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Okay, so yeah the grammar here is bad, I won't rate, but I will go through each card in order on what i think should be changed. I'm just putting it out there, you don't have to take the advice...


*Goku-get rid of the first sentence, not only is it gramatically wrong, its redundant because of the second sentence


*Vegeta-get rid of the first sentence, not only is it gramatically wrong, its redundant because of the second sentence


*Nappa-This one's really a matter of your opinion, because yc cards just capitalize types in descriptions like LIGHT, but I prefer "Light." Either way, the way you have it now is fine if you like it.


*Raditz- its spelled "successfully"


*Tien- its spelled "successfully"


*Piccolo- its spelled "opponent's"


*Son Gohan- I don't know about this one, if you DO have a "Goten" in your hand, your opponent wouldn't know (or they're not supposed to) so you could easily get away with cheating unless it says something like "show your opponent your hand, if there is a 'Goten' in your hand..."


That is, given you're basing this around how yc cards are normally played.


*Teen Gohan- Same as above


*Great Saiyaman- On the last line, this would sound a bit better: "The sum of the tributed cards' ATK and DEF become this card's ATK and DEF."


Following the card's effect, the ATK & DEF should be ?'s


*Trunks- First off, why is his ATK/? DEF/? ? His effect doesn't determine his ATK/DEF, so unless you plan on introducing another card to work in sync with this, I think they should be changed to ATK/0 DEF/0.


Also, "...special summon "Vegeta" from your deck, graveyard, or hand."

Or, if you mean this: "...special summon "Vegeta" from your deck or graveyard."


*Kid Trunks- "...may send one card from your hand to the graveyard..."


*Evil Vegeta- "If this card is destroyed, discard one card from your hand to special summon "Vegeta" from your hand.


*Dodoria- "When this card is destroyed as a result of battle..."


*Captain Ginyu- "either" replaces "eiter" and "your" replaces "our"


*Jeice- "are" replaces "is" subject-verb agreement ftw! Also, for turn effects, I suggest something like: "...Life Points each standby phase." It makes things much clearer if you're going by yc cards.


Thats all I really got to say. If you think this has been at all helpful, I'd gladly look at more of your cards. This is a cakewalk compared to correcting english essays ^^ lol

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