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Newb Defense League III [locked because remake]

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[spoiler=5Ds Theorising]It's possible ZONE simply took the form of Yusei; and isn't actually him. ie, knowing that Yusei will eventually duel him, he took the most unsettling appearance; his opponent. And regardless, the fact that ZONE had "Shooting Star Dragon" makes me think that when Yusei tries to field-nuke his "Temporal Machine Emperors", ZONE will chain "Starlight Road" and Special Summon (as in, not Synchro Summon) "Stardust Dragon"...which Yusei will promptly use (somehow) to Accel Synchro Summon "Shooting Star Dragon"...




EDIT: Why is "Life Stream Dragon" a Tuner?! Why?! It makes no logical sense!

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  On 1/27/2011 at 11:32 AM, Max Darkness said:



[spoiler=5Ds Theorising]It's possible ZONE simply took the form of Yusei; and isn't actually him. ie, knowing that Yusei will eventually duel him, he took the most unsettling appearance; his opponent. And regardless, the fact that ZONE had "Shooting Star Dragon" makes me think that when Yusei tries to field-nuke his "Temporal Machine Emperors", ZONE will chain "Starlight Road" and Special Summon (as in, not Synchro Summon) "Stardust Dragon"...which Yusei will promptly use (somehow) to Accel Synchro Summon "Shooting Star Dragon"...




EDIT: Why is "Life Stream Dragon" a Tuner?! Why?! It makes no logical sense!


Meh, I still think he actually is Yusei.


Perhaps it will act as a plot device somewhere along the road. Or just a huge error (like the 1st print(s) of Neo-Deadalus not needing Deadalus for its Summon).

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  On 1/27/2011 at 2:24 PM, Lexadin said:

Meh, I still think he actually is Yusei.


Perhaps it will act as a plot device somewhere along the road. Or just a huge error (like the 1st print(s) of Neo-Deadalus not needing Deadalus for its Summon).


We'll find out soon enough.


However, that would require Leo gaining Clear Mind or Yusei somehow using it; both of which seem like improbable events. And yes, it could be an error.

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Mhh, Max is this card OP?



Increase the ATK of all "Twisted Destiny" monsters by 300; If the turn count is 20 or higher, increase the ATK of all "Twisted Destiny" monsters by 600 instead. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can move the turn count back by 4 to Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Twisted Destiny" from your Deck to the field. (The turn continues as normal.)

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Well basicly its abusing the turn count. There is no real general direction you follow. You can diside to Burn your opponent with a boss card, deplete thier Life Points by a general beatdown or win by manipulating the turn so that "Final Destiny's" effect activates.

So this would be more of a "Mystic Tomato" like support with some boost elements added to it.


Here's the link so you can judge for yourself.

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  On 1/27/2011 at 6:06 PM, Lexadin said:

Well basicly its abusing the turn count. There is no real general direction you follow. You can diside to Burn your opponent with a boss card, deplete thier Life Points by a general beatdown or win by manipulating the turn so that "Final Destiny's" effect activates.

So this would be more of a "Mystic Tomato" like support with some boost elements added to it.


Here's the link so you can judge for yourself.


I'll check that later.


Do you know of any good two-tribute monsters?

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  On 1/27/2011 at 6:13 PM, Lexadin said:

Um, well there are loads of them. But most ones I know are from specific Archtypes. How so?


I'm trying to make a quick "Monarch" Deck (focussing on "Caius" and "Mobius"), and after a few test runs, I've sometimes started with a pair of Special Summon monsters and only one "Monarch". Also, I need slightly more firepower than their 2400 ATK.


I'm using "The Creator", "White Night Dragon" and "Majestic Mech - Goryu" at the moment.

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  On 1/27/2011 at 7:01 PM, Lexadin said:

Yeah, they look kinda awesome imo. And they seem powerfull enough to stand on thier own.


The problem with them is that Return effects will annihilate them. And since they don't trigger when they're summoned, they can't turn that into an advantage as much as the "Monarchs".

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  On 1/27/2011 at 7:11 PM, Lexadin said:

True, though them having more raw power then the Monarchs gives them a advantige when your opponent doesn't have return effects.


I suppose. But with Konami introducing more and more return-based archetypes; it's a risk.


There are now two versions of the Deck; one using "Caius", "Mobius" and a few other DARK and WATER trumps, the other based on one that I'll use in a fic which is an all-"Monarch" Deck, using both them and my "Emperors".

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  On 1/27/2011 at 7:26 PM, Lexadin said:

Sounds like awesomeness.


I'll post it if you're interested.



  On 1/27/2011 at 7:26 PM, Lexadin said:

Anyway, interesting in using my Twisted Destiny archtype when I'm finished with it?


I don't know. I've never been a fan of turn-based mechanics. Hence why I've never liked using "Final Countdown" and the like.

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  On 1/27/2011 at 7:32 PM, Max Darkness said:

I'll post it if you're interested.


Maybe later, seeing as I g2g.


  On 1/27/2011 at 7:32 PM, Max Darkness said:

I don't know. I've never been a fan of turn-based mechanics. Hence why I've never liked using "Final Countdown" and the like.


Meh, its fine to me if you don't use them. You can judge if you want to use them, when they're fully finished.

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  On 1/27/2011 at 7:40 PM, Lexadin said:

Maybe later, seeing as I g2g.


I'm not going to be on for much longer so I might as well.


Monsters (21):


Caius the Dark Emperor x 2

Caius the Shadow Prince

Caius the Shadow Monarch x 2

Caius the Wicked Eternal

Granmarg the Rock Monarch

Jester Confit x 3

Imperial Servant x 3

Kuraz the Light Monarch

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Mobius the Ice Emperor

Raiza the Storm Monarch

Spell Striker x 2

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch



Spells (13):


Double Summon

Fiend's Sanctuary x 3

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation x 2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Polymerization x 2

Pot of Avarice

Shadow Monarch's Judgement

Shield Crush




Traps (7):


Caius' Wrath

Call of the Haunted

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Divine Wrath

Imperium Everto

Return of the Emperor




Extra Deck (8):


Ancus the Icestorm Monarch

Hostilius the Darkice Monarch

Lucius the Shadowbolt Monarch

Numa the Goldwind Monarch

Priscus the Firewind Monarch

Remus the Fallen Monarch

Romulus the Darkearth Monarch

Tarquin the Pitchsquall Monarch

Tullus the Darkfire Monarch



  On 1/27/2011 at 7:40 PM, Lexadin said:

Meh, its fine to me if you don't use them. You can judge if you want to use them, when they're fully finished.



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