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Avalon [PG-16, Started]


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The moon is pretty boring.


I mean, really boring. Just rocks and stuff. Nothing really exciting. Why did humans even want to go to the moon? I mean sure, being able to get there is pretty cool and all, but it's just a big rock. Who cares? Granted, they didn't really bother to do much else but place a flag and collect some rocks.


Thankfully at least.


That was the first time humans ever came close to contact with their first guardian. Well, he knew they wouldn't find him anyways. He knows these things. Who is 'he' you ask?


Why 'he' is a being who merely calls himself Paradox. Paradox is the first guardian of Earth, and possibly the only first guardian to actually care about the inhabitants of his planet. He's visited the planet many times, or at least leave a gift. Then again, all the gifts he gives end of getting lost. Kind of a waste of time really. Like the Holy Grail for example, it was really only a cup he used to drink some of his personal wine. It was more of gesture than a gift really.


But enough joking around, this time things are serious.




Paradox sighed to himself, paying attention to the grandfather clock near his desk. Paradox had no set form, he could be whatever he felt like. In this case he looked like a young Zeus. He housed himself on the moon, more specifically inside it. It was strange come to think of it, it wouldn't really be that hard to dig down and find his personal haven. That being said, there were a lot of magical properties around his 'small' haven. Ones that wouldn't really be explained right now for the sake of time.


His study was like a small cabin, it gave him a nice warm feeling. Standing up, he walked out from behind his desk to what seemed to be a screen. With a snap of his fingers, the screen flickered on.


It was broken apart into different sections. Each was currently viewing a person from the planet Earth. They were all participants in his game to become a second guardian. It was only about a couple of Earth hours until the game begun. They already knew what was going to happen, he had informed them of the game a day prior, and had told them to say goodbye to friends and family.


But now, they seemed to be doing something else.


Whatever that is.

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Hachiro sat on the train from Tokyo to Kyoto, nonstop. He frequented this particular route as he found little to no inspiration in the big city. Everyone was too busy or too jaded to care about anything new, like Hachiro's striking outfit. They just dismissed him as a misplaced tourist. Kyoto was filled with culture, music, and most of all, easily confused people. Hachiro lounged about in his cabin, lying in different positions until he found a comfortable one: his back on the seat with his head hanging down to the ground and his legs propped on the wall. As soon as he got comfortable, a man looking for an empty cabin glanced into the cabin, his face showing his utter confusion when he saw Hachiro. Hachiro noticed the onlooker and waved back at him. The man simply looked away and made a quick getaway. Hachiro chuckled and sat right side up, taking out a quill and some paper. Not a real quill of course, as Hachiro found out that ink wells were prone to tipping over. He write a quick haiku:


Old man passes by

He sees the spring bloom wilted

Old man runs away


Hachiro put away his latest musings and sits back. As he slowly loses touch with alertness, he remembers a strange man coming to him during an acid trip last month. He had said that he would make him the guardian of the earth today. Hachiro had also encountered an oval, yellow cat with noodles for arms and a flesh eating rabbit with a chainsaw that fired guns that fired houses during that same trip. Hachiro made a mental note to change his dealer and fell asleep.

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Dared sat down on a wooden chair with his feet on a low-rise glass table. He took a glass of water then swallowed it with a big gulp. Another day, another challenge. He didn't know what to do when a random guy said that he was eligible to be the next Guardian of Earth. He passed it off as a guy on Black Market drugs. Still, he remembered it crystal clear. So he sat around in an ambiguous corner in a hotel's lounge where no one can see him. "What have we got here? A pip-squeak in our corner." Dared sit upright to see a group of thugs with makeshift weapons. The leader, which was the one who wore a horribly made headband with "Leader" written by a 1st Grader, started to speak pigeon English. "We got us here idiot." Dared disregarded the poorly dressed insult and stood up. He then punched the leader in the face, toppling another member unluckily placed behind him. The remaining thug, the one who spoke the better English, screamed with a battle-thirsty roar. Dared didn't even move and punched him in the stomach. He then jabbed his knee in his face and kicked him with the unconscious group. He sat down again, when a black rock fell through the glass table. A loud sound was emitted, but he saw nobody come and investigate. "Huh, I guess every guest and staff in this hotel is deaf."

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Living far off in the country of Norway, Adfair was simply sitting in his reclainer, reading a book titled: "The World of which Man cannot see", having a nice glass of Strawberry Lemonade on the nightstand next to him, and one of his many cats, Luv on his lap, and a dog, Howl, lying next to him, both of them, sleeping. Turning the page, he noticed that he looked over, and saw one of the few monekys, named Charlie, looking at the bookcase, scratching his head.


"Charlie, if you want a bedtime story or the such, I'd be glad to tell one. Of course, if you're looking for something else-"


Charlie, looked at Adfair the instant he mentioned bedtime story, and looked happy, and walked over to him, giving a happy expression. Pulling a little matress that he likes to sleep in, which looked like an baby bed, and pulled a blanket over him, and fluffed the pillow he had on it, which made Adfair pretty happy. The others were off in their own little room, having a card game of some sort that Adfair couldn't bother playing, and they were older than Charlie.


"Ahem, okay then. There once was a monkey, named.... Bambie, and he lived in teh forest, with his many friends, including the birds, elephants, the bugs, even though he ate the bugs, the tigers, and had the best of times. However, one day, a group of humans, who were badder than the rest, came to the forest. These were called poachers. They would take any rare animal they saw, and take them and sell them for profit. And there were a lot in the forest. Bambie, who saw these poachers, also noticed that his friends weren't here. He listened carefully, and heard that they were in trucks that belonged to the poachers. Being very upset, he walked down to try to get his friends back from the poachers, using any means possible. When the poachers looked to see Bambie behind them, they began to laugh, and try to catch him. Being quick and agile, he dogded them, and made them fall to the ground. Taking a nearby wooden board, Bambie used the board, and kicked poacher ass like he wanted them gone, which of course, the complied, leaving all the animals, trucks, everything. Bambie then freed his friends, and they all lived happily ever after. What happened to the poachers, well, when they returned to the city, they told everyone that animals are our friends, and we shouldn't treat them like crap."


Finishing the story, he saw that Charlie was asleep in his little bed, with the rest of the animals that were in the room at the time. Cats, dogs, birds, etc. Seeing that they were all asleep, Adfair gave a quick sigh, and put the book that was in his hand from earlier down on the nightstand, and slowly began to fall into a deep sleep.

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