Max Darkness Posted February 26, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 There are seven Dark Signers; and six Signers. And considering that for most of my events, one Signer and two Dark Signers do not duel very often, it works out mostly. [spoiler=The Dark City]Background: A confrontation with the Black Rose Witch has left Leo with a broken leg. As such, he now spends his time in his Tops apartment waiting for it to heal while play-testing his Deck. After Hiro learns of this, he sends Dominique to deal with the newest Signer. Leo’s Signer Mark glowed slightly as the conflict between the Signers and Dark Signers continued outside. The dull ache of his leg reminded him of his condition; and his hatred of it. That was interrupted however, by a surge of pain from his mark. Getting up, and being led by his stricken arm, he walked outside to the pool, the lights automatically illuminating the water. The faint aura cast a ghostly swathe of shadows across the rooftop. Looking around, he started to question his mark’s throbbing. Circling the pool, he didn’t find anyone and began to relax. A sultry voice restarted the flow of adrenaline through his body. “Good evening Leo.” Emerging from the darkness in the corner of the rooftop plaza, an elegant young woman, clad in the distinctive robes of a Dark Signer walked across to Leo.“Who are you?!” He asked, trying to sound brave.“Not very confident for an envoy of the Crimson Dragon are you? Hiro was clearly mistaken when he told me you were foolishly arrogant of your abilities. That said, I’ve never had much faith in what I don’t know for myself.”“You still didn’t say who you were!” Leo’s voice was shaking now, his façade completely broken.“Isn’t it obvious? I am a Dark Signer, the envoy of the Dark Condor; my name is Dominique. Hiro sent me here to remove you from this game.”“This game…?”“This conflict between our two groups. It is a game of chess. On my side, Hiro is the King, I am the Queen; and the others are the rest of the back row. The dark servants are our pawns. Meanwhile, on your side; Yusei takes his rightful place as King; with the rest of the Signers fill the higher pieces; except you. You were a whim of the Crimson Dragon. Despite your abilities, you are still just a glorified pawn. And without anything to defend you, a pawn is powerless next to a queen.”“I’m…I’m stronger than you think.” Leo retorted.“Hardly. You’re afraid. You’re alone. And you’re scared. You know of the threat I represent. You know what happened to Crow. And you fear it will happen to you as well. The eternal human fear of death. You just have to overcome it.”“Like…you…?”“If you’d had my life you would understand. Death was a way out, and I embraced it instead of resisting it. Being reborn as a Dark Signer, and with the powers of an immortal was simply an unexpected benefit. But let us return to our game, time is wasting.” “Duel!” Turn 1 “I’ll…start!” Leo demanded. “I summon ‘Morphtronic Scopen’ in Attack Position and activate its effect. This allows me to Special Summon one Level 4 or lower ‘Morphtronic’ monster from my hand. I summon ‘Morphtronic Videon’ and tune my two monsters together!” Docking strength with courage to protect the earth’s peace! Synchro Summon! Envoy of love and justice, Power Tool Dragon! The familiar monster’s eyes glowed as its effect activated. (2300 ATK) “Once per turn, ‘Power Tool Dragon’ adds one random Equip Spell Card from my Deck to my hand.” Explained Leo. “I then equip it with the card it added, ‘Power Pickaxe’. And then, I set one card face down. Turn end!” “Very well. I’ll start by activating the Spell Card ‘Terraforming’. This adds one Field Spell Card from my Deck to my hand. I choose ‘DarkCity Dawn’ and activate it!” As Dominique placed the card, a violet shockwave shot out, coating the sky a dark purple. Behind her, a new sun rose; one as black as her robes. As its light was cast through the city’s streets, a change began. First the lights dimmed, then the buildings turned to ruins, crumbling in seconds. “Welcome to the future Leo. When mankind has finally destroyed itself. Prepare to lose your soul in this apocalypse. ‘DarkCity Dawn’s’ effect activates; when it’s placed on the field, I can add one ‘DarkCity’ Field Spell Card from my Deck to my hand. Then, ‘DarkCity Dawn’s’ other effects can trigger. First, all my Spell and Trap Card Zones are now treated as Field Card Zones. And secondly, once per turn, I can move a ‘DarkCity’ Field Spell I control to a different Field Card Zone. I move ‘DarkCity Dawn’ to my first Spell and Trap Card Zone to activate ‘DarkCity Subversion’!” The sky changed again, this time to an artificial green. From it, clouds of black and grey smoke descended, cloaking all in the distance.“Wait!” interrupted Leo. “If you activate another Field Spell while there is already one on the field, then the first is destroyed!”