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League of Assassins [[PG-13, semi-lit, Accepting, STARTED!]]


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Reina started to doze off again. She didn't know why she was so tired. Was it from not sleeping much on the streets? She lifted her head to try and stay awake. Reina looked around the room trying to remember the good things in life. To forget about death. She wasn't going to be afraid anymore. If she died then she died. She didn't care. Her time would come one day and she would have to be ready for it.

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Selene shook her head. "No, we're going to meet on the outskirts. He's even more of an introvert than I am, if you can believe that," she said with a dry chuckle, then stood up and went back inside.

"We should pack now. We have till sunset to meet him on the outskirts, or mister impatient will leave without us." she muttered to Ghost wryly, then reached for her modest belongings. She only had enough to take on her back to places; two sets of wetgirl clothes, her weapon, some small rations, and water.

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Selene nodded, understanding, and then she walked back inside. "Reina? Are you packed?" she asked, walking over to Reina.


Her head was swimming with thoughts about the new wetboy, Ketodama. Did she like him? Did she dislike him? She wasn't sure yet. All she knew was that he was her ally. Friendship was pretty rocky.

He was even more of an introvert than she was, she remembered. She shrugged and waited for Reina.

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Reina got up silently and packed her things. When she was ready she turned toward Selene. "Ready..." She told her. She picked her small bag up and headed for the door. Reina stayed quiet as she walked past Selene and out the door. She was ready to leave. She didn't ask where or why they were going. Reina just walked outside without a word. Was everyone else ready? Were they leaving now? Reina didn't know, nor did she ask.

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Even if Reina didn't ask, she could see some unasked quesitons in her eyes. "Reina, if you have a question, its alright to ask...now what is it?" asked Selene, getting Ghost and walking out the door.

They began to walk down the street. "We should get our horses..." she said, thinking of her MOondapple, all nice and tethered up in some stable in some inn somewhere.

"Hm...the king took the fake information rather nicely...." her thoughts were wandering in uncertain directions, and she was also waiting for Reina to ask something.

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Ketodama remained patiently waiting in the stable, he was confident the others would make their way to him in time, and even if they didn't he wasn't questioning their ability to catch up to him. For the time being, he was fine just sitting there and resting. The stable was attached to a smaller inn which had a reputation for being a hangout for all sorts of shady folk and nobody there had any reason to look in the stables. As such, Ketodama was quite safe in his little hiding place. He began digging through his pack, finding a small bag he had filled with dried meat, and pulling it out. He opened the bag and placed one of the pieces in his mouth, chewing on it in a satisfied manner.

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"What is the misson?...I don't understand what we are suppose to be doing." Reina finally asked. She turned her haed to look at Selene and waited for a reply. She didn't understand any of it. Why was she even here with them? She left home looking for love not wanting to kill people and now this? Why hadn't she asked questions before she agreed to come with them? Reina turned away lowering her head.

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"The king of Desria wants information," Selene said evenly, not beign able to know much about feelings so she just thought Reina was being intellectually curious. "So we're going to give it to him. It isn't really the best thing to anger a king...that's wha tI learned in Mislet..." she sighed, her thoughts having a momentary flashback as she remembered Mislet.


But he was so handsome...she had met another wetboy, Tristan, back in Mislet. She remembered the time they had spent together, and the many happy hours they spent with each other...but all that changed with a summons from the king.

She ignored it.

The king sent riders for her.

She ignored them.

Tristan turned out to be the one who finally turned her into the king. Now she was a wanted criminal.

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"Avith is pretty bad," admitted Selene, continuing to walk. "But I think I can pull this off...hopefully we'll have no more Kraives on our tail, or people like Kraive..."

She shrugged. "Lets see...stables..." they walked into the stable and saw Ketodama.

"Oh there you are..." Selene nodded to him, grabbing her horse Moondapple and giving her some horse feed.

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"He's right there," Selene said, jerking a figure over to Ketodama's hunched figure in the stables. She paid the stable hand the right fee for their horses, then said to Ketodama, 'come on, we're leaving."

They walked out, and Selene saddled up Moondapple and got on.

"You got a horse?" she asked, confused, as she looked over at Ketodama.

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Reina just stood there not knowing what to do. She usually rod with Riohs but she didn't want to bother him. She stood there quietly. Reina decided to run beside them. She knew she could keep up but she would get tired quicker than the horse. She didn't want to change her mind though. She lowered her head letting her hair fall in her face. She didn't want anyone to know what she was thinking right now.

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"I will be fine. Don't worry about me. I may look like a weak girl but there are things about me that no one knows about." She started to walk off in the direction they were headed. She was going to get a head start but still refused to get help. She knew she needed to accepted it sometimes but it was hard to. She hated to ask for help cause she thought it made her seem weak. Reina kept walking.

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Reina turned and looked at him. Why was he copying her? Did he really do it cause of the horse? She didn't know so she continued walking. She stayed quiet wondering what exactly to say. Brother....Are you okay?....Do you still think of us when your there?...How much longer must I wait until we are together again? Do you know my future? She kept thinking to herself and wondering what had happened to her brother. How did he die? No one told her much except he was killed in a fight. She needed to remember. Why couldn't she remember her past?

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Ketodama calmly nodded his head at Selene's question about his possession of a horse. He then gestured towards a large black stallion, the same one he had just fed a carrot to. He calmly rose to his feet and pulled a simple piece of wolf's hide from the ground and placed it fur-side down on the horse's back. Just a few moments after, he leapt up onto the creature's back and, judging by his lack of reaction, landed quite lightly. He calmly grabbed hold of a few longer parts of the horse's mane and gently tapped his heels against it's sides. The creature calmly made it's way forward out of the stable and towards the edge of the city in the direction of the Avithan border. He did all of this without acknowledging any of the others in any way aside from his nod towards Selene.


"Easy Veras, we're not in any hurry now."

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  • 2 weeks later...

She looked at them all and nodded. Reina was ready to get out of there. She looked at Ghost. Reina still had that image of his brother dead on the floor. Why must people kill? Why must people forget the good in life and go astray? Reina didn't understand. She was like a child but in a teen body. She didn't understand alot because it was hidden from her. Reina just wanted to leave. She could still smell the scent of blood.

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