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The League of Mega Men~ALL MEGA MAN FANS JOIN NOW!!!

Which Mega Man character kicks the most a**  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Mega Man character kicks the most a**

    • Classic Protoman
    • Bass.exe.
    • Rogue
    • G/F-Beast
    • Megaman Volnut acting as if he was rambo
    • Model ZX
    • Zero
    • Axl

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p><p>[center]2)If you post negative things about this club

3)Do Not PM me to join i check this club regularly.

4)Membership in this club is required to post.




Name we can refer you as (ie nickname):

Fave Mega man Character any generation (optional):

Fave Mega man Game:

Why you joined:

Would you improve this club for free?:


[spoiler=Affiliations]PM me if you want to affiliate (not that you would...) :(.


[spoiler=Banner]#1 the lamest banner ever don't even use this in your sig...

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs31/i/2008/219/3/9/Happy_20th_Rockman_by_RainbowKnight1.jpg' alt='Happy_20th_Rockman_by_RainbowKnight1.jpg'>


[spoiler=Community Service]This is the list of Nice, Members who are willing to spend time improving this club warning i will PM you for requests

#1 Ryeden

(You get on this list by saying yes to Would you improve this club for free?



#1 Ryeden


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