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Newb Defense League III [locked because remake]

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It is broken, that's true. But I don't think it can be used that easely. Since the biggest chance of a monster attacking your opponent directly is when a Lvl 4 or lower does it. Though to their large numbers. And seeing that there are only 3 Synchro's that fit that bill. The chance of your opponent using this card will be decreased dramaticly.

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It is broken, that's true. But I don't think it can be used that easely. Since the biggest chance of a monster attacking your opponent directly is when a Lvl 4 or lower does it. Though to their large numbers. And seeing that there are only 3 Synchro's that fit that bill. The chance of your opponent using this card will be decreased dramaticly.


Not if your opponent is using "Gladiator Beasts" and their "Gyzarus" just blew up every else you control, including your Synchro monster, and now has a mind to attack directly. In fact, any high-Level monster that can remove cards from the field is a problem with this card, since you'll always attempt to take a huge chunk of your opponent's LP once you've blasted their field, so this could be a real problem against some old meta Decks, like "Glad Beasts" and "Monarchs".

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And I don't think it would be too much of a problem to "Glad Beast" Decks anyway, considering they usually pack a large number of negation and protection Traps to keep their monsters on the field. What it might be good against are "Blackwings", since they focus on using "Armor Master" to reduce the ATK/DEF to 0, then attack with something like "Gale", then attacking with another of the Synchros, or at least one of their Level 5 or higher monsters. So it might have a use against them. Shame there aren't any truly anti-DARK Synchro monsters.


And as for "Reverse of Arcadia" (which I completed in three days...), it seems what everyone in 5Ds needed to defeat the "Earthbound Immortals" was a good "Gladiator Beast" Deck. Here are the 'results' of my duels with the Dark Signers:


[spoiler=Here]Devack (Tagged with Luna): After her failings, quickly cleared his field repeatedly, stopping him from summoning anything of use.

Grieger: Had to wait for him to summon his "Earthbound", which was then "Bottomless Trap Hole"-ed

Kalin: Nigh on continuous field destruction. Never managed to summon his "Earthbound".

Carly: Same as Kalin; continuous beat-down stopped her from Summoning anything of worth.

Misty: Once again, endless beat-down. And the "Reptilliane" effects (that reduce your monster's ATK to 0) were solved by tagging out.

Roman: Problematic, but "Uru" was blown away by "Gyzarus".

Rex (1): Summoned "Rasca" with "Mystic Tomato" (so 100 ATK), before Tributing it to Summon "Oracle of the Sun".

Rex (2): Again, "Rasca" with "Mystic Tomato", got destroyed by "Gladiator Beast Murmillo".

Rex (3): "Gladiator Lash" had him discard it to the Graveyard and "Gyzarus" promptly blew up his "Call of the Haunted".




So yeah...



What I did like about "Reverse of Arcadia" was that it didn't turn out that you were a Signer. I'll admit, the whole 'Yusei's-old-best-friend' was incredibly badly done, but the fact that at the end, you just turn out to be a powerful duelist. That's so simple it's actually quite good, by Konami's standards.


Here's hoping that in "WC11" they continue this upward trend (well after "Stardust Accelerator", it couldn't get much worse) and come up with an enjoyable game.

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Yeah, it's a shame indeed.


Lol, 3 days? Or do you just mean the storyline (which was very easy indeed).


I didn't got any troubles with the Dark Signers aswell. Mainly becouse I had a Deck that apearantly could lock your opponent pretty easely. I only had some trouble with Misty, becouse she had amazing draws all of the time.


I thought you where also became a signer instead of Crow? Oh never mind. I probebly misread something.

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Yeah, it's a shame indeed.


Lol, 3 days? Or do you just mean the storyline (which was very easy indeed).


I didn't got any troubles with the Dark Signers aswell. Mainly becouse I had a Deck that apearantly could lock your opponent pretty easely. I only had some trouble with Misty, becouse she had amazing draws all of the time.


I thought you where also became a signer instead of Crow? Oh never mind. I probebly misread something.


The storyline and a majority of the achievements, such as S-Rank on the Duel Runner simulator.


What was good was that in Kalin's duel, where you start with no cards, I got "Dark Bribe", followed by "Bottomless Trap Hole", then "Gladiator Beast Laquari" and finally "E-Hero Prisma", so "Gyzarus" was out by my fourth turn. After that, he really couldn't come back.


No, that's "Stardust Accelerator". In this, you are just a strong duelist, neither you nor Crow become Signers.

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@ Lex: Neither do I.


@ Chrid: Another "Skybound". This is more like your original brief.




Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of a "Skyborne" monster. During your opponent's Main Phase, you can send 1 "Skyborne" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. If you do, if your opponent controls only 1 monster at the end of their Main Phase, they cannot declare an attack this turn. If this card is removed from play by an opponent's card effect, inflict damage equal to half this card's ATK. During the End Phase, you can return the "Skyborne" monsters removed to summon this card to your Graveyard to Special Summon this card in Attack Position.

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If you didn't see the other "Skybornes" and "Skybounds", the way it works is that you have the "Skyborne" monsters (Levels 1-4) on your side of the field, and then you remove from play a number of them until their combined Levels equal that of a "Skybound" monster (Levels 4-10) in your hand or Deck and Special Summon it. It's basically Contact Fusion mixed with Synchro Summoning, all going on in the Main Deck.


