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League of Assassins [[PG-13, semi-lit, Accepting, STARTED!]]


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((Man, things are moving by fast....))


After all of the events had transpired, Riohs felt really tired and decided to call it a night. Instead of sleeping in his room, Riohs had slept on a branch of a tree. He looked quite comfortable in fact. "{Snoring} What? Who-Who are you? Wh- No...." Riohs muttered as he moved a little bit to the left. He was close to falling out of the tree, but he was able to kept his balance. Riohs stood in a field of white flowers. A calm breeze flew across his face. Riohs looked around, bewildered. "You will soon return.... We will all return.... To where we're suppose to be...." a masculine voice echoed through the field. "Return? Who are you? Where will I return to?" Riohs asked. "You are like me Riohs.... You're meant to be alone.... You don't deserve the company of others.... Try your best if you must, but in the end.... It will all fade away.... Go ahead and parade around with your upbeat persona trying to make so-called friends.... You're just hiding.... Hiding from truth...." the voice responded.


"No! What are you talking about?! Tell me where I will return to?!" Riohs asked once again. The masculine voice gave an eerie chuckle. "Behind you, the finale...." the masculine voice replied. Riohs looked around to see everyone he has considered to be his friend. "Y-You guys!" Riohs exclaimed as he ran towards them. However, the closer he got, the slower he became, and his friends began to fade away while laughing happily. Riohs felt still, completely frozen. "(What- What's going on?)" Riohs thought to himself.

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She nodded. Reina picked him up and carried him to the infirmary. The healers took him and Reina waited out in the hall. She couldnt do anything to help. Reina felt so helpless. She sat there on the floor staring at her feet. She couldn't believe she couldn't help. She had tried to wake the others up but she didn't get a response. She sat there on the cold floor wishing she wasn't so helpless. Suddnenly Reina passed out. The poison was taking affect but it wasn't killing her. It was just making her extremely tired.

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The medics started to heal him. They did all they could to help him. Reina sat on the floor as if she was asleep. She sat there with her head in her knees and her head down. Reina didn't have any good dreams then. She felt like she was falling into darkness. She was trying to wake. Trying to breathe. Trying to stop herself. Reina couldnt do anything to make it stop. Reina just wanted to wake up and see the Ghost was okay.

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Reina heard his voice and finally woke. She lifted her head and looked at him. She was paler than before. Reina stared at him."You okay?" She asked. She hoped he was. "Why are you out of bed?" She was worried. No one had came still after she had knocked on their doors. She sat there staring at him. Was he okay? She couldn't help this time and she felt useless. No one got hurt much so what was she to do?

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Riohs finally awoke from his dream, or more percisely, nightmare. "{Panting} Th-That was an ordeal.... Huh?" Riohs noticed some movements coming from within the medical room. "What's happening in there?" Riohs asked himself in curiosity. Riohs then leaped over to the window and climbed inside. He saw Ghost and Reina and quickly ran over to them. "Hey are you two okay? Huh, Reina.... Why does she seemed more pale? We should help her to the bed." Riohs said as he placed one of Reina's arm over his shoulders and awaited for Ghost to do the same.

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After helping Reina onto the nearby bed, he looked towards Ghost with a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's okay. Reina may look fragile but she can be tough when she needs to be. You gotta keep faith, alright?" Riohs asked with a confident smile show vividly on his face. "You look like you can use some rest yourself. Don't push yourself Ghost, not after what happened." Riohs said and then turned to Reina. "You need to rest too Reina. I don't want to see people pushing themselves too hard now." Riohs said as he walked to the door and looked outside to find any doctor or nurses. "Hmm, where are they?" Riohs asked.

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"I don't know," Ghost responded, "but this isn't from the poison wound. Kraive showed up again. He sunk a knife into my chest, narrowly missing my heart.

If he wasn't naive enough to put me in front of Reina's door, I would have died. She took me to the infirmary.

But I swear... the next time I see Kraive, I will kill him, and the only scenario I will let keep me from killing him is if he kills me first. You, Selene, Reina, and whoever else is with you, be rest assured. I won't let him live unless I myself die."

