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League of Assassins [[PG-13, semi-lit, Accepting, STARTED!]]


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Reina did what he told her. She held onto him not letting go. She wondered where they were going. She never thought of going this way before. She just held on and stayed quiet. Where is he taking me? What am I gonna see when we get there? Why does he want to help girls so much? Reina had many questions come to her mind and she was starting to think too much.

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"Alright, hang on tight! Here I go!" Riohs began running at super fast speed, his feet were glowing orange with Talent. Riohs began leaping up into the nearby trees of a nearby forest. Rioh traveled along the top of the trees. The light breeze felt nice to Riohs as he loves to run at fast speeds like this. "(The breeze sure is nice today.)" Riohs thought to himself as he continued along. Birds flew up high into the sky from the trees, and wild animals run along the massive plains. After awhile of running, Riohs jumped down as they arrived at their destination. "Alright here we are Reina. Rainbow Waterfalls." Riohs said as he showed her the waterfall valley. It was massive and filled with waterfalls whose water glistened as rays of sulight hit them, producing the appearance of rainbow-like water.


Trees and plants were all around them as well as tiny forest creatures running around collected fruits and nuts. "I wanted to show you this place because they say if you close your eyes and make a wish here, it'll come true. You look like you could use a wish or to, hehe." Riohs joked with a smile. "I always go here and look at the waterfalls. The clean air, beautiful scenery, and nature sounds really helps you with forgetting your troubles, at least for awhile." Riohs explained as he sat down on the edge of the cliff. Riohs looked down to see the sparkling water below. "Sometimes I just go here alone to think." Riohs said as he continued to look at the water.




"Excuse me, but you cannot enter without permission." a guard stated as he blocked the enterance to the throne room. "We're here to speak to the king about wetboy missions." Laguna replied. "You three are wetboys huh? Prove it with a Talent spell." the guard responded. "Very well." After successfully showing their ability to use Talent, the three entered just to see the king with two other visitors. "I see we're interrupting something huh?" Saph asked.

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Reina smiled big. She had never seen a place so beautiful before. It was breath taking. She looked around in awe. She couldn't believe such a place was real. "It's so wonderful!" She smiled. Reina watched the wonderful sight. "How did you know about this place? When did you ever come to Desria before?" Reina was so courious. "Oh...I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask so much questions. I am just a bother." She went quiet lowering her head to just watch the scene. She love the scene. She loved the feeling it had here. She didn't know such a place existed in Desria.

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Dante turned to the vistors. He looked at his empty plate, he was full now and wanted to leave. "No your not," Dante replied to Saph while walking out of the room. Better find somewhere to sleep for the night, he thought to himself as he looked at the strange group of people. "Selene, are you coming?" Dante said to her, opening the door into the corridor. He walked down the corridor, mirrors and paintings shining in the torchlight. He neared the main entrance and wondered where Riohs was. Doesn't matter anyway, he's not much help to us, he thought while walking out into the street.

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Selene nodded and quickly followed, after saying a quick, "We will get the job done with great speed, your majesty," and then leaving.

She looked at the other visitors. DEFINITELY wetboys, she decided, following Dante out into the street.

"We'd better find Reina and Riohs. They were told to come with us, remember?" she said, looking around. "Let's see... where are they?"

They walked to the middle of the capital. "RIOHS! REINA!"

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Her ears perked up. She looked back down the path they had came and listened. She didn't want to leave there but she knew she had to. "We are being called...." She told him. She hoped that she hadn't annoied him. She could see it all now in her mind. Him standing up and yelling I hate you at her. She could hear all the words now. Reina then turned and ran off. She didn't want to be a bother to anyone. She didn't want to have anyone hate her. Her parents yelled that at her the night she was kicked out. She hated those words.

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Riohs was about to answer Reina's previous questions but then heard Selene's voice as well. Riohs then stood up from the ground and turned around. "Alright let's g- Huh? What the? Reina! Where are you?! Better go find her." Riohs said to himself as he dashed off into the forest. He soon caught up to Reina in the forest. "Hey Reina. Why did you just run off right now? I thought we could go back together." Riohs then noticed a slight hint of saddness on Reina's face. "Hey Reina.... Is something wrong? If there is just tell me. Remember what I said, I'll help you get through your problems. So what's the matter?" Riohs asked.




"Ahh Saph, Gauge, and Laguna. It's nice to see you guys again. How's Baron doing?" the king asked. "Boss? Eh he's doing fine. He's like a cat, nine lives ya know." Gauge replied jokingly. "Hehe, that's true. So why did you guys come here?" the king asked. "We recieved new information about the Vidrainian King, it seems he's setting up an even bigger army then before and he's going to try and attack Mislet's southern strip in two weeks from now. You might want to send more troops over there to back Mislet's army up." Laguna explained. "Oh I see.... Well thank you for informing me." the king replied. "No problem, oh by the way. Have you seen a short guy with blue hair and an upbeat attitude anywhere?" Gauge asked. "Hmm, I did see someone like that actually." the king responded.

