DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Selene grinned wider. She could use companionship. "Sure. But don't get too cocky. Apparently me smiling is a rare thing." She looked back towards where they had come from. "Well, anyways, the town we're in is close to the border of Sythgren and Desria, so do you have a horse? Mine's tethered at the inn."She looked back towards his boss. "You sure he won't mind you running off with me?" she asked doubtfully. "By the number of these tents, it looks pretty busy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Hmm, really now? Then I guess I gotta step up my game if I want to see you smile more often Selene!" Riohs said as he held up his fist and formed it into a thumbs up. "A horse? Well no. I usually just travel by foot. Oe of my Talents allow me to travel at fast speeds along the tree tops. Boss always said that it makes me appear to be a monkey when I do that, but- Hmm, actually it probably does make appear to be a monket travelling on top of the trees like that. Oh well, guess that's just me. I'll find a horse when we get to Desria. You won't mind if I travel with you on your horse now do ya?" Riohs asked curiously. "Oh, and don't worry about the Boss. I always wander from places to places to go sightseeing so he's use to it now, and the rest of Syria got plenty of free time when they're not doing any missions so it's cool." Riohs energetically explained. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Okay. Sure. I guess you can travel on my horse...It's small, so I"l just use my Talent to make it bigger," she thought out loud. "It's right over at the inn... hey, is that Dante?" a couple of streets down, she saw a figure that looked exactly like the other man that had been watching her fight. "Looks like he's fighting too. You wanna drop in, to see how he's doing?" she offered. "I still have some time to kill."She gazed back over at the fight. They looked evenly matched. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Dante? Oh you mean the big guy from before? So that's his name huh? Well sure, let's see what he's up too while we're still in Sythgren. hmm, wonder if he wants to tag along with us too. The more the marrier, let's go Selene!" Riohs said as he ran towards Dante's location. But as he arrived, Riohs witnessed the place being covered in blood. "Eww.... Guess whoever he fought didn't have a clean death. Hmm, wait a minute." Riohs said as he thought he saw someone familiar being carried away. "That body right there.... Why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere before?.... Hmm, eh, probably just my imagination." Riohs said to himself as he turned around to see Selene coming closer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiza Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Dante was wielding a sword in each hand woth blood down one of the blades and spluttered across his chest. The guards just retreated and called for back up, they were afraid of him. He then caught a glimpse of Riohs and Selene from earlier and turned to them. "What are you doing here? You should go, theres about to be some big fight around here, the gaurds have called for back up since I just killed my target," Dante said carefully examining his surroundings for the guards return. He then heard many loud foorsteps coming from an alley opposite them as many guards came into view, wearing full battle armor and weilding spears and shields. They instantly took a defensive stance as they saw Dante, Selene and Riohs thinking they were Dante's back up. "Run or prepare to fight..." Dante said aiming his blade at the group. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Well we're here to help out of course." Riohs said as he jumped towards Dante. "Hehe, so these are the elite guards huh? They just slow-moving hunks of junk. This'll be a cinch." Riohs said confidently as he took out his two daggers, Cealum and Masher. "I'm not gonna run anywhere, especially when someone needs help. You just leave this group behind you to me." Riohs said. Riohs was rather short being only 4'08" in height, but this gives him the advantage when it comes to fighting slow-moving enemies. "Here I go!" Riohs charged at the elite guards with great speed. "Get 'im men!" an elite guard yelled out as three of them charged towards Riohs. They slashed their swords towards Riohs, but Riohs easily jumped up into the air and kicked the guards' helmets, confusing the enemy. "Grand Triple!" Riohs yelled out as he twisted his body in mid-air and slammed his daggers three times each into the guards' helmets. After being hit, the guards fell to the ground, unconscious, but not dead. "I hope you don't mind if I don't kill them Dante!" Riohs said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiza Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Do whatever you want..." said Dante before stepping forwards at the guards infront of him. The first one slashed with his words but Dante easily dodged, kicked him in the chest and stabbed him in the neck. He turned on the others, using his talent to send a blast wave around him, knocking them off of their feet. He thrust his sword into one of them, who was trying to get up, and walked towards the rest of the pack. Rather than attacking, they decided to take a defensive stance this time by backing away and raising their shields. Dante used his talent agian, raising his hand in the air and forcing their shields into the air. He lunged at one and span around, his blades slicing three of them in the chest. He then jumped, kicking the last one in the head before landing with his sword in the gaurd's chest. Â Looking around at the unconscious and dead bodies laying around him. He turned to see that Riohs was fighting the guards oon the oppoesite alley and thought that Selene would take the middle one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Selene leaped forward towards the middle one, and began a series of advanced hacks and stabs. The guard didn't stand a chance! She made a deadly thrust then turned to another one that appeared behind her.She turned towards Dante, completely calm. "we were going to ask you if you had anything to do over the next day. We're taking a trip to the Desrian king because he summoned me. Wanna come?" she asked. "we could use company. And another horse if you have one." she added as an