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pokemon battle remake! we are ready for BATTLES!!!!

Lover Bat

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hey there, this is the remake of pokemon battles first made by ulquirra. i will get everything ready in a day or 2, so dont coplain that there's nothing here. mostly everything here is the same exept:


- higher ranking gym leaders such as jasmine and flint give you better rewards then weaker leaders like roark and wattson.

- better rewards are rewarded from better trainers because they are harder to beat.

- all hoenn gym leaders will be here.

- all champions will be here. wallace will be counted as champion as in emerald.

- red and steven will give you the highest rewards for beating them, as they will exeed the HP, atk, and def limit.

- you will be able to start with 3 pokemon, but you can buy stuff like master balls to catch legendarys. beware, master balls will cost 10 points.

- regigigas can only be challenged if you have the hoenn regis first

- you can only catch one of the eon pokemon. you cannot catch latios if you choose latias, and vise versa.

- ho-oh can only be caught after you get all the johto tigers.

- lugia can only be caught after you get all the kanto birds.

- event pokemon you need to pay 5 points to get acess to them. for arceus though, you will also need the legendary dragons.

-you can only catch legendary pokemon after you beat the champion of their rightful region. (ex. you can only catch mewtwo if you beat lance, lugia if you beat lance, raquaza if you beat wallace, and dialga after you beat cynthia)

- after you catch legendary pokemon, you can use them in battle.

- you must face gym leaders and elite fours in order. once you beat the champion of a region, yu can battle any gym leader or elite four member at any time.

-this is because Lt. Surge is way weaker then erika, but they give the same amount of reps.

- i will have a waiting list soon





Onix ATK: 50 DEF: 140

geodude ATK: 100 DEF: 80

prize: 1 rep






staryu ATK: 80 DEF: 80

starmie ATK: 100 DEF: 100

prize: 1 rep



[spoiler=Lt. Surge]ltsurge.gif



pikachu ATK: 90 DEF: 80

riachu ATK: 110 DEF: 100

electivire ATK: 130 DEF: 120

prize: 2 reps






victreebel ATK: 140 DEF: 100

tangrowth ATK: 100 DEF: 120

vileplume ATK: 130 DEF: 130

prize: 2 reps



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