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DBZ NEW RP-"Reliving the Sagas", Fight Frieza, Cell and Buu!!!|All spots taken, Reserve for next part! so Join early!!

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Sara Baker

Strength: 155

Defence: 142

Speed: 200

Power: 205

Energy Load: 200

Intelligence: 114

Heart: 160






Brass knuckles

Blue belt



Destructive Wave Lv1 NEXT UPGRADE COST: 10 DBZ

Kamehameha Lv1 NEXT UPGRADE COST: 25 DBZ


My latest upgrade. Bought the Kamehameha and put the rest into stats.

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Note: This size Font is used for important improvements to the RP made by me,it ios for the start to discussions about where to improve/suggestions etc.


Okay When Nappa begins to fight will be the last chance we all have to use DBZ Points for stats and the energy load/energy used will be monitored by me more now okay


Basic guidelines:


If you release a small ki bomb, consider it as "-5" for each ki bomb. If you charge the ki ball up, specify "Times #" the "#" will be "x5" for eg: If you use a ki ball and say something like. "Ryoko began charging up a ki ball, kit was at least 5x the size of a regular ki ball." This would make the ki ball have you lose 5x"5" = - 25 Energy Load...k


Make sure you post how much energy load you lost from that post and nhow much you have left.


OPTIONAL: I need some opinionsm on this idea. Basically when you run out of energy load, it comes down to heart, Heart will allow you to perform energy moves but with the same power and double the cost, for eg: If you would lose 20 energy load you lose 40 instead, if you run out of heart then you're basically laying on the ground, not dead but barely able to move, kinda like Goku was against Vegeta. Remember this Heart factor only comes into it when you run out of energy load. What do you'se think?


Also i've made big changes to "kaioken", it is located in the "Transformations" section of the shop, Now i know the costs and the stats gains later on seem crazy, butt i have big plans for this rp and don't worry the DBZ points will be gained muchhh moree rapiddd and in a much bigger quantity

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Hey Soul can i provide some ideas for you maybe cuz i couldn't sleep the other night cuz i was thinking about the destructo Disc for the shop. I made some of the stats too.



[spoiler=Destructo Disc]

+25 Power

-20 Energy load




[spoiler=Destructo Disc x2]

+40 power

-25 energy load




[spoiler= Destructo disc x3]

+50 Power

-40 Energy Load









[spoiler=Dodon Ray]

+20 Power

-15 Energy load








Just some ideas

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