Most of their effects revolve around removing cards from play to stall or to heal their controller, or in rarer cases, backlashing your opponent if they try to remove any of the "Skybounds" from play. I'm quite proud of what I've come up with.

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What I am having trouble with is the lowest Level of the "Skybounds". A Level 10 Semi-Nomi is fine, but a Level 4? What sort of abilities could I give it, whilst remaining original, since the temptation is there to make a version of "Relinquished". However, Konami have already decided to give us some Level 4 Synchros, both "Fabled" monsters, so I checked them out...




2300 ATK...on a Level 4 that you get out of your Extra Deck... Remember that the "Fableds" are a Synchro archetype, it's not as if the Synchros are an added bonus, they're the very purpose of the Deck. And as for the effects, well the first one has two effects depending on the number of cards in your hand. If you have zero, it cannot be destroyed, and if you have 3 or more, it blows up during the End Phase. So, all you need to do is get your hand down to two or less by the End Phase and you have a 2200 ATK beatstick.


And the second, if you have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent does (which isn't too difficult in an Archetype so focussed on hand discard etc.), all your opponent's Effect Monsters, Spells and Traps are negated and destroyed. Plus you have 2300 ATK to play around with (or 2800 if you have a "Luminous Spark" on the field). So, probably won't be taking advice from Konami on how to balance a Level 4 Semi-Nomi...


I think playing around with your RFP Zone should suffice...perhaps RFPing a Monster, Spell or Trap to negate the activation of the same kind of card.

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Yeah, I always founf them OP. But Konami has been on a Synchro Rampage for a while, so we should just wait till it storms into a wall and calms down.


Sounds a bit unoriginal imo, but it would be effective.


I've been waiting for that wall for a long time... If anything it might end up being an anti-Synchro version of "Consecrated Light".


I know it's not very interesting, but it's all I can do with a Level 4. With a Level 6 or above, I could add an extra edge or two. Otherwise, it has to be similar.



On an unrelated note, I've recently been making some Machine-Type "Archfiend" cards. The background being that in the future, the "Archfiends" turn to mechanisation in order to finally vanquish the "Darklords" and "Archlords".

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No, they'll be part of the 'other' Archfiends, like "Archfiend General" and "Archfiend Soldier". It started with this card.




Effect: This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play 1 "Archfiend" monster and 1 DARK Machine-Type monster from your Graveyard. This card is always also treated as a Fiend-Type monster. Once per turn, you can equip this card to an "Archfiend" monster you control OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. While equipped to a monster by this effect, the equipped monster gains 200 ATK for each DARK monster in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can send 1 DARK monster from your Deck to the Graveyard to return 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard to your Deck. If the equipped monster is destroyed, you can Special Summon this card to your side of the field during the End Phase.



Basically I wanted to make a Fusion Union monster (like "Armory Arm"), but a high-Level one. So there you are, Deck-recycling "Archfiend" support.



And I do like "Grannel's" effect (and design actually). Let's hope this time Yusei and co. don't use Synchros against it...but they will, and no-one will ask "Wouldn't 'Gladiator Beasts' be good in this situation?"

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The card looks awsome. And its effect is pretty usefull. I just don't get why its a high Level monster.


Tbh, I hope that grannel would totaly steal SSD. And would rub it in Yusai's face before pulverizing him with his own card (of course after beating Crow and Jack). AND THAT THEY WILL DESTRROY ALL SYNCHRO'S AND REMOVE THE MEMORY OF THEM OUT OF EVERYONE FINALLY RIDDING USS OF THOSE OP PEST!!!!


Urg, what happened. Did I turn into a anti-Synchro fanatic again?

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The card looks awsome. And its effect is pretty usefull. I just don't get why its a high Level monster.


Tbh, I hope that grannel would totaly steal SSD. And would rub it in Yusai's face before pulverizing him with his own card (of course after beating Crow and Jack). AND THAT THEY WILL DESTRROY ALL SYNCHRO'S AND REMOVE THE MEMORY OF THEM OUT OF EVERYONE FINALLY RIDDING USS OF THOSE OP PEST!!!!


Urg, what happened. Did I turn into a anti-Synchro fanatic again?


You mean why it isn't? Simple. In the anime, the original "Machine Emperor Infinity" cards were all Level 1, and upgraded from there ("Wisel" to Level 3, "Skiel" to Level 5, and "Grannel" to Level 7 (probably)). If Konami has any sense, they'll release parts such as "Wisel Guard" and "Wisel Attack" to boost the ATK and DEF of the "Wisel Infinity" already on your side of the field.


No, no, you just starting seeing things for my point of view. Actually, what will probably happen is that Jack will face "Grannel" and it will be "Red Dragon Archfiend" that destroys him, because Jack always gets pulverised.


Problem is, in the anime, all of the "Machine Emperors" take up 5 Monster Card Zones. So perhaps "Grannel" will treat a number of your Spell and Trap Card Zones as Monster Zones while it's face-up to accomodate the stolen Synchros.

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