afterthought, sliding a quick look at Riohs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiza Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Ooc: I'm going offline for a bit IC: Dante looked at her and considered ot for second. "Fine, I'll come if you want. I've got nothing better to do," he said while turning to another guard and sending a bolt of red electricity coursing though his body. The guards looked terrified as Dante, Selene and Riohs had nearly taken down a whole regiment of these soldiers on their own. He could sense fear in the guards eyes as he aproached them his blades shining crimson red in the light. His pet eagle appeared on his shoulder before darting at a gaurd and cutting him across the face before Dante kicked him in the stomach. The guard layed on floor, his captian's badge shining on his armor. "Wait!" Dante cried out. "Selene, Riohs this is the captain. We can use him to keep to make the guards retreat, that way we will make it to the king in time." Dante put his blade to the captain's throat and the guards stopped and stared. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 OOC: mind if I control him? how about...better, we'll all beable to control him. IC: The captain glanced at him with a worried expression apparent in his face. "Wh--Wha--What do you want!" he struggled to find his voice, and tried to make it sound like a captain's would."You aren't in a position to make demands. Call your men off and we'll be on our way.""Never! We have a duty to the king of--" he was cut off for he found Selene's swordpoint at his throat along with Dante's."Consider your words carefully, Captain," she growled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Riohs has just finished off the rest of the remaining guards behind Dante and Selene. Riohs kicked one of the downed guards in the head. "Stupid Tin Head, you used a fireball on my butt." Riohs said before making his way to Dante, Selene, and the captive captain of the guards. "If I were you I would listen and call off your men. We don't want to see anymore bloodshed now would we?" Riohs asked. "Ugh.... I swear I will get you three back for this, no matter if it takes me a hundred years to do it.... Back away...." the captain ordered the rest of the guards. Without another word, the guards began to back up slowly and carefully. "Now that's more like it." Riohs said. Riohs then spotted two guard horses in a nearby guard stable. "Well, well, won't ya look at that. Hey Old Man, where's the key to the stable over there?" Riohs asked the captain. "I don't have it.... The keys are kept by a seperate unit...." the captain answered. "Hmm, no problem, just leave this to me." Riohs ran over to the stable and used the the tip of one of his dagger as a lock pick and successfully opened the stable. "Easy there girl." Riohs said as he jumped up onto one of the horses. "Alright you guys. Our rides are over here!" Riohs exclaimed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Selene smiled, and disappeared around the corner, only to reappear again with her katana safely sheathed and having her own horse in tow."So I guess we have one horse for everyone," she said, checking her watch and winding it up with her Talent. "Two hours before I need to get there. We'd better get riding." she said, hopping on hers. "This is Moondapple, by the way." she added fondy as she stroked the horse's mane. It was a River Mare, a beautiful horse that was dappled with flecks of brown and gray and entirely a moon-like gray for the rest of its body. "Come on, get mounted!" she said, impatiently. "It isn't the best thing to do to anger a king you know. Espeically the king of your home country!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CristalFlames Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Reina sat on the ground stareing up at the sky. She was resting from walking so much. She moved her hair out of her face. Reina's stomach growled. "Too bad I don't have anything to eat. I would love some food right now." She sighed again. She had no idea of what to do or where to go. No one had anything for her to do. It was so boring with nothing to do, or no one to help. She looked around hoping to see someone in need. Seeing no one she sighed and stood up brushing the dirt off of her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Selene urged her horse into a gallop, clattering down the cobbled streets of the small Sythgrenian city. She waved at the others, telling them to follow her. She turned back forward and cantered down the streets. Soon they were at the outskirts of the city, and she slowed down to a nice canter, as to not tire out Moondapple. "Easy, girl..." she said, stroking the River Mare's beautiful mane absentmindedly, looking to the distance. She could see the bleak outline of the nearest Desrian town. In an hour they would be past it, and on their way down the Royal Road of Desria. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Alright girl! Let's g- WHOA!!!" The horse was faster than Riohs expected. The horse was galloping with great speed, this was expected of an elite guard horse. Riohs finally regained his composture and sat up right once again. "Sheesh.... That was unexpected of you." Riohs said while lightly petting the horse. "Alright Selene, I'm pretty good with my direction so you want me to lead or you? It doesn't really matter anyways though. Hmm, Dante sure is taking his sweet time on the horse." Riohs said as he looked back at the small town. "Hmm, I wish my friends could travel with me right now. Oh well, I'll see them later. I'm gonna go on ahead to see if there are any monsters ahead alright? Oh, and after you finished seeing the king, don't forget about our date!" Riohs teased to try and get at least a small smile from Selene as he rode off. Soon Riohs noticed a girl (Reina) nearby. "Huh?" Riohs stoped his horse closed to her and jumped down from the horse. "Well hi there!" Riohs started with a smile. "Are you lost or something? Do you need any help?" Riohs asked with a friendly tone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CristalFlames Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "I am not lost. I live around here." She looked at the stranger. "Can I help you with something?" Reina hadn't seen new people around there in a long time. It was strange seeing someone here. I am glad