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League of Assassins [[PG-13, semi-lit, Accepting, STARTED!]]


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The bartender looked, shocked that an assassin superior had spoken to him. He nodded rapidly without speaking then went back to the room behind the bar, scared.

"You scared him!" Selene said with a small smile. She rarely ever smiled now...this was strange.

"It's almost sundown. We should go back to the king, he needs to hear us out. With made up 'intelligence' from Mislet." she said with a small smirk.

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"Could I come along? I don't want to risk running into an assassin, or worse- my brother- with my arm broken," Ghost said.

Ghost stood up and looked around.

Then, as fast as a strike of lightening, he fell to his knees, clutching the scar on his chest. He opened his shirt and looked at it.

His blood was not only red, there were small pools of green and purple.

His brother had poisoned him.

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Reina looked around to figure out what had happened. She stayed quiet. Strangers made her nervous. Reina stayed by Selene not wanting to get lost or hurt. Why were they there? Reina didn;t know and wasnt going to ask. She just was going to stay quiet so she wouldn't bother anyone. That was the right thing to do right? She really didn't know. She saw the blood and knew a fight had been there. She hoped she didn't show up at a bad time.

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"Oh god..." Selene realized what had happened instantly. She stood up and grabbed him on his good arm.

"Come on, we gotta get you to the king's healers." she said urgently. "You can't walk, we gotta carry you..."

She heaved his legs up and motioned for the others to help. Together they carried the poisoned wetboy out onto the street, and made their way to the palace.

"let us IN, our companion has been POISONED and we have valuable info for the KING!" she said impatiently.

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"Uh....Selene....I can help..." Reina finally spoke up. She wanted to help and knew how. She looked at them. Reina knew exactly what to do to help. She just needed permisson to do it. She felt so useless until now. She didn't want to mess this up. She knew how to do it it was just doing it that was hard. Reina had a determinded look on her face. She didn't want to feel so useless anymoer. She only hoped she had been heard.

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"We need to get you to the king's healers first...Reina? You can?" her improved hearing had heard Reina's small comment. "Well don't be shy, how do you help?" she asked as gently as she could manage.

She continued the long walk down the path to the main doors, wondering if Ghost was going to make it.The venom was very, very potent in the wound and they had already waited about fifteen minutes...

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"M...my key, where is it...?" Ghost asked with a worried expression on his face.

His breathing slowed even more. It was apparent that if he wasn't treated soon, he would die.

Ghost looked at Selene, "Please... send someone back for my key... please..."

Ghost lay his good arm back on the poisoned wound and silently hoped for life...

and vowed to find his brother and make sure he was killed.

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Selene reached into his side pocket. "Here it is," she said gently. "What is it, anyways?" she asked curiously, peering at the key. "I saw what you did to your brother, it looks dangerous..." she muttered, holding it a distance away from her.

She continued to use what strength was left in her depleted and tired muscles to heave him into the castle. She raised an eyebrow at Reina. "If there's a way to help him, now'sthe time." she said as calmly as she could muster.

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Ghost was silent for a moment.

Then, he finally said, "This key is to a chest that belonged to their parents. According to my aunt and uncle, their last dying with was for me to have it...

I used it to stab Kraive because I feel like... if my parents had given me the key, then if they were still alive, they would not be proud of my brother, not be proud of his lifestyle, not be proud of his goals..."

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"A reason I became a wetgirl is cause I knew how to heal. I can take the poison out of him. Healing is my speacialty....No one really knew cause people thought I was some kind of freak. Lay him on the ground and I will take it from there." Reina told her. She noticed Ghost was getting worse. "He doesn't have much time left. That means I need to hurry. The process isn't long its just.."She topped herself

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Selene nodded and lowered Ghost, understanding. "Go, go..." she said to Reina. "do the best you can."

She watched as Reina began her work, and now she had some time with a one on one soliloquy in her mind.