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"Reina! Riohs!" Selene continued to call, until she saw them.

"Oh, there you two are. Listen, the king assigned me a very important mission... and I want you three to come with me," she said, her speech including Dante. "you see...we're supposed to go spy on Avith. Sythgren and them are declaring war on Desria and Mislet, you know."

She smiled at bothof them, then saw the expression on Reina's face. "what's wrong?' she asked, immediately unsure of what to do. She wasn't the best at treating people right.

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Reina looked at him. A tear fell down her cheek. "I'm just a bother...You hate me...Just like they do..."Reina told him. Her mother yelling at her saying they hated her. But she couldn't understand why her father looked sad. He didn't look like he hated her. He never acted that way. So why? Why was she hated? Reina couldn't understand what she did wrong. What was it that got them so upset at her to kick her out?

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Selene was uncomprehending. "We don't hate you...I just met you today, anyways, and we're in need of company. Don't be like that, Reina... how could we hate you? You're really..." she struggled to think of a word. She was unused to interacting in this way with other people. "Nice!"

She looked at Riohs for help, thinking that he would probably have more skills in this area. Flattery was probably his area of expertise.

She also looked at Dante.

"And we really want you to come along with us," she finished lamely.

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She looked at her. "Really?..." She was nice. Thats all she was? Reina sighed. "I will come with you...Theres nothing to do around here...." She kept thinking about her parents. What had she done to get them so mad? Why did they want her to be married so badly? Why couldn't they care more about her happyness than their looks. She kept watching all of them. She forced another smile.

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"Reina...." Riohs said before hugging her. "You don't have to force a smile...." Riohs started. "How could we hate you?.... You're our friend, and no matter what, we could never bring ourselves to hate you...." Riohs then stepped back and looked at Reina with a reassuring smile. "You don't have to try so hard.... Whatever happen to make you think this way, just know that we're different.... We would never hate you Reina.... You make us all happy, that smile of yours.... I know it always makes me happy to see your smile.... And if you can make us smile then we could never hate you.... So don't ever think that way again, alright?" Riohs comforted Reina as took a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiped her tears while giving her another smile.

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Reina smiled. "Okay." She knew he was right. All of it he said was right. Her tears had washed some of the dirt off her face. She looked at him. "Then I will try my best to make you all happy and smile." She smiled bigger. Reina wanted to belong somewhere and she hoped that she belonged with them. She kept smiling feeling a warm feeling inside her and knew that this was a good start to her new life. She couldn't wait to get going.

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"Hehe." Riohs smiled grew larger as well. "Alright then! No more crying alright? I can't bear to see a girl crying. Anyways, we should probably stay here for night. Let's just go to the inn. Don't worry I'll pay." Riohs said with his usual upbeat tone of voice. "And considering all we've been through, I could go for a nice bath." Riohs said as he began stretching his arms and doing some flips to losen his muscle. "Oh and Selene, if you need to cry too then you can have my shoulder to cry on, hehe." Riohs joked as he palced both hands behind his head and smiled widely.




"What?! He was here awhile ago?!" Gauge yelled out. "Yeah, your friend sure is the energetic one." the king responded. "That's Riohs for ya. When he's not flirting with girls, he's running around like a wild animal. Let's go guys." Saph said. "Oh thanks for the info on Vidrain's movements by the way." the king said. "No problem, take care." Laguna replied as the three of them walked out.

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Reina didn't understand what was going on between them. She didn't get it at all. She was just watching them staying quiet. She had to watch them to learn about them. She kept quiet watching them. Listening. She didn't want to bother them. What am I doing? Why am I still here? Why don't I just leave? I will just be in the way. While they aren't looking I will leave them alone and find someplace to go.

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"Heh, I'm just joking around with you Selene." Riohs said with a smile. Riohs then looked at Reina and noticed something was bothering her. "hmm, Reina? Is there something else troubling you? You need to trust us a little more and tell us your problems alright? We'll help you through it. Afterall, that's what friends do for each other. Help each other out as best as we can. So tell me, is there something in your mind you want to express? I'm all ears!" Riohs said as he moved closer to Reina to listen to what she has to say.

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Selene snorted in exasperation at Riohs's obvious and flirtatious movements. "yeah, we should stay at the inn for tonight," she said. She used her Talent to locate the nearest one. It was called a quite ridiculous name: "The Golden Moon". She could never wrap her mind around fantasy-like thinking, seeing as she was a wetgirl and used to down-to-earth explanations for things. She shrugged and led the way, letting Riohs deal with Reina. "We really do want you here, Reina," she said calmly, walking purposefully forward.