“Not in this case. All ‘DarkCity’ Field Spells are immune to destruction from each other. Now let me continue. I activate a third Field Spell Card, ‘DarkCity Destruction’.” Another change, this time in the form of several buildings erupting into flames, the blast waves washing over Leo’s building. The smoke plumes rose and joined with the green haze in the sky. “’DarkCity Destruction’, when it’s activated, allows me to draw a number of cards one less than the number of ‘DarkCity’ Field Spell Cards I control. Therefore, I draw two cards. I then summon ‘DarkCity Guardian’ in Defense Position (1800 DEF) and by negating the effects of two ‘DarkCity’ Field Spell Cards I control, I can Special Summon ‘DarkCity Conductor’ (2700 ATK) from my hand. I negate ‘DarkCity Destruction’ and ‘DarkCity Dawn’!” The flames died down and the black sun set, leaving only the green smog cloaking the city. In their place, a bizarre white and black creature stood, seemingly conducting an orchestra. “I activate ‘DarkCity Conductor’s’ effect. Since it was summoned while I control an active ‘DarkCity Field Spell’, you discard one card from your hand. Next, ‘DarkCity Conductor’ attacks ‘Power Tool Dragon’! Ethereal Sonic!” The monster moved its hands, collecting a pale white energy between them. Forming it into a glowing spear, it aimed and attacked. “’Power Tool Dragon’s’ effect activates! When it would be destroyed, I can send an Equip Spell I control to the Graveyard instead! I send ‘Power Pickaxe’ to save ‘Power Tool Dragon’!” The attack was blocked by the relinquished card, although the resulting shockwave still buffeted Leo. (Leo LP: 4000 -> 3600) “I set one card face-down and end my turn.” Dominique finished. 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Lexadin Posted February 26, 2011 Report Share Posted February 26, 2011 Oh yeah, forgot about that. Well then it should be fine. *reads fic* Ah, it explains how you use the "Darkcity" archtype very well. Good story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Ursus Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Brilliant fic, Max. :) Could I get a link to DarkCity, perhaps? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 @ Lex: I'll continue it shortly to showcase the other "DarkCity" cards. @ Ursus: I haven't uploaded them yet. I was going to write a little more, otherwise a couple of secrets would be given away. (And half still being redone doesn't help) @ Anyone: If you were Yusei dueling Hiro (a Dark Signer) who had just said this: [spoiler=]I find it odd that someone as intelligent as you could believe so doggedly in such a flawed concept; that change is a virtue and that persistence is a vice. Yin and Yang need each other to balance their influence. You are Yang, the creative destroyer while I am Yin, the passive sustainer. Unlike you, I am willing to let a dozen die so that a thousand may live. You would condemn all to their doom so that none could live with the survivor's guilt. When evolution accelerates, life perishes. When the world stands still, life thrives. I-no, the Dark Signers, are the counterbalance to you and the rest of the Signers. We preserve what you would destroy. Change has always caused strife. Consider the first large socio-economic change in this world, the Industrial Revolution. What came out of it? War. The First World War, the Second World War, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars; all founded in that Revolution. And that is just conflict. With the advent of technology came empires. And from them, slavery. When the empires withdrew, dictatorships took their place. 100 million dead in two centuries, because of change. To think, in the eighteen centuries before then, less than half that had died from strife. How can you believe in change when all it does is kill? What would your reply be? (Not allowed: "Kuria Maindo! Akuseru Shinkuro! Shūtingu Sutā Doragon!") Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 @Max: Great, I'll await it. Eh, that's a difficould one as I kinda agree with Hiro, but if I where Yusei then I think I would say: I feel sorry for you that you can only see the dark side of change. Change or evolution has led to the survival of many. If species couln't change when the Ice age hit us, then there wouldn't be any live left.Men has been wrong, that I admit, but even without change they would still have happened only on a lower scale. The millions of deads you talked about, they where only possible because humanity grew in numbers, it's like saying that 10 out of 100 is as bad as 10 out of a million. (Now something Yusei would devinatly say.) People only die because evildoers like you cause them to do. Eh, it's probebly flawed, but meh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 3:29 PM, Lexadin said: @Max: Great, I'll await it. Eh, that's a difficould one as I kinda agree with Hiro, but if I where Yusei then I think I would say: I feel sorry for you that you can only see the dark side of change. Change or evolution has led to the survival of many. If species couln't change when the Ice age hit us, then there wouldn't be any live left.Men has been wrong, that I admit, but even without change they would still have happened only on a lower scale. The millions of deads you talked about, they where only possible because humanity grew in numbers, it's like saying that 10 out of 100 is as bad as 10 out of a million. (Now something Yusei would devinatly say.) People only die because evildoers like you cause them to do. Eh, it's probebly flawed, but meh. I'll probably use that. Hiro's retort: (Laughs) You've been fed lies ever since you took the Crimson Dragon's mark. You continue to believe in the lie that the Signer Dragons were the defenders. The protectors facing against the invading "Earthbound Immortals". I'm surprised you haven't realised it yet. The Crimson Dragon is an incarnation of Quetzalcoatl, an Aztec god. Yet the ancient battles took place in Nazca, the very heart of the Inca Empire. What was an Aztec deity doing 2000 miles south of the empire it saw over? And for invaders, the "Earthbound Immortals" were very close to the people who worshipped them. Do you understand yet? The Crimson Dragon was the destroyer, and the "Immortals" the saviors. Once you realise that, you'll know the truth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Really? Ok, interesting. Lol, that's actually true. Never thought about it in that way. Lol, good research Max. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 4:52 PM, Lexadin said: Really? Ok, interesting. Lol, that's actually true. Never thought about it in that way. Lol, good research Max. It's something Konami seems to have ironed over; or just forgotten to mention. Spot the mutation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Lol, Jack has 3 arms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Carly summons..."Junk Synchron"...? Well done 4Kids. In Episode 41, the animation drops to this for a second or two Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Lol, it's obvious they didn't put enough effort into those epps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 5:18 PM, Lexadin said: Lol, it's obvious they didn't put enough effort into those epps. "Junk Synchron" turns up rather a lot in the 4Kids version. Carly, Jack and Kiryu all seem to have it... More crap animation. Looks like an internet version. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Well, it is a key component of their Decks. [/sarcasm] Meh, it's not that bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 5:24 PM, Lexadin said: Well, it is a key component of their Decks. [/sarcasm] Meh, it's not that bad. Yeah. "Fortune Ladies" and Dark Synchros have a huge use for low Level Tuners don't they... I just find it interesting that some frames are lower quality than the rest of the episode. If I had to have some low-quality parts, I'd make the ending low-quality. No-one watches that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Actually a lot of fangirls/boyss watch it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 5:37 PM, Lexadin said: Actually a lot of fangirls/boyss watch it. Really? You watch it once, when it's new. Then you skip ahead to the preview. That's what I do at least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Same with me, but I've seen comments about it long after it's new. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 5:47 PM, Lexadin said: Same with me, but I've seen comments about it long after it's new. I suppose. Do you think a Ritual Monster archetype which has a shared effect which, when they are Ritual Summoned, allows you to draw cards equal to the number of Ritual Monsters you control balanced? Mainly because of the toll a traditional Ritual Summon takes on your hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Well that depends on their stats, other effects and how easy they are to Summon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 6:10 PM, Lexadin said: Well that depends on their stats, other effects and how easy they are to Summon. Example: Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Ritual Summon with the Ritual Spell Card “Dark Malevolence”. When this card is Ritual Summoned, draw cards equal to the number of "Seven Sins" Ritual Monsters you control. Monsters your opponent controls can only attack this face-up card. When this card destroys a monster by battle, put 1 Sins Counter on it. (Max. 1) Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can remove 1 Sins Counter on this card. If you do, this card can attack twice during your Battle Phase. If it does, you cannot activate this card's effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Not really justified imo, cause even without its drawing effect it still is a menace to fight against. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 6:29 PM, Lexadin said: Not really justified imo, cause even without its drawing effect it still is a menace to fight against. Well, consider "Legendary Flame Lord" and "Garlandolk, King of Destruction". Both are one Level lower, and both can nuke the field with relative ease. Perhaps I should change the double attack effect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Imo they are still ballanced.It's mostly its high stats which OP it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Max Darkness Posted February 27, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 On 2/27/2011 at 6:42 PM, Lexadin said: Imo they are still ballanced.It's mostly its high stats which OP it. They are Semi-Nomi though. I want to keep all three effects, since they signify 'pride'; but not sure reducing its ATK would be a good idea since my opinion has always been Rituals need higher ATK than counterparts to justify their summoning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted February 27, 2011 Report Share Posted February 27, 2011 Meh, I can live with that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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