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Yu-Gi-Oh! Lunar Revelations [OOC Thread/Started/Accepting Here]

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No offense, but your cards seem kinda OP'ed. It wouldn't bother me, but Harpies Featger Duster is banned and Dimensional Dragon's effect is even stronger. Also, Cyber Stein is banned, and it's nowhere near as strong as that card you played from your deck...

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I found something I'd never expect to find on a card archive :D


1znq6p1.png MegaMan Starforce is awesome. Simple fact.


I like making Techno-Genius characters XD

I'm going to say it my guys duel runner is unhackible' date=' and the reason makes perfect sense, I just can't tell you but if you guys guess right I'll tell you.

[/quote']Too bad I'm doing it :P. I don't want hackers invading my duels :P

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There's only so much irrationality and mechanic breaking my mind will accept with that explanation before I cry "foul".


...SSD, your character hiding card effects from the opponent is actually considered cheating, you know. Technology explanation or not, it would fall under literal cheating.

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Trimage, you can't make your D-Wheel unhackable, as that's cheap.


SSD, Starforce is NOT awesome, but just a load of S*** (The games, anyways) If you want to see some REAL Megaman, then watch MM Stream or Beast, or even Beast+. (I would reccomend Beast+ over Beast)

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Will you guys just shut up?


And Trimage, I don't have to send you my Deck List if I don't want to, and I'm going to refer you to my first post on this page. And you can't have an un-hackable D-Wheel, as that's against the rules of the RP.


And Zextra, I now count 2 short-posts.

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I found something I'd never expect to find on a card archive :D


1znq6p1.png MegaMan Starforce is awesome. Simple fact.


I like making Techno-Genius characters XD

I'm going to say it my guys duel runner is unhackible' date=' and the reason makes perfect sense, I just can't tell you but if you guys guess right I'll tell you.

[/quote']Too bad I'm doing it :P. I don't want hackers invading my duels :P


Megaman Starforce = Fail < Ryuusei no Rockman (Shooting Star Rockman) XD


Oh, and your monster corrupter is so unfair.

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[spoiler=Oh, this is not going to get received well]

No offense' date=' but your cards seem kinda OP'ed. It wouldn't bother me, but Harpies Featger Duster is banned and Dimensional Dragon's effect is even stronger. Also, Cyber Stein is banned, and it's nowhere near as strong as that card you played from your deck...



I'm calling shenanigans' date=' this might sound rude but can you guys send my a list of your guys decks and their effects cuz these seem way to convenient, it might just be your deck types but your getting way to many good cards way to fast and way to convenient!



Including me, that's three people who have complained about OPed cards in the same duel.


*No GModding' date=' Power-Playing, etc.[/b']

*Customs are allowed, so long as they aren't too OP'ed.


Huh...I didn't realize custom cards that activate from the DECK that NEGATE cards or do insanely powerful things were legit tactics and not OPed. I should refresh my understanding of what's fair.


*All cards/decks must be run through me before they can be used. Co-Hosts must run their decision through me as well for anything except Apps.


Oh' date=' you have a safety clause. You have a loophole so that you and your co-hosts have immunity from criticism. All you have to do is find a way to be okay with it, such as an OPed card of your own that counters the OPed card in question, and OPness is overlooked.


I've said it to you many times before, and I'll say it again.


"It's Yugioh. What did you expect?"


I expect to at the least follow the basic fundamentals of the game. Name one RL card that can activate from the deck (there aren't any), has very simple activation requirements, and do insanely powerful things (more or less the definition of broken).


Will you guys just shut up?


And Trimage' date=' I don't have to send you my Deck List if I don't want to, and I'm going to refer you to my first post on this page. And you can't have an un-hackable D-Wheel, as that's against the rules of the RP.



While I can respect a disinclination towards revealing all your available resources, you and SSD are both being called out on using unfair and overly convenient card effects that go against the basic fundamentals of the game in order to constantly counter each other. It's almost as if you two are making things up as you go along and doing it really badly because the only way to counter each other is to use OPed effects FROM THE DECK!.


*No GModding' date=' Power-Playing, etc.[/b']


If what you two are doing isn't this, what DO you think is Gmodding or Powerplaying?


*Follow these rules.


Oh right' date=' you're immune to this as the RP host and co-hosts. If you're not going to enforce the rules for yourselves or your co-hosts, what the hell are the rules there for? Shouldn't you be saying "Sorry, that's card's totally OPed" not "Well, I have *insert different OPed card* so your tactic doesn't work!"


And Zextra, I now count 2 short-posts.


I count 3, actually. His last three posts were all shortposts.



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