that something finally happened. I'm so bored. I wonder what they are doing here. I hope its not anything bad Reina looked them up and down she had her weapons close at her side if she needed them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Oh so you live around here huh? I'm guessing your living in that nearby Desria town eh?" Riohs asked out of curiosity. "Hmm, you're carrying weapons? Well I hope you don't intend on using those on us. Anyways, we're not gonna try and fight you or anything, I was just seein if you needed any help is all, because I wouldn't want to refuse helping a girl!" Riohs said with a smile. "Anyways, what are you even doing out here? It's dangerous out here at nightime. There could be dangerous monsters and thieves and stuff. Well, but I guess you can handle that yourself seeing as how you're carrying weapons around. Well anyways, what are you doing out here at this hour?" Riohs asked concerningly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CristalFlames Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "I'm used to being alone. Don't worry about me." She faked a smile. Reina started to relax. "Yeah. I live in one of the towns. I guess I should be heading back now." Not that anyone would be worried about me. I better get going. Better to sleep in the streets than here. "Bye." She started to walk off. Reina had so much on her mind as she walked off. She didn't know what to say to them. Reina sighed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Selene watched the exchange silently. "That's...strange..." she murmured to herself. She let Moondapple graze over the grass nearby for a bit. "We'd better get riding," she said. "And of course. The date. Right. At least, we'll have one if I don't get arrested or anything from the king. Not that I'd expect to, but he hasn't summoned me like this in months. And the last time he did, I was in big trouble...I accidentally killed one of Desria's guards. Well, how was I to know he was Desrian?! He was underCOVER as a Misletian, so..." she trailed off, realizing that she had been ranting and rambling. "oops." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CristalFlames Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Reina found a street with no one in it and sat down resting againist a building. She curled up trying to stay warm. Her skin was pale and her stomach growled again. "No one to work for so no food...Except that stomach." She sighed again. Reina was cold and shivering but she ignored it. Laying on the ground she started to doze off with no cover or anything. Her clothes barely kept her warm. Reina wasn't fully asleep as she laid there. She never was. The ground was too hard for her but she was used to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkAngel787 Posted August 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Selene paused, feeling a wave of remorse for leaving the girlthere. She stopped with out a word and rode backwards. "Reina...would yu like to come with us?" she offered kindly. It was rare to feel kindness for her. "I mean, we could use more company. You could ride with us on my horse. Moondapple's a strong one, she can take two people," she said with a smile. She scooted forward in the saddle, clearing a space for Reina. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CristalFlames Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Reina lifted her head and looked at her. "Are you sure?" She stood up. " I don't want to be a bother." Reina did want to go somewhere but she didn't want to bother them. "If you really want me to then okay." She smiles. Reina climbed up and sat behind her. "Thank you..."She whispered. Reina didn't want to sleep on the ground tonight. She wanted a bed. She wanted to find a place she belonged. This place wasn't it. Her family was there and they hated her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiza Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Dante horse bounded up to Riohs. "Taking my time?" Dante asked coldly before turning and realising that Reina was on Selen's horse. "What's your name?" he said, his eagle landing on his shoulder. He jumped off of the horse and walked inside a tavern for something to drink. As he walked in, he could feel the eyes of all the people around him staring at him. He payed for his drink and walked outside, the crisp, winter air stung his dark face. He got back onto his horse eager to keep traveling. The reason he was late was that he had to arrange a secret meeting with someone is Desria and he couldn't be late. He started at a slow trot down street, he could feel the fear of the people around him. Many people could tell tat he was a wetboy by his armor alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.:Blu:. Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 "Alright Reina! Welcome to the team!" Riohs said with a freindly smile and a thumbs up. Riohs watched as Dante entered a travern for a drink. "C'mon Dante really! Selene needs to get to the Desrian Capital in less than two hours and your getting yourself a drink?!" Riohs yelled out to him before he entered the travern. "Well even though Dante is coming with us, he still wants his own freedom huh? Hehe, guess that's a good thing. Anyways, should we wait for him?" Riohs asked as he jumped off his horse and began stretching. "Man, I still need to get use to riding on a horse...." Riohs said as he did a couple of flips. "Much better! So Reina, are you alone? Well I can't really say that anymore since your with us. But if you were alone, then you don't need to worry anymore. You know, you should smile more often, it's good to smile, see." Riohs said as he made a big, funny smile in an attempt to try and cheer Reina up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
^l~Soul~l^ Posted August 1, 2010 Report Share Posted August 1, 2010 Soul was sleeping in a alley quitly but he woke up to the sound of people talking down the street.He peered through the street and noticed they were on horeses and he remembered he had a mission to accomplish.He started walking down the street with his back to them.He looked back at them then started walking again.His footsteps were quiet.He enjoyed the silence,But he could still hear the people talking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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