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Multitype/Atribute Monster Contest!!!!

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Guest Striker

I'm in...



1 LIGHT Tuner monster + 1 or more DARK non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon and its own effect. This card is also treated as a DARK monster. As long as this card is on the field, all odd Level monsters are treated as LIGHT monsters and all even Level monsters are treated as DARK monsters. When this card destroys a LIGHT monster, you gain 500 Life Points. When this card destroyd a DARK monster, inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent. If this card has destroyed 4 of your opponents monsters before this card is destroyed by battle, you can Special Summon this card. This effect can only be used once per duel.

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i'd like to join :D


[spoiler=Here is my entry :lol: ]




When this card is Tributed Summon, this card also treat as Fiend-type monster. Once per turn, you can discard one Fiend-type monster from your hand to the Graveyard to let this card gain its ATK equal to the ATK of the sending monster. When this card destroy one of your opponent monster, if there is a Dragon-type monster on your field, this card can attack once again.



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Here is my entry


[spoiler=Rise the wing, Heavenly Dragon]




When this successfully Tributed Summon, this card also treat as a Fairy-type monster. While this card is remain on the field, all of the monster on both players' field except Dragon and Fairy-type monster are lose its ATK and DEF by 1000 points each turn.



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Creativity: 23 i have seen similar but not identical effect great work on that.

Balance: 12 there are some complications by his effect that limits/breaks his burn greatly and thus slows his effectiveness down.

Usability: 13 i would never use him but he is way to ab-usable. his effects waist the opponents resources letting your bigger stuff get through with ease.

Versatility: 16 he is very closed up as to what kind of deck he can be used in sorry

Total: 64



Creativity: 6 not creative at all beyond the contest requirement.

Balance: 5, to easy to get out his effect is not very good and the fact you have to Gemini him to get his UP'ed effect is just what killed him.

Usability: 7 he is a beat stick nothing more

versatility: 8, beasts and machines don't mix at all

Total: 26 sorry dude, better luck next time.



Creativity: 30/25 the fact that you used dark synchro to make the card gave you some bonus points right there.

Balance: 22 aside form me thinking that dark synchros are way op/up pending the situation this card is amazingly well balanced

Usability: 16 Usable only plant decks but considering that it can be used in psychics to trigger things(if the ever release dark sychos) this card could be very usable. but not like LV or MST usable

versatility: 13 not very versatile and infact fairly situational even with either effect usable.

Total: 81



Creativity: 20 it is two face whom you don't see much of and you did make the criteria most due to the whole two face thing.

Balance: 2, OTK, UP IF STOPPED, and over just very bad.

Usability: 3 no deck in the game can use it out side of maybe the deck designed around this card.

Versatility: 6 either you win with it or lose

Total: 31



Creativity: 14, i have seen split effect monster like this with better over all effects.

Balance: 9, sorry but light as typed is way Way WAY UP'ed and dark is OMEGA OP'ed in the current metta

Versatility: 13, by far very versatile in a "Volcanic" deck but because you are now using dark and light in a pure fire deck it losses most of its amazing ness, still good if you get a deck to work with it

Usability: 11 dark's abuse lights don't want and volcanic would only use it as a beat stick.



Creativity: 15 creative but not very creative good effort though

Balance: 22, this is the only card in this contest that has great balance

Usability: 10 it is usable in ever deck IF ONLY YOU HAD NOT ARCHETYPE RESTRICTED IT

Versatility: 10 great in any deck IF ONLY YOU HAD NOT ARCHETYPE RESTRICTED IT

total: 57



Creativity: 18, extremely creative but not quite as good as others in the competition.

Balance: 24 this card is only broken in decks designed to ftk with it because it balances out perfectly

Usability: 22 this is the most usable card in this competition


Total: 89


Hanzo Hattori

Creativity: 21 i love this card it is creative and inventive with a forgotten type

Balance: 9 OTK MUCH, you need to check the printing next time because of ocg errors

Usability: 22 this is a very usable card.

Versatility: 18 very versatile. but not perfectly so.

total: 70 the balance killed you




FIRST: Striker

Second: NeosWisman

Third: Hanzo Hattori

Honorable Mention: Zextra you get +1 rep for the help you gave others in the contest


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