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Riohs looked back with a smile on his face. "Heh, now that's the confidence I wanted to see." Riohs said and then turned to face Ghost. "I'm glad you thought of it that way Ghost, but you're wrong on one thing." Riohs said as he placed his fist towards Ghost with a confident smile on his face. "The good guys don't die." Riohs stated confidently. "I know you'll be able to win, and you won't die doing it. Just gotta keep faith." Riohs reassured Ghost.

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"I'm fine...Really..."Reina told them. She knew that it was a lie but still. It was all because she put the poison within herself. She looked at them. She didn't know what else to say. She was afraid that she could die. She kept watching them. She wanted to live. Reina was so tired. She started to doze off. She sighed. Why were they worried about her? She didn't understand. Reina really didn't.

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Selene nodded solemnly. "yeah, I hope she is..." she wracked her memory and watched in her mind's eye a replay of what REina had done to Ghost.

"Something about that healing...I think she did the Succulenti Caerimonia..." she struggled to remember what that was. "I know it has some side effects that might happen...it's like some sort of healing..."

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"Hmm...." Riohs looked at Reina. "You're not a very good liar Reina. Stay here, I'll go find a doctor or nurse or somebody who can help. Oh and Reina, don't fall asleep alright. Ghost, Selene, do anything you guys can to keep her awake until I come back." Riohs said as his feet began to shine an orange color. "Be right back." Riohs said as he dashed outside with amazing speed and went through the hallways trying to look for someone who could help. "(I won't let anyone die, not while I'm around.)" Riohs thought to himself with a serious composure.

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"No...I remember...you took the poison into your own body! That's the side effects of Caerimonia that I heard about..." selene's eyes widened. "get a healer, quick...Reina, why did you do that?" she shook her head.

She turned to Ghost. "She DID save your life," she inclined her head. "But now the poison's inside her. It's a side effect of the healing she performed."

She shook her head in wonder. "I've never tried it, btu I know the theory..."

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Riohs continued to speed through the hallways, until he finally found someone. Riohs almost bumped into them, but thanks to his reaction speed, Riohs quickly somersaulted over them and landed behind the person. Luckily for Riohs, the person he found was a doctor, and even better, a poison expert. "Glad I found ya, Doc, you need to come with me and quick!" Riohs exclaimed. Riohs then turned around to see Ghost. "Ghost! I found a doctor!" Riohs yelled from afar.

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"Relax...it's no use getting violent right now," Selene said, making amotion towards the sword Ghost was gripping. "We need to formulate a plan, PLUS i need to go visit the king right now. I've learned, in certain places like Mislet, that you should never, EVER keep a king waiting. Make sure a healer gets to her quick, and I'm going to go save our skins and go see the king. Sorry."

She walked out of the room, feeling quite confused about how, socially, saving each other worked. How on earth do you pay back the debt? It's nto like you get the chance to save another person every single day...

...unless you were a wetboy/girl and you risked your neck every day on killing assignments, she thought listlessly as she entered the throne room.

"My apologies, your majesty, for my late arrival, but one of my companions was poisoned and that required my attention. I am here now." she said with a deep bow.

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Reina was trying to stay awake. "I wanted to help...I dont want to be useless..." Reina told them. "Everyone is so special but me..." Reina lowered her head. She didn't regret what she did. She wanted to save a life. She looked up at them about to fall asleep. Her eyes nearly closed. She was so tired. What was seh to do? She wanted to help and she did. She didnt care. She just smiled up at them. It was all she could do.

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The doctor quickly rushed into the room and examined Reina. "Oh my, this is highly potent poison.... I'll do my best, but I'll need some help." the doctor said looking towards Riohs and Ghost. "Umm, sorry I don't know your names but you the short one, can you bring me a large container of water." the doctor said. Without another word, Riohs quickly ran off to get some hot water. "And you, bring me some towels." the doctor said to Ghost. The doctor then turned towards Reina. "Alright, here we go. Now you may feel some pain, but it is to be expected when your dealing with the Zaryrilik poison. It's a metallic based compound so pain is to be expected." the doctor quickly placed his hand over Reina's chest. His hand then began glowing a pale green and a beam shot into Reina's body.

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