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OoC: Can we actually move on rather than just talking to Reina?




Dante stared at Reina, shaking his head. He just turned and walked away, ignoring the others who trying to cheer her up. He didn't care. What had Reina done to help them? How could she be that important and we really want her on team if we only met her today? Dante thought to himself while pushing through the crowd. The wind blew through the crowded streets of Desria as the city slowly went to sleep. He made his up a narrow alley, leading to a large open hill with a path leading down the side. He followed the path, which led to a large clearing that was totally shadowed by trees. The Golden Moon was right infront of him, he could feel the warmth on his face.


Dante went inside, greeting the owner. "Have you got enough rooms for four people?" Dante asked. "Yes, we do. Where are the others?" the owner asked curiously. "They will be here soon," Dante replied handing the owner a small bag full of coins and walking up the stairs and into his room. He pulled down his hood and walked over to the window, his eagle landing on his outstreched arm. He went inside and the eagle just stood on one of the bedposts, examaining the room. Dante took off his armor and battle gear and had a warm bath before getting and putting on his casual clothes.


[spoiler=Dante's casual appearance]




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Selene walked after Dante immediately and paid the inkeeper with some of her own money. It would be a godo, rich night for the inkeeper tonight, she said grimly as she also paid for her bath. She changed out of her black robe and washed it too, but used her talent to dry it quickly. She preferred her black robe to any other casual clothes anyways, so she went to meet with Dante.

"So you heard about our mission. Any suggestions for our course of action?" she asked, wondering if Dante had an opinion. She's rather hear his than have to wander around blind with the other two cheerful ones.

Well, Riohs was cheerful. Reina was becoming cheerful.

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Reina nodded. She followed them. Reina had no money on her. She didn't get paid with money. She got paid with food. Reina stayed back staying quiet. She didnt want to bother them. She was blushing a bit from Rioh getting close to her. She wasn't used to people being so close to her. Usually people stayed away from her. They knew who she was and didn't like her. Thats why it was hard to get work at times. People even threw things at her.

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Dante thought for a moment. "We should gather information first and find out about the situation there," Dante said, relaxing into his chair. It had been a long time since he had had time to relax and was going to make the most of it. "If at any point Riohs or Reina are slowing us down, we will have to leave them behind as they are not vital to the mission. I don't fail my missions," he said quietly, so that Riohs or Reina did not overhear. "We should also try to get information from someone who has been to the opposing countries recently, to see what course of action thay are taking. We should also consider infiltrating the opposing countries and killing off anyone important to them, the earlier we ruin their plans the better," Dante said as a waiter layed his pate on the table, filled with steaming hot meat and vegatables.

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Selene smiled at last as her meal came, and she dug into it eagerly while thinking about what Dante said. "You're probably right." she agreed. "But where would we find someone that's been to Avith? Our first stop should be Sythgren, because they're allied with Avith but Avith is the one that started it. So in order to get where the enemy is and yet not completely embroiled with the enemy, we should go to Sythgren. I don't fail missions either, Dante. Never have, and never will!"

She continued to eat.

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Riohs followed them to the inn, but instead of eating he decided to get some fresh air on the inn's roof. "{Humming} Hmm, I wonder how are my friends doing? I can't remember the last time I saw them. I wonder was it when we went on that mission in Avith. Hmm, eh who knows, they'll probably show up later." Riohs said to himself while starring up at the sky. "That Dante.... He really needs to lighten up. Don't understand why he acts so cold to others. I view having friends as a strength, he probably doesn't. I wonder what about Selene? Hmm...." Riohs pondered to himself. "Matter of fact, I wonder if I could trust someone so cold to others. Eh, doesn't matter, since we're traveling together then I need to have faith." Riohs reassured himself.




"Jeez, he's probably out of town now. I mean he is Riohs ya know. He just can't keep still." Gauge said. "Have faith would ya? If I was a betting man I say he's probably taking a girl out on a date. You know how he is." Saph responded. "Hmm, something isn't right.... I have a terrible feeling about this...." Laguna pondered quietly to himself.

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Reina had slipped away just as planned. She was walking around the streets all on her own. She sighed. She didn't understand why she left. Reina went into an alley and sat down. She curled up in the shadows. What was she doing? What was she thinking? Reina didn't know anymore. She had good hearing so she heard what had been said. She didn't want to slow them down so she left. She made up her mind to go get married.

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Selene glanced around. She saw Riohs was on the balcony, but she realized that Reina was nowhere in sight.

She shrugged. She was probably on the toilet or something, she thoguht, turning back to her food. Ten minutes later there was still no sign of Reina. "Have you seen that cheerful girl?" she asked Dante, lookign around. "Riohs is still on the balcony, but I don't see the girl Reina."

She had ifnished her dinner and the waitress had come to take her and Dante's plates.

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