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Official Wish List Thread

Phantom Roxas

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Title. Simply list upcoming games you want and what system they're for.



Epic Mickey

Kirby's Epic Yarn

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword



Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Kingdom Hearts 3D

Pokémon White

Star Fox 64 3D

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D



Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Heroes on the Move

The Sly Collection



Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

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Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (If I get it, that'll be the first Zelda game I actually own.)

Rock Band 3 (With that piano stuff, because it is just so kick-ass.)


Really, that's about it. Not very good Wii games that I want for this year, even during the holidays. D':




Pokemon Black


Yeah, that's it.




Paper Mario 3D

Mario Kart 3D

OoT Remake in 3D


And I need an actual generic Mario game, so we'll see about that when the 3DS is released.

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