you can understand sentences like this "But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape." (1 Thes 5:1-3).....There are loads of prophecies in the bible seemed to be happened to us

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