She joked with herself at times.

But she DID need to think. Why was she doign this? Helping him out like this? If she left him to die, no one could blame her, she just met the guy today!

You helped him the same reason why you let the other three assassin superiors on the journey with you, said a small voice in her mind. She nodded to herself. That made sense. She liked things that made sense.

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Reina got down on her knees beside him. "Please forgive me. " Reina whispered to herself. She pressed her lips to his and her hand glowed. She put it on his chest. Her hand had put a barrier around his heart so it wouldn't get any poison in it as she drained the poison out. A few minutes passed and she slowly pulled away. The poison was out of him but what Reina didn't say was it was in her mixing with her blood. There was a chance it could kill her but she didn't want to tell anyone that part. "He just needs rest now." Reina was a bit pale since she didn't use her powers much but she was fine. Her legs felt like rubber.

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Ghost awoke an hour later.

"How did you do that?" he said to Reina. He was still very tired."

Ghost tried to remember the events leading up to this moment.

"I followed them here, I befriended Riohs, Kraive found me, but I drove him away.

Then, the poison and... a kiss." He couldn't recall it, but he knew it happened... he just knew.

Ghost tried to stand up, but he still did not have all of his strength. He sat back down and relaxed.

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Reina held out a piece of bread. "Here. Eat this. It will help." She was shy but knew she had to keep helping. "The poison is gone but your body is still a bit weak." She had carried him to his room. "It will take a while to get feeling better. The good thing was the poison hadn't destroied anything yet so you should make a 100% recovory." She faked a smiled. She wanted to seem nice but she was afraid he might attack her.

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"You seem unsure of me," Ghost said, smirking, "Trust me, if you don't act like an enemy, you won't be one. Besides, I could never hurt a person who saved me from death."

Ghost knew she wasn't a loud person, he knew she was shy. He could tell from the time she looked at him in the throne room.

Ghost reached for his sword and ran his fingers along the blade.

"I swear by everything that I stand by, Kraive will die."

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Reina nodded. She was tired. It had been a while since she had used her powers. She lowered her head and stood. She was going to go back to her room so she wouldn't bother him. She had done her job and wasnt needed anymore. Reina didn't say a word as she headed to the door. What was she going to do now? Go back to being bored? She sighed. Reina really wished she had more things to do. Cleaning would be more fun than sitting around.

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Ghost looked at the door.

"You seem hesitant to go back to your room... You can stay if you want to, I don't mind," he said.

Ghost clutched his key once more.

"I can't help but wonder how different things would be if my parents had lived...

I wouldn't have run away.

I might have gotten along with Kraive.

I would never have had to stay with my horrid aunt and uncle.

I wouldn't have ever become a wetboy..."

Ghost observed his wound. He could no longer see the poison, thanks to Reina.

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Reina stopped at the door. "I could heal that to. But only if you want. " She turned and looked at him. Reina went quiet once again so she wouldn't bother him. I don't want to be a bother but I really do want to help.Should I leave him alone or should I just stay? I don't know what to do. I'm just in everyones way here. I should of just stayed home. She lowered her head once again. She didn't like making eye contact.

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"I'm sorry about before...What I did dot get the poison out...I really am sorry...I should of tried a different way but I didnt know really any that was fast enough..." Reina kept her head down. She sat on the floor a few feet away. She had never had to use her powers to take poison out of someone like that. He wasn't bite and it wasn't on his arm or leg so she couldn't suck the poison out that way. She ended up kissing him and blocking off his heart just so he could live. If she didn't hurry she would of blamed herself for not helping and causing a death.

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Reina looked away. "Where it went is not important. If I ruined your first kiss I'm sorry....That was the quickest way to take the poison out." Reina didn't want anyone to know that she had put the poison inside herself to save him. At that moment she knew it was mixing in with her blood. Reina just sat there as if nothing was wrong. She knew she was scared but that didn't matter. She saved a life.

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