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Federation of Chaos

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[spoiler=My Favorite Deck, Dran Mach II]Monsters:

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x 3 (The Doctor)

Red-Eyes Wyvern x 2

Gorz The Emissary of Darkness

The White Stone of Legend x2

Blizzard Dragon x2

Magna Drago

Prime Material Dragon x2


White-Horned Dragon x2

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

Mirage Dragon x2

Masked Dragon x2

Kaibaman x2

Blue Eyes White Dragon x3



Star Blast

Foolish Burial

Trade-In x2

Burial From A Different Dimension

Future Fusion

Dragon's Mirror

Lightning Vortex x2

Swords of Revealing Light

Stamping Destruction x2

Heavy Storm

Gold Sarcophagus x2




Starlight Road

Rainbow Life

The Transmigration Prophecy

Threatening Roar x3

Negate Attack x2

Mirror Force

Draining Shield

Dragon's Rage x2

Dark Bribe x3

Call of the Haunted


Extra Deck:

Ally of Justice Catastor x2

Ancient Fairy Dragon x2

Black Rose Dragon

Stardust Dragon x2

5-Headed Dragon x2

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x2




I'm considering subbing a Trade-In for a Star Blast/United We Stand, but yeah that's my favorite Deck

Also thinking of making a Variation of this deck with a Felgrand...but yea....


This also happens to be one of my strongest Decks...Te only thing it doesn't do well against is Blackwings...and some times X-sabers. Everythingelse is pretty much good


I'm also cosidering making a counter Fairy deck...it would be special though..I would wanan have a DAD in ther

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Alrighty then and as for good fusions, there should be a blue eyes red eyes fusion


There should also be a Yubel/Neos Fusion...


What else....


Needle Worm & Grand Mole




Penguin Soldier & Grand Mole


A monarch & Grand Mole




Jinzo & Cyber Dragon


Black Luster Soldier/Dark Magician of Chaos & Demise the King of Armaggedon


Flame Swordsman & Dark Resonator

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Not really..also, Striker I'm making what I think would happen if you crossed JD & DAD


I really hate that crap...




[spoiler=Newest Cards?]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned if there are 3 DARK Monsters and 4 LIGHT monsters with different names in your Graveyard or 4 DARK monsters with Different names and 3 LIGHT Monster in your Graveyard. This card is also treated as a LIGHT and FIRE Monster. During the turn this card was summoned, you can remove from play all cards in your opponent's hand and on their field. During your Main Phase, you can remove up to 4 cards in your opponent's hand or on their field from play. Once per turn, you can either remove from play a card on your field or hand or send a card from your Deck to your Graveyard. When this card is removed from the field, except by its own effect, you can special summon two level 7 or higher LIGHT or DARK Monsters from your Graveyard or that have been Removed from play, ignoring Summoning conditions. During your End Phase, pay 1700 Lifepoints or destroy this card.



If this card is sent to the graveyard as one of the summoning requirements For a Level 5 or high LIGHT, DARK, EARTH, or FIRE Monster, you can treat this card as two of the summoning requirements. During your Standby Phase, pay 500 Lifepoints or destroy this card.




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"D.D. Survivor" + "Caius the Shadow Monarch" + "Dirg the Dark Monarch"

When this card is Fusioned Summoned, you can select 1 random card in your opponent's hand. If it was a monster, remove it from play and inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. When this card destroys a monster your opponent controls, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 removed from play "D.D." monster in face-up Defense Position. When this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon 1 monster in your removed from play zone in face-up Attack Position.


^I have been working on this all day. I need opinions.^

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