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Riot in Valhalla (Futuristic assault thingy) OOC / Started / AA / PG - 16

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Riot in Valhalla, PG-16, Always Accepting, There may be some Cyborgs seeing as the invention of robotic engineering on humans was invented but only 3 max, rest must be humans.


Link to IC: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/213254-riot-in-valhalla-futuristic-assault-thingy-ic-aa-pg-16/page__gopid__4460117#entry4460117


[spoiler=Rules]No Godmodding

No Powerplaying

4 line MINIMUM posts

No Offensive language to other players

All standard YCM rules apply



[spoiler=Plot] The American government had resorted to strange things to help their military in 2045, They were testing out AI bodies of humans, like creating robot minds in human bodies, to make their soldiers feel no fear, however it all went wrong and all who were implemented with the chip went crazy. It is now the year 2047, Two years after the beginning of the "Tyr Project" All survivors have rallied together to fight back, and now the chip has been spreading from body to body like a virus, they are still normal humans, just without emotions, The "Marauders" A band of survivors who have been fighting for the last 2 years against the Tyr have rallied troops, now the war has really begun, Valhalla (The main city of all survivors) is in peril of being destroyed, if the Marauders can't save the human race, it is afraid no man can.






Cyborg or Human(3 cyborgs max):

Appearance (Pic or no pic):

Primary Weapon(s):

Secondary Weapon(s):

Extra Weapons/Equipment (Temp JetPack etc):

Bio (NOT optional, at least 1 paragraph):



[spoiler=My App]

Name: Kyer Kierryn


Age: 23


Rank: Commander

Appearance: Gel spiked blonde hair, 6'11, Muscular-ish build, dark blue eyes, slightly tanned skin, commando army recon jacket, army recon camo pants long, above ankle high boots with belt straps instead of laces, 3 belts around waist, white bandages wrapped around hands up to lower wrist, shoulder plate on left shoulder, freshly shaven goatee.


Cyborg or Human: Human


Primary Weapons: G36c ~ Silenced, G4(Suped up G3) ~ Silenced with attached scope.


Secondary Weapons: Halberd 44k SMG (built like MP5 but is more dark blue and a little more bulky with extra firepower, with a 55 round clip magazine which is extendable but overheats the gun sometimes.), Lancer 63Ev semi-auto assault rifle, burst fire. (looks like an m-4 but a little more compact and has slightly more firepower and a scope, with a 44 round clip magazine.)


Extra: EIV (Extra Intel Visor), temp armor locking with a temp jetpack, and a smoke grenade.


Bio: Kyer is an exellent assault tactics commander with enhanced social skills, he was born in 2024 and when born was a very quick learning child, at the age of 6 he became very skilled with the using of snipers and at the age of 13 joined the MWATT (Modern Warfare Assault Tactics Team) and was a top member, at the age of 16 he switched to the G36c and the G3 then he later swapped his outdated G3 for a G4 and he excelled with the skill of defusing bombs for a year then lost talent and interest, then at the age of 20 he joined the Army Recon later to be hunted by Bio Humans at the age of 21, he rallied his old squad from the Army Recon and forced a rebellion and created a new city called Valhalla, their were many lives living at Valhalla and many guards, he later decided to stop defending and to Brute Force the Tyr, all the Army Recon squad members were killed or injured and sent home, Kyer suffered a broken wrist and when he got back he sent out on the radio for more troops.




Okay pplz joinz plz.

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Name: Ben Jonson


Rank: Stealth commander and a lieutenant first class

Type: Human

Appearance : Black hair and eyes a shade of purple. he wears a black cloak always and wear's a top hat always pulled just over his face that shadows it

Primary Weapon: Power scythe (scythe with electrical engines in it shorting out robot's)

Secondary Weapon: Boomer, Boomer is an attack dog that has completely metal teeth. It is genetically modified and uses metal as its food

Extra Weapons/Equipment:

[spoiler=Cloaking orb] An orb creating a field of energy that makes them invisible to AI robots (60 minute timer



[spoiler=clanker grenade] Made by the famous commander green (calls robots "clanker's") it shorts an Ai making them short out for 30 seconds or less



Bio: Ben Jonson used to be in the Helios war and the M70 pandemic and now dedicates his time to precision fighting. His motto is "Let them come i will be waiting in the shadows for them to make the wrong move". Ben is now known as shadow because his black cloak has always been his ally in war hiding him from the "Cyborg's" just inside the shadow's.

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Name: Demaire


Age: 27 years


Rank:Covert Opps General


Cyborg or Human(3 cyborgs max): Cyborg Ninja


Appearance (Pic or no pic): Pic link a followed: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2006/355/6/1/cyborg_ninja_by_zeo_x.jpg


Primary Weapon(s): Heirloom Katana and wakizashi with plasma blades.


Secondary Weapon(s): Arm claws, a plasma knife and a laser charm on head.


Extra Weapons/Equipment (Temp JetPack etc): Rocket feet, shoulder missiles (only useable once every 3 days) and laser slicers (Usable once a week)


Bio (NOT optional, at least 1 paragraph): One of the first Tyr prototypes, Demaire was faulty which caused him to regain human emotions. Once he realised what he had done, he joined the Marauders, he wears this armour to hide his appearance. Also to hide his mark of shame (On his forearm) which was embedded on him after he betrayed his kind.

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Name:Lucas Anderson (Nicknamed The Assassinating Revolver, aka TAR)


Rank:Major General

Cyborg or Human:Human




Primary Weapon(s):Dual Colt .45 Single-Action Army

Secondary Weapon(s):Energy Katars (Will electrify anything for a minute, if the target was a human it would die instantly, if it was a hard armor thingy it wouldn't.)

Extra Weapons/Equipment:Binocular, sonar, (Used to find the locations of all organisms and guards will be briefly shown on the radar screen, limited to 3 uses per day) grenade

Bio:Lucas is a calm-minded boy who is a specialist in revolvers, at the age of 7 he was given revolvers by his dad to shoot wooden boxes, his dad was so amazed of his amazing skills using that revolver, he gave him those revolvers and trained him a lot. When he was 9 his dad took him to the K.G.C.P.T. (Kids Guns Child Prodigy Team) for even more training, at the age of 16 he joined The Enforcers for war as a Private, never did the day The Enforcers won the war, he became famous for saving a lot of comrades and disabling a lot of opponents. He was nicknamed The Assassinating Revolver for fastly disabling opponents with his revolver. He later joined The Marauders to fight against the Tyr to save the world from the Tyr

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