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Font Tip.


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[align=center]Here is another tut I've made. This one's on Fonts. The YCMaker comes with 7 different styles of Fonts.


Arial, Courier, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS and Verdana



But you can get many more. Just go to Notepad(or any program like that) and look for a specific Font. I will choose "Bradley Hand ITC". Now, use the "Font" button and click "Arial".




Now, replace "Arial" with the font you want.


[font=Bradley Hand ITC]Example[/font]


And that's it. This can be nice if you want to make your Sig or Thread look cooler. If you can't find a good font or don't have Notepad, you can go here to find some: http://www.wavian.com/font-list.html


I hope this helped. Thanks for reading. :)[/align]

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