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Remakes and Sequels


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So while i was cleaning i found 1 of my old playstation 1 game (digimon world 3) and after beating bioshock 2 for the 3rd time. Ive been thinking that having remakes of some old games for new systems would be awesome, and for sequels i would like to see more abilities/ weapons (in bioshock 3). so my question to you YCM what games would you like to see remade or what game you would you like to see a sequels of.


My remakes

digimon world 3

Legend of Dragoon

Jade cocoon <---- this the most


Sequel improvements

Bioshock 3

-ability to combine more plasmids

- Play as a Bigsister

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Remakes and Sequels I'm begging for... hmm... let's begin with the Sequels:


-Vandal Hearts. And I'm not talking about this half-ass "Flames of Judgement" stuff. I want a full prize, full content, full story sequel of one of the greatest turn-based strategy games of all time! Give me moar!

-Eternal Sonata. One of the best JRPGs of all time (I know that thats battlesome). It wouldn't make much sense to continue the story about Mr. Chopin, but I just wanna see a new game from Tri-Crescendo.

-Lost Odyssey. Too bad Mistwalkers next RPG is Wii only... since I don't have one. But a legitimate Sequel to this masterpiece would be a win in itself :D

-Gex the Gecko. I loved all games with the TV-addicted Gecko, I want moar!

-Resonance of Fate. The developers thought about a sequel, and I really hope they make one. RoF was one of the best games of this year so far, and I can't wait for more of it.

-Medievil. Sir Daniel Fortesque to the resque! It was nice, colorful and a blast of fun. Want more of those too... please?

-Kingdom Hearts 3. Where is it? Want it! Now! Don't fill us up with those stupid spin-offs Square-Enix, give us the real deal!

-Valkyrie Profile 3. On a big console please.



-Final Fantasy IX. Of course! What else? :lol:

-Secret of Mana. Not for the iPhone. With a fully beefed up Soundtrack pretty please... and 4-Player Co-op :unsure:

-Shadow of the Colossus. Don't know if I want a Sequel or a Remake of this... but with the possibilities of modern graphic-engines, a remake would be more than enough. Just think of the scale this could be produced in!


Can't think of more atm... but there are far more...


So long,



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Mega Man 11 - WiiWare

Okami Thank God for Okamiden.

Paper Mario Turn-Based - Wii

Drill Dozer - DS


Ninty pretty much mopped up all my wanted sequels at E3. Including KID ICARUS.


tbh, I don't think I can come up with any games that I want remade. xD

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-Shadow of the Colossus. Don't know if I want a Sequel or a Remake of this... but with the possibilities of modern graphic-engines, a remake would be more than enough. Just think of the scale this could be produced in!


Oh god yes. Not just a remake, a sequel too. That would be amazing.

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I'd wanna see remakes of:


Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

Super Metroid

Majora's Mask

Ocarina of Time


Also, it would be awesome if they include elements from SMB3 in the next New Super Mario Bros. (If they make one.)

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Mega Man 11 - WiiWare

Okami Thank God for Okamiden.

Paper Mario Turn-Based - Wii

Drill Dozer - DS


Ninty pretty much mopped up all my wanted sequels at E3. Including KID ICARUS.


tbh, I don't think I can come up with any games that I want remade. xD


I thought you wanted Mother. That would be interesting since I really have no idea what it is.


I would like to see a new Age of Empires.


EDIT: And Warcraft 4.

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Valkyrie Profile 3

Gotcha Force 2

Phantasy Star Online: Episode 5

Mega Man X9 (preferably in 16-bit SNES graphics style)

Mega Man: Powered Up 2





Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link

- More items

- More palaces

- More side quests

- Improved level-up system

- Larger world map

- Updated graphics

- Map/Palace editor

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Metal Gear Solid 1 (Think they may have done it).[/b]


Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for GameCube.




Chrono Cross (more/clearer connections to Trigger, no-accent script,* updated graphics, possibly new dungeon/dungeons to help connect to either Trigger or a possible third game)


*Accents were interesting, but just don't work, sorry.


The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To the Past Triforce Of The Gods (3D graphics, updated script)


The Soul Blazer series, at least Illusion of Gaia (updated/3D graphics, revised script/scripts)




The Chrono series (You want us to buy more stuff from the series, Hashimoto-san? MAKE MORE SH*T FOR US TO BUY!!!)


The Metroid series (Interquel tying the Metroid Prime games to Metroid II: Return Of Samus and a follow-up to Metroid Fusion to tell us what happens after BSL.)


Tetrisphere (Awesome concept, would love to see them build on it.)

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Vectorman HD on Xbox Live,PSN and VC:It would look even better than on the Genesis and it would sound amazing.

WarioLand remakes:I think that this and other Gameboy Color games should be remade.

Phantasy Star online: I would still be playing it, if the servers wouldn't have been taken down.




Legend of Dragoon on PS1: Possibly the best Rpg on the Ps1 after Final Fantasy 7,8 and 9

Panzer Dragoon Saga:Its not the same thing as the top one, even though they are ridiculously simmilar.

Conker's Bad fur day:Not enough games took or take potshots at pop culture like conker. The oppening title screen is just like a clockwork orange, a part of the game is based on Saving Private Ryan, a good ammount of material is from the Matrix and some from AvP(Alien Vs. Predator)




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