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Newb Defense League III [locked because remake]

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  On 1/6/2011 at 3:45 PM, Lexadin said:

Did konami ever did that well then?


Well, the Ancient Egyptian story, I thought, was done alright. And the backstory to GX held together pretty well. But 5Ds is currently falling apart at the seams.



  On 1/6/2011 at 4:13 PM, Lexadin said:

Excelent, welcome to the club Katana.


Seconded. And it's been a long time since I saw someone call you Lexadin.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 4:53 PM, Lexadin said:

Meh, that's true. And it all started with making Crow a signer.


Yeah, that's cause everyone knows me already. :lol:


Yes, because then they showed "Black-Winged Dragon" in the flashbacks instead of "Life Stream Dragon". Now it turns out they both were there, or something. Maybe "Black-Winged Dragon" fought "Scar-Red Nova" then went to have a smoke? Afterwards, came back and found the fight with the "Earthbounds" was over. That could work(!)

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Ok commented.


EDIT: Anyone care to check this OCG?


Both players can look into thier opponent's Extra Deck. Once per turn, if your opponent controls Synchro Material Monsters that are listed on a Synchro Monster in thier Extra Deck or Graveyard, you can send those monsters from thier side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from thier Extra Deck or Graveyard who's Level equals the total Level of Synchro Material Monsters send the the Graveyard.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 6:28 PM, Katana ◄► said:

Hey guys I wonder if you could check out my card ??

It's not like I'm a good creator, so please critics are welcome :lol:




Well, it does fit in with the whole swarm mechanic of the "Six Samurai", but it's an easy first turn beatstick. Also, you could then Special Summon the "Great Shogun" to lock down your opponent's Spells and Traps. Or, next turn, Synchro Summon the new, broken "Six Samurai" Synchro to create a Spell, Trap and Defense lockdown in two turns.


At the same time though, it does only block Summoning in Defense Position... But coupled with "Light of Intervention" and you've got a pseudo-"Final Attack Orders". I think it's problematic, given that a large number of modern Decks rely solely on Special Summoning. Not overpowered, just problematic.




@ Lex:


Both players can look into thier opponent's Extra Deck. Once per turn, if your opponent controls Synchro Material Monsters that are listed on a Synchro Monster in thier Extra Deck or Graveyard, you can send those monsters from thier side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from thier Extra Deck or Graveyard who's Level equals the total Level of Synchro Material Monsters send the the Graveyard.


Both players can look through their opponent's Extra Deck. Once per turn, during your opponent's Main Phase, if your opponent controls a face-up Tuner and non-Tuner monster(s), you can send them to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from their Extra Deck or Graveyard whose Level is equal to the combined Levels of the sent monsters.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 6:43 PM, Katana ◄► said:

Thanks Max (may I call you Max ? :lol:) !!

That was quite a review, thanks a bunch


Yes you can.


You're welcome.



  On 1/6/2011 at 6:44 PM, Lexadin said:

Thanks Max. It's a small project I've been working on.


Do I take it the Archetype in question gets an advantage when Special Summoned by your opponent?

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  On 1/6/2011 at 6:55 PM, Lexadin said:

Yeah, something like that. Also that lore you wrote. Does that mean it's Summoned to your side of the field or does it need a new paragraf to do that?


Both players can look through their opponent's Extra Deck. Once per turn, during your opponent's Main Phase, if your opponent controls a face-up Tuner and non-Tuner monster(s), you can send them to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from their Extra Deck or Graveyard to their side of the field whose Level is equal to the combined Levels of the sent monsters.



I don't believe the previous lore specified either.



  On 1/6/2011 at 6:56 PM, Lord Ursus said:

Bravo, Max! I absolutely loved reading that.


I'm glad I managed to capture the essence of Jupiter.

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Well, I think I might continue with part 2 of 'Memory Requiems vs. Counter Fairies'. Luckily the most intensive psychoanalysis is over...I think...



And Ursus, I've changed the effects of a pair of the "Memory Requiems" a little. "Lust" now, in addition to its original effect, selects an Attack Position monster your opponent control at the end of their Main Phase 1 which must attack. If selected, that monster attacks directly. Also, "Loathing" can be removed from the Graveyard to prevent a "Memory Requiem" from being destroyed by battle (theory behind it: if something you think you could defeat isn't destroyed, you will start to hate it).

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  On 1/6/2011 at 7:19 PM, Lexadin said:

Also I'm in a extra Anti-Synchro Mood today.


Really? What prompted that?



  On 1/6/2011 at 7:22 PM, Lord Ursus said:

That's ok with me.


I might update the Memory Requiem set now, so you'll have more to work with, Max.


Good. All I need for a little variety is a second, two-tribute beatstick.

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I think making some Anti-Synchro support cards.


MAking a general Anti-Meta now though.


Is this OP.


When your opponent Special Summons a Synchro Monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster. When this card battles a Synchro Monster, remove that monster from play before damage calculations. This cards Aribute is also treated as the removed monster's. When this card is also treated as a EARTH, DARK, FIRE, WATER and EARTH monster, you can tribute this card to inflict 4000 damage to your